10th Grade ELA/Social Studies - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

10th Grade ELA/Social Studies - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

10th Grade ELA/Social Studies - By

00:05 mm . Okay . So usually today is worthy Wednesday
00:11 , right ? We usually do like the word activity
00:13 or whatever . But today we're gonna do something a
00:15 little different . Okay . So I'm gonna ask you
00:17 a couple of questions and that side is agree .
00:21 This side is disagree . You need to make sure
00:23 when you go to either side that you're standing um
00:26 depending on which position you take , right ? Um
00:29 So you're standing for what you believe you're not sitting
00:31 or leaning for what you believe . So make sure
00:32 you're doing that . Okay . So the first one
00:34 is I would be willing to make personal sacrifices serve
00:37 in the armed forces or volunteered to assist my country
00:39 if we are facing a war , agree , disagree
00:42 . Go . Mhm agree , disagree . You do
00:46 need to choose a side . No middle ground .
00:48 Did you give me the form ? Mhm . I
00:51 never got the you can't get before money . Wait
00:58 wow , carry on a in the middle or you
01:01 go all the way over . Okay . All right
01:04 . Nick tell me why Because I just don't think
01:07 I should have to make the sacrifice . There's plenty
01:09 of other people and I have to stay home protecting
01:11 my family , worked for them , not go off
01:14 and try to be a hero . Okay . Dominique
01:17 I have never thought about being in the war ,
01:19 so I don't think I would . Well wouldn't necessarily
01:22 even mean that you had to be in a war
01:23 . It could just be in some kind of big
01:25 sacrifice that you have to make like personal sacrifice ,
01:27 something that would affect you or your family still disagree
01:32 . Okay . Mm . Nor what do you say
01:37 ? I agree because I would be fighting for my
01:41 family and the people that I love . So yeah
01:44 . And like all the innocent people . So okay
01:48 , jennifer . What about you ? Well , since
01:50 the war like affects our country , everyone in our
01:53 country , we all owe not . Oh , but
01:56 we should show that we care for our country and
02:00 like uh , you know , being the war ,
02:05 if anything just happens to happen . Okay . Well
02:09 , what do you say ? Um , I think
02:11 that it's kind of like my duty to serve my
02:14 country . Uh , just because I mean like I'm
02:17 an american citizen and if we go to war and
02:19 I'm drafted , like if it's a situation we have
02:21 to be drafted , I'm not going to be able
02:23 to say no . And so I would rather like
02:26 before that let me against it . Okay johnny .
02:32 If it was somebody else in this situation , I
02:34 would want them to protect the country so I would
02:37 probably do the same thing . Okay , All right
02:39 . Thanks guys . Americans should be prepared to make
02:42 great sacrifices to preserve their freedom and protect the freedom
02:45 and rights of other countries agree disagree again . Americans
02:51 should be prepared to make great sacrifices to preserve their
02:54 freedom and protect the freedom and rights of other countries
02:58 agree disagree . Still . Same . Huh ? I'm
03:05 stunned . Mhm . The last Okay . So you
03:10 know sometimes we align ourselves with other countries and we
03:13 go fight for them for certain situations like that .
03:18 Okay . That's the latter part of the question .
03:20 All right . Gary . And I noticed that you
03:21 moved . Do you want to say why ? Yes
03:24 . Because I believe that freedom is very important .
03:29 Like I think everybody should have like their own rights
03:32 , have their freedom and what they believe in .
