4th grade poem comparison structural element focus - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

4th grade poem comparison structural element focus - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

4th grade poem comparison structural element focus - By Heidi Weber

00:01 So we're going to start working on this goal where
00:05 we're looking at differences between poems in particular . Of
00:10 course , we can recognize that poems use a different
00:14 structure . We've learned that they're arranged in lines and
00:21 stands us versus paragraphs and sentences . Now we're gonna
00:28 look at some common structural elements of poems in particular
00:32 , and how we can refer to these elements in
00:35 a poem when we're talking about how they are different
00:39 . So let's get started . So one of the
00:44 first lessons that we did in our comprehension notebooks back
00:49 in third grade was we worked with elements of poetry
00:53 and I gave you some of these terms . We
00:56 talked about different types of figurative language . I know
01:01 that we thought about making images and what's great about
01:04 poems is poems often do this for us . They
01:07 invoke the sense of being able to actually feel like
01:13 we're drawn in rhyme in this sound when we read
01:19 a poem is also pretty important here . Now here's
01:24 something that's interesting for you to take a look at
01:28 . Some homes do have patterns , and we know
01:31 that they rhyme . We have the idea of a
01:34 couple . It were two rhyming lines are together ,
01:39 or even a triplet , where there might be three
01:41 rhyming lines and a sequence . So one of the
01:44 first things I wanna ask you to dio is Take
01:47 a look at the two poems that I gave you
01:49 . I gave you The Sentinel's creed , and then
01:57 I also gave you the vigil . One of those
02:01 two poems has rhyming couplets . Pause now and see
02:09 if you can figure out which one has rhyming couplets
02:16 . I also had to add this information into your
02:21 notebook , um , personification , being a specific type
02:25 of figurative language that's fun to work with . The
02:30 idea of Asan it's and Constance are advanced concepts ,
02:34 and I'm not going to go into these , but
02:37 it might be something fun for you to explore independently
02:41 . We are , however , going to take a
02:43 look at the idea of a rhythm when we get
02:45 a pattern that's being creative . And one of these
02:50 two homes in particular , has some strong and weak
02:54 syllables in it . You've learned about Cilla vacation ,
02:59 and so we're going to take a look at which
03:02 poem has rhythm to it . It's kind of like
03:06 it has a beat . I believe I even talk
03:09 to you about how I feel like I bounce when
03:12 I read it Or say it This'll is gonna get
03:14 us moving into an idea of metrical forms . Pause
03:20 for a second to make sure you can identify which
03:22 poem you think might have some rhythm . Now ,
03:27 these air some other elements that you can be aware
03:30 of liberation and on , um on Apia , both
03:32 being examples of different types of figurative language . We
03:36 won't get into that with the poems Sentinels Creator Vigil
03:41 . Um , we will perhaps look for a little
03:43 bit of repetition and particularly as we think about the
03:48 line breaks , um , one of the two poems
03:52 is written in a structure that is very open .
03:58 We call that free verse , that free verse firm
04:03 that then has some interesting ways that groups of words
04:08 or ideas air put together . So that's something also
04:12 that we can explore now , looking at the two
04:17 poems side by side , it is clear that the
04:20 Sentinel's creed is our free verse poem , and it's
04:25 very clear that the vigil is our poem arranged and
04:30 clear , distinct wines and stanzas . But it is
04:33 also the poem that has thes rhyming couplets . So
04:39 those were two ways that we can compare these poems
04:43 . We've already identified the idea of the my and
04:47 the I here making this poem being set in a
04:54 first person point of view interview and then over here
05:01 in the vigil because we're referring to a he in
05:06 hiss thing . We know that this one is written
05:08 in a third person point of view . Those were
05:15 some pretty easy comparisons that we can make just on
05:19 the surface Now if we think about examining the elements
05:25 in the poem those things that I just pointed out
05:28 Yeah , we can also go back Thio , noting
05:31 that , yes , we have one that's in free
05:33 verse in stanzas . But here's where focus is going
05:36 to go now . One of the poems in particular
05:39 , has what we call meter . It's kind of
05:42 like a measurement , and then it measures beats .
05:46 I'm going to explain what that means . In order
05:51 for us to consider the idea of meter , we
05:54 have to look at the idea of syllabic ation or
05:59 look at this syllables . So if I take a
06:02 look at this first line , I have in measured
06:08 steps he makes in rounds . I count 12345678 syllables
06:18 . So his first line has eight syllables . But
06:20 here's where the beat comes in . You notice how
06:23 , when I say each word , or when I
06:26 read each syllable , it's like I put a little
06:28 more stressor , emphasis on it in measured steps he
06:35 makes in rounds . So what I've done here is
06:39 I've identified what we might call a stressed syllable or
06:44 it is said with a little more emphasis . Now
06:48 , if I take a look at thes pairs ,
06:50 I he have , ah stressed on stressed a stressed
06:54 on stressed syllable , a stressed on stressed syllable and
06:58 a stressed on stressed syllable . So each one of
07:02 these is kind of like saying , Oh , here's
07:05 a poetic foot . So how maney feet are in
07:10 this first one , it has 4 ft or the
07:15 meter in this case with the beats four beats ,
07:21 so we could say it has a tetra meter .
07:24 Now keep in mind that this is an extremely advanced
07:28 concept , but it's one that it's fun for us
07:31 to explore . What we can do now is we
07:34 can take a look at some of the other lines
07:37 and see how they compare . So let's say that
07:41 I look at the first line in the first stanza
07:44 . Now I'm gonna come down to the first line
07:47 in the second stanza , he Oops , he responds
07:56 . Not to the viz whips . Missed one .
08:02 This is tricky for me . To this it tors
08:05 stare . So I have that pattern of that stressed
08:09 and on stressed again . And this time , if
08:15 I measure out thes poetic feet , what do I
08:19 get ? I get 12345 And so this time I
08:25 could say it's a pentameter . So just annoy idea
08:29 for us to play with as we're looking at the
08:32 idea of how many syllables and then how maney syllable
08:38 pairs that we have . And so , for these
08:41 pairs again , it's what we call an unstrap est
08:47 and a stressed syllable . As you play with this
08:51 idea , sometimes you might find that a stressed syllable
08:54 comes first and then an unstrung est . So I
09:00 challenge you now to take a look at some of
09:03 the other lines in this poem and see if you
09:06 can figure out perhaps what the meter might be .
09:12 And so now here is the challenge I'm giving you
09:16 in order to meet our goal of being able to
09:19 compare the structure and the elements into different poems .
09:24 I'd like you to compare these poems in at least
09:29 three different ways using some of the information that I
09:33 just gave you . You can compare the idea of
09:37 how one has meter versus that free verse idea .
09:44 You can compare the idea of their point of view
09:49 . You can compare how they're arranged . You can
09:52 look for figurative language . I'd like to see you
09:58 make some notes on three ways that you can compare
10:03 thes two poems using structural elements or some of the
10:14 obvious differences . They're both poems , but they're both
10:20 very different .


Examining two poems


4th grade poem comparison structural element focus is a free educational video by Heidi Weber.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards RL.4.5.

This page not only allows students and teachers view 4th grade poem comparison structural element focus but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. RL.4.5 : Explain major differences between poems, drama, and prose, and refer to the structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm, meter) and drama (e.g., casts of characters, setting descriptions, dialogue, stage directions) when writing or speaking about a text..





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