Text Structure RL.4.5 Grade Practice Test Questions TOC | Lumos Learning

Text Structure RL.4.5 Question & Answer Key Resources Lumos Workbooks Master Course - Grade 4 English Language and Arts - June 2019

Lumos Workbooks Master Course - Grade 4 English Language and Arts - June 2019 Text Structure


Before going to bed on Friday night, Susie’s parents told her that they had a surprise planned for the weekend and that she would have to wake up really early on Saturday morning. When she woke up, they left the house quickly and started driving. While in the car, Susie looked outside to see if she could figure out where they were going. She noticed that it was getting really hot out and the sun was shining brightly. Then she noticed that the surfboards were in the car. Finally, they stopped, and Susie said, “I know where we are going!”

What is the structure of the text?

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