03:35 So that's the reason why . Okay and Lauren you
03:38 switch sides Why ? Well um I'm not I'm kind
03:43 of confused on the question but if it's saying that
03:46 we have to alright for other countries , I don't
03:49 want to fight during the other country . I think
03:51 I'll just sacrifice for my own . Okay keep it
03:53 here keep it local not go out abroad . Okay
03:56 , that's fair . All right . Finally there are
03:58 certain amounts of money that can pay for an injustice
04:02 . So if you agree or believe that there are
04:04 certain amounts of money that can pay for an injustice
04:06 , you stay on this side , if you think
04:08 that that's not true , you come on over here
04:10 disagree . Uh huh . Okay I'll say it one
04:17 more time . So there are certain amounts of money
04:19 that can pay for an injustice . So somebody does
04:22 you wrong and they say well I'm sorry let me
04:25 compensate you for it , I'll give you $500 for
04:28 you know calling you a bad name or something like
04:30 that . Um That's just an example but there are
04:32 bigger ones . Obviously really everybody thinks that there are
04:38 no amounts of money that can pay for an injustice
04:43 . Mm Henry . Why do you say it's just
04:48 wrong for me ? I I think it's just wrong
04:52 that you can pay for what you did , you
04:56 should be punished . Huh ? Stage . I think
05:00 some things like maybe a car wreck could be paid
05:04 with money , but like some injustices , like maybe
05:07 killing somebody I believe definitely couldn't be paid for it
05:12 . Okay , anybody else want to volunteer ? So
05:15 various . Uh , I think that person believe is
05:18 it's not morally kind of morally correct . You've probably
05:22 taken something that is of value to that person away
05:25 from them and money can't really buy your happiness ,
05:29 can really replace anything that you just lost that you
05:32 hold in your dear to your heart . Okay ,
05:35 Darius , what I add to that . Um ,
05:38 yeah , because I don't think that , wait ,
05:43 he says interesting . No , I don't think so
05:45 because say for example if someone is um devastated or
05:49 something that happened , I don't think they should be
05:51 able to like um we weren't there . I'm not
05:53 working but pay them the money to make up for
05:56 it because I don't think money can buy some unhappiness
05:59 . Okay . All right , good . Thank you
06:01 guys you can have a seat . All right .
06:03 So , you guys remember the essay that we read
06:05 yesterday ? Right ? Uprooting of a japanese american family
06:09 . Okay . All right . So , we also
06:10 kind of covered some of the non fiction terminology that
06:12 goes along with that . So one of the things
06:14 that we were talking about was different types of writing
06:16 or different purposes for writing , narration , description ,
06:19 persuasion exposition , right , explaining something , describing something
06:24 . Now , did you think that her her narrative
06:26 was pretty descriptive ? Did you guys think in general
06:29 ? Yeah , it was very like you could taste
06:30 the sausages and she was talking about them putting the
06:33 stuff on the , you know , plates with their
06:34 fingers and all that kind of stuff . The bread
06:36 and the potatoes and right , and the washrooms and
06:40 the laboratories and all that kind of stuff . Right
06:43 . All right . So , but if you think
06:46 about it as a persuasion , you can kind of
06:48 maybe consider it to be persuasive if it is a
06:52 persuasion , what is she trying to persuade us to
06:55 believe or to think , okay . She wants the
07:01 author wants us , she's trying to persuade us and
07:04 trying to get the full image and heads how bad
07:07 her experiences and like , just how bad the conditions
07:12 are and what she's going through . Okay , anybody
07:14 else ? What is she trying to persuade us of
07:16 ? If it is a persuasive essay , persuasive memoir
07:20 , anything like that , There's persuasion in it haircut
07:23 , Like more of us of her showing us what
07:26 happened when she was there , Like show us what
07:29 actually happened and what she had to go through in
07:31 her family involved . Okay . Did you catch the
07:33 irony at the end of the memoir ? What was
07:38 the irony boom ? She won't know if her dad's
07:41 life until he actually comes just to meet the family
07:44 , right . She didn't know if her dad was
07:46 alive . But what else is ironic about that ?
07:48 It was situational irony , right ? What was ironic
07:51 about the fact that her dad was not with them
07:53 ? It was her mother and her family in the
07:56 stalls and all that kind of stuff . What was
07:58 more ironic about about it ? Yeah , anybody want
08:02 to help them out . Mhm . Where was her
08:05 dad ? And uh in Montana ? Where preservation somewhere
08:12 , he was in jail , right ? He he
08:15 got taken away because he was questioned as a ,
08:17 as a suspect . Right ? So the irony is
08:20 like he got released and he got pardoned ? But
08:22 he was , he was going , where was he
08:23 going home ? No , he wasn't going back home
08:25 . He was going back to the , to the
08:27 camp with them . So the ironic situation is in
08:30 either place , was he free or was he home
08:33 ? No , he was , he was imprisoned in
08:35 either place . Right . So she doesn't really hard
08:38 hit at that topic , does she ? Does she
08:40 really like go hard at it and say , you
08:42 know , this is such a bad thing . Does
08:44 she really like make us feel that way ? Like
08:46 it was such an injustice . She kind of hints
08:49 at it here and there , but it's more just
08:51 like putting out the information . Did you guys feel
08:53 that you think that when you , when you were
08:55 reading it yesterday ? Okay . Um what is the
08:59 tone that kind of leads us to the next ?
09:01 So tone again , his attitude words , things that
09:04 if you can describe an attitude with this , you
09:06 can describe tone with this . It's hilarious . Uh
09:09 sad and depressing . Not as gloomy as melancholy as
09:13 the stories of Edgar Allan Poe , but she was
09:16 sad and just kind of melancholy a little bit .
09:20 You thought it was sad ? Okay . Why ?
09:24 Because of her descriptive words and descriptive things that she
09:28 said ? Um things how the descriptions , how she
09:33 described things like that . They had to struggle for
09:35 water . They had to struggle just to wash your
09:37 clothes uh for food . It was all very depressing
09:42 . Okay , you felt depressing anybody else ? Tone
09:45 words ? What was her attitude ? Um I think
09:48 she was just trying to be more informational , like
09:51 she was being depressing and everything but she was just
09:53 trying to inform us like well not us but everyone
09:58 how like her situation was or how she lived and
10:02 stuff . Okay anybody else tone ? Well what was
10:07 the tone ? Yeah . Did you say ? I
10:12 would say ? What would you say her tone was
10:15 ? I thought that she was , I actually found
10:20 her tone to be more almost uplifting . Uh because
10:25 she was describing how she and her family made light
10:28 of a bad situation and befriended their neighbors and got
10:32 all their , you know like made furniture and started
10:35 to kind of get used to it . And then
10:37 by the end dad was coming to meet them .
10:38 I mean like I thought the whole thing was kind
10:40 of like you know building up to a more happier
10:44 ending . Okay showing how people make uh make the
10:48 best out of a bad situation and thrive despite the
10:52 hardship . Okay . Sure . Um why do you
10:55 think she chose to tell the story in the ways
10:57 that you guys said ? Why do you think she
10:59 chose to tell it from an uplifting standpoint ? From
11:02 a sad , melancholy standpoint , from uh you know
11:05 , informational standpoint , trying to remember everything you guys
11:08 said . So she really didn't tell it from that
11:13 kind of standpoint and we really wouldn't have got the
11:16 point , she would have got her point across ,
11:17 You know , we would have had like a nonchalant
11:20 attitude towards you . Like it wasn't that bad because
11:23 the way she's describing it , okay , jennifer ,
11:26 you want to add to it ? I just think
11:30 like she was just trying to get her story out
11:32 and uh like inform everyone how she was living ,
11:37 how her family was living , and she just wanted
11:40 to describe her like surroundings . Okay , anybody else
11:44 tone ? Why did she chose to excuse me to
11:48 tell the story the way that she chose to tell
11:50 the story , the money ? I think she chose
11:53 it because like she was trying to have her readers
11:55 look at her as like a heroic kind of figure
11:58 because like to what will said when he was like
12:03 she tried to make a bad thing into a good
12:05 thing . I think that's what the way she kind
12:08 of said it . Okay Lauren , I think she
12:14 kind of has a mix of a descriptive and persuasive
12:17 tone . Like believe this like this is what happened
12:19 in my life . So that's okay . A combination
12:22 of she said a combination of descriptive and persuasive .
12:25 Okay . All right , good job guys . So
12:29 this brings us to the next element , the next
12:32 aspect of this in general . What is your response
12:36 when someone's rights are challenged ? Okay . So you
12:39 guys encounter a bunch of different situations every day .
12:42 Some of them are minor , some of them are
12:44 major , right ? Some of them you just hear
12:45 on the news and you think , oh man ,
12:47 that's terrible , right ? Um , but in general
12:50 , what do you think your responses when someone's rights
12:52 are challenged to just think about it for a minute
12:54 ? Are you typically a defender , meaning you stand
12:57 up for the person who is being victimized or who
13:00 the injustices happening to our u a silent bystander .
13:03 You just kind of stand by and let it happen
13:05 . Watch happen . Um Or do you kind of
13:08 follow do you participate in the injustice ? Okay .
13:12 So think about it for a minute . Um we
13:14 talked yesterday , I think this was you guys about
13:15 what would you do right ? That show , what
13:17 would you do and how they portray all these different
13:20 scenarios or whatever . If this was happening , would
13:22 you step in ? Let's see how many people are
13:24 going to step in . Let's see how many people
13:25 are gonna help , Right ? So what do you
13:28 , what would you say ? I mean , I
13:30 think I'd be a defender because I've been in a
13:32 lot of situations where my friends were like made fun
13:35 of and I'm usually there to stick up for them
13:37 stuff . So yeah , defender . It's hilarious .
13:41 Uh , I would also be a defender because ,
13:46 well , I , well I have like a deep
13:48 conscience and if I just wander by and let that
13:51 person get hurt or get injured , then it will
13:53 eat away at my conscience . Like , oh ,
13:55 should I think later , I should have done something
13:56 about it . That was bad . Okay . Nick
14:00 , I think most people are defenders going to come
14:02 to our friends and families . The unusual situations where
14:05 we're just walking down the street . NBC something having
14:08 , we just stay signed because we don't wanna get
14:09 in the mix of it . We don't want having
14:11 drunk tourists are often the by standard . Um ,
14:14 I'm definitely a defender because like for example , a
14:18 friend of mine put a picture of this boy on
14:20 instagram who , who doesn't have that many friends and
14:23 people tease him a lot . So I asked ,
14:25 I was like , you can take this down like
14:28 because he goes to our school is like people are
14:30 gonna tease him , laugh at him . So I
14:32 didn't think people , no matter what , whether you're
14:33 my friend or not , I feel like nobody should
14:35 be mistreated anybody else jennifer . Um , I think
14:40 it depends on the situation . If it's a really
14:43 important issue , then yeah , you should defend them
14:46 stand up for for them , but if it's something
14:49 small or something that like they're getting in trouble for
14:52 like they deserve it , I don't think you should
14:54 like defend just like suddenly watch I guess . But
14:57 yeah , I guess it just depends on the situation
15:01 . Yeah , and that's what a lot of people
15:02 would say , but it's interesting that probably you guys
15:05 are one group that I've seen more defenders and typically
15:09 and statistically actually people are more often the bystander Back
15:14 in . I think it was the 60s around there
15:16 , there was this case where this woman , I
15:18 was going home and her name is Kitty Genovese and
15:21 she was being tormented . She was being stabbed by
15:24 somebody . I don't know if she knew the guy
15:26 or not . I don't know all the details of
15:27 the story , but she was outside of an apartment
15:30 complex . There were 38 people that saw this going
15:32 on . Um some people looked out of the window
15:35 , some people you know passed by , but nobody
15:39 called the police , nobody . So the suspect left
15:45 and ended up coming back later on and killing her
15:49 . He didn't kill her first . He was stabbing
15:51 , stabbing , whatever the situation was , she was
15:54 lying there . I think everybody else thought that somebody
15:56 else was going to call , but nobody picked up
15:58 the phone to call the police . Nobody picked up
16:01 the phone to call 911 . Okay . So typically
16:05 from that I think a lot of psychologists you know
16:07 highlight that study and say you know , we need
16:09 to look at why why do people just stand by
16:10 and watch things happen ? Why do people stand on
16:12 the outskirts ? Why do people you know , just
16:14 kind of let things go ? Um And it says
16:17 basically that when there's an emergency , the more bystanders
16:20 there are , the less likely it is that any
16:22 of them will actually help you guys ? Did you
16:24 guys think about that ? Or is that surprising to
16:26 you if they're like , like for example there's a
16:29 fight if there are masses of people in the cafeteria
16:33 , do you think any of them is going to
16:35 step in if masses of people are watching ? Typically
16:38 not ? Right ? So it kind of is supported
16:40 a little bit and and they call this this particular
16:43 phenomenon , I guess you could say pluralistic ignorance .
16:46 So this is where everybody assumes nothing is wrong because
16:48 nobody else looks concerned . If he didn't step in
16:51 , why should I she didn't do anything about it
16:53 ? So I'm not gonna just stand back . Okay
16:57 . Um So usually it's like a five step process
16:59 by standards go through this whole process and then at
17:02 each point they decide yeah , I'm probably not gonna
17:04 do anything about that . They noticed the event and
17:07 so they notice it and they see it kind of
17:09 maybe at a glance but they just keep going or
17:12 um they're in a hurry and they're just not even
17:15 , you know , conscious of it , they realized
17:19 the emergency . And again , assume that because others
17:22 aren't acting , maybe it's not as big of an
17:23 emergency . Maybe I don't have to do anything about
17:25 it . Somebody else will they assume responsibility or assume
17:29 that others will take responsibility ? I'll just let them
17:32 handle that . It looks like they got it under
17:34 control . Um They know what to do or they
17:37 don't know what to do . So because I don't
17:40 know what to do , I'm not gonna step in
17:42 and then the final step is they act . Um
17:46 But this could be worrying about the danger of the
17:48 legislation embarrassment if I step in , What's that gonna
17:51 mean for me ? Right . So the bystander effect
17:54 has like a series of a sequence of events .
17:57 When am I gonna step in ? Am I gonna
17:58 step in ? How am I gonna step in all
18:00 those sorts of things ? Okay . So I want
18:02 you guys to kind of consider that as you um
18:05 as you explore everything today , when we come back
18:07 together , you guys are gonna be like taking the
18:10 bystander effect and and breaking it down , unpacking it
18:14 a little bit . Okay . But you have different
18:16 various stations that you are um working at today .
18:20 And I was gonna , I was gonna have you
18:23 guys split up into groups because of the technology that
18:25 I know you have . Um So I probably will
18:28 just keep it like that , but I don't know
18:29 if it's gonna be even , so we'll just kind
18:31 of see . But basically what you guys are going
18:33 to be doing for this lesson , you're gonna complete
18:35 activities at two stations . So there are even numbered
18:37 stations and there are odd numbered stations . Okay mm
18:42 basically you're going to be doing and writing things down
18:45 at each station . So why don't you guys go
18:46 ahead and put your names your M . L .
18:48 A header on your papers if you haven't done that
18:49 already , just so that you have it organized .
18:54 Okay . And for the stations where they are the
19:02 even numbers , those are the ones that are more
19:05 multimedia oriented . So if you have your headphones and
19:07 things like that , you're going to be listening to
19:09 the information , looking at the information independently . But
19:13 then you're gonna have points where you come back together
19:15 and the instructions tell you that . Okay . All
19:18 right , so what I'm gonna do is I'm going
19:20 to say who's at what stations . So let me
19:22 just point out where the stations are . So ,
19:23 you guys know this is station one ? This is
19:26 23 Move your notebook six . Okay . 45 and
19:32 six . Okay . And since we're missing some people
19:35 , I don't know that . Well , we might
19:37 just move , let me move you first and then
19:38 we'll see if we need to do some tweaking .
19:40 Okay . Alright . So group one is jennifer ,
19:44 will Henry and said Darius and you will start at
19:48 station one over here . Yeah . Okay . Mhm
19:54 . Well , Oh , okay . So when you
19:57 , when I call you in your in your station
20:00 , you couldn't go ahead and have a seat .
20:01 All right . Um Let's see . Group to chris
20:07 is not here , johnny nick Greg and missing somebody
20:18 . Oh yeah , chris has gone . So too
20:20 you guys are here john a nick and Greg and
20:24 then I might add somebody to you . Your group
20:28 . Mhm . Okay . Group three . Okay .
20:36 Mhm . Um Is Carlita the house not here Lauren
20:46 and whom You guys start a station 5 ? Actually
20:52 over there over here And actually I put you guys
20:58 in the wrong place , you're starting a station three
21:01 . Okay . Okay . four , that's where I
21:06 am . Right , kaya , Catherine , K .
21:12 C . And Nor and you guys are starting at
21:15 station six . Okay . Kaya nor cat and it
21:21 was the first person Casey . I said Station six
21:25 . Okay . Group five is it's not , here's
21:31 the hairiest Gary Ana and Mhm . Yes Carolina .
21:40 So two of your people aren't here . You guys
21:42 are starting a station for so we might move you
21:44 with another group actually Station for Gary ana and then
21:50 um Mhm . Okay . Group five . Station so
21:59 Darius section five . Yeah . Mhm . I didn't
22:05 call you before did I ? I'm sorry . You're
22:09 over there and then Group six , Sage , Erica
22:18 , Money and Dominique . And you guys are too
22:24 , you start at the station to . Okay .
22:27 Okay , so let's see what we can , how
22:29 we can blend . Um This is even , that's
22:33 odd . So why don't you guys kind of one
22:39 of you come here and one of you go there
22:42 ? Okay . Mhm . Daniel , did I miss
22:47 ? Oh Daniel and Darius , I missed you guys
22:51 . Okay , Daniel , They're Assurant . Group one
22:56 . Mhm . That's what it was . Okay .
23:03 So why don't we actually , let's just put you
23:07 got you guys a station for we do that .
23:10 Yeah . However . Okay , so each activity inside
23:14 the envelope that your station , each activity is in
23:16 there . It has basically about 3-4 tests the thing
23:20 , the odds , the odds have three , the
23:21 events have four . So you guys will share materials
23:25 but the instructions , each of you will get the
23:27 instructions . Does that make sense to go ahead and
23:29 pull them out most of the stuff you'll be doing
23:31 independently in terms of looking at the information . But
23:34 for the other information you'll be discussing from time to
23:38 time . Okay ? So if you need , if
23:41 you don't have the technology to get to scan the
23:45 codes , you guys would think if you don't have
23:49 the technology to scan the codes , you can use
23:51 the computer that's at your station if you have one
23:54 , okay ? Or obviously you can share as well
23:56 . Okay . So this would be a time where
23:58 you can have your headphones . If your phone's if
24:00 you're gonna pull your phones out , just make sure
24:02 that they're on vibrate . So if they ring they
24:04 don't mess everything up . A violation of rights in
24:14 the face of political , military and public pressure .
24:17 Roosevelt accepted the relocation proposal . The attorney general ostracized
24:23 after the war Department relieved , relieved the Justice Department
24:27 of any responsibility for information . No , no ,
24:30 you're skimming . I mean , it just shows you
24:32 like what happened when So you can get the big
24:34 picture background . Big picture video here is what you
24:40 guys are doing all together family . They sort of
24:46 in the video name Colin beginning next to our ways
24:58 of making false connections , transfer device by which the
25:02 propagandist links the authority are presti of something well respected
25:07 and reserved . All right . What do you mean
25:12 by the social content ? Yeah . What is the
25:17 comment to to the society ? Maybe it could be
25:22 a message . Mhm . Okay . So what I'm
25:28 gonna do is I'm gonna just go to the to
25:30 propaganda groups first and then also I'm going to kind
25:34 of touch on the other groups that have the cartoons
25:37 and the photos and that sort of thing . Okay
25:40 , So be ready . Alright . This group over
25:43 here , station one . What what did you say
25:47 in terms of the video ? And again , I'm
25:48 sorry that the other group couldn't see it will probably
25:50 come back to that . Um but what did you
25:52 think was highlighted feature ? What did you guys maybe
25:58 even say in common in terms of the propaganda that
26:00 you might have seen in this video that you watched
26:02 ? Okay , so you guys all listed different kinds
26:08 of propaganda . I see two of you had fear
26:10 . For example , what did you say ? How
26:12 did you explain that fear ? A fear was a
26:15 tactic that was used in the video that you saw
26:17 ? Well , um , they say the japanese ,
26:20 a little camp or whatever , that's not their home
26:23 . So it's like they're in an unknown place and
26:25 after , like it's beautiful because you have to adapt
26:30 and stuff and you don't really know what's going on
26:33 because you're moving , you're like , it's taking you
26:35 somewhere like just yeah , okay , interesting . What
26:41 were the other techniques that you guys see playing folks
26:44 ? Okay . Why do you say playing folks ?
26:45 Because like their china , they're like , I guess
26:49 they're trying to get our sympathy or something or because
26:53 they're like , we haven't rebuilt nurseries for the Children
26:57 and all that stuff , so yeah , okay ,
26:59 what kind of propaganda techniques did you guys see ?
27:02 Said um , uh , playing folks is one of
27:06 them because they were saying , oh , they're still
27:09 happy , they're living their normal lives , but in
27:13 reality that's probably not the case . Okay , what
27:16 about bad logic ? Why are bad logic because they
27:22 were trying to rationalize things and like make things seem
27:26 fine that they weren't fine . Like they were putting
27:28 in words . They were like stretching . It was
27:32 kind of like stretching the truth almost . Okay .
27:35 What about unwarranted extrapolation ? I see that on here
27:38 . Why did you guys say that a couple of
27:39 you said that ? How did you pull that one
27:42 out ? Well , they were sort of like making
27:45 predictions for their future . They were saying like where
27:48 they're going to go and what they're gonna do .
27:51 Take extreme precautions . Yeah . They're thinking that they
27:54 , because of Pearl Harbor that something might happen with
27:58 them as well . So they wanted to like ,
28:00 yeah , take extreme precautions , expect something bigger .
28:03 What you expect . There's something about Okay . All
28:07 right . So the other stations that have more of
28:09 the documents , what did you guys focus on in
28:13 terms of either political cartoon or photograph that may be
28:17 really caught your attention or that you really wanted to
28:19 discuss ? I'll start with station three . Which picture
28:26 possibly . And then I could show it to the
28:27 other . Okay . Why they're pulling out this one
28:33 guys ? Because it makes it seem like all the
28:37 japanese were like um , double agents trying to attack
28:42 America from the inside and I thought it was weird
28:45 that doctors used to it . Mm Everybody was a
28:48 suspect . Okay . Anything else that you guys focused
28:53 on different ones ? Maybe you all focused on the
28:56 same one ? No , this one . Why .
29:00 Okay . The one basically it's Uncle Sam flying through
29:03 with a butterfly catcher and it says enemy alien problem
29:08 and it has a bunch of other signs keep them
29:09 flying in the other direction . Things like that .
29:12 Okay . Why did you focus select ? I focused
29:15 on that because the attack on Pearl Harbor there was
29:19 kind of like keeping their eyes on them and try
29:21 to keep them away . So that's why that kind
29:23 of caught my attention . Okay . Just just because
29:27 of the message . Of it may be . Okay
29:29 . What about you guys ? Lawrence ? I did
29:36 this one where it says Japs keep moving , keep
29:41 moving . This is a white man's neighborhood . Just
29:44 because it really reminded me of slavery with african americans
29:48 . So I know a lot about that . So
29:52 I could work on there . Like you made a
29:54 connection with that . Okay , anybody else at this
29:56 table ? Anything else you guys want to answer that
30:00 then ? Did you choose that one or you chose
30:03 a different one ? What did you choose ? That's
30:05 right . Stupid . Okay . What did you say
30:11 about this one or what stood up ? Add it
30:14 to you that they had the japanese people as bugs
30:19 flying around . It's a pet . They're pests like
30:23 almost . Okay , Good comment . All right ,
30:26 anybody else ? Final thoughts ? So Darius one picture
30:31 , like I chose the same as there's been one
30:33 about white racial . Well , I'm sorry , the
30:37 one about Japs keep moving on . This is a
30:39 white neighborhood . And like I said previously , things
30:43 we talk about most is uh division in history between
30:47 that of blacks and whites . But now I'm looking
30:50 at this picture and I'm saying that there was not
30:53 only a hatred towards just one group of people ,
30:57 but it's a it's a total division between all sex
31:00 is like every race for themselves , basically in this
31:02 time period . Anybody else ? Final thoughts on what
31:06 you saw ? Read anything . Okay , so let's
31:11 go ahead and kind of transition . Um What I'll
31:14 do is some of you have books at your ,
31:16 at your stations and I'll bring more and I do
31:18 have copies of the essay as well that we read
31:20 yesterday , um and I'll explain what you gonna do
31:22 with this Henry . Just pass that way for me
31:25 . Yeah . Actually , you know what , how
31:29 many did I give you ? Just make sure everybody
31:30 has one of them pass ? Yeah . Do you
31:37 need to open the book ? You might not ?
31:40 This this is the type . Okay , okay ,
31:47 so what you guys have in front of you is
31:50 something that is called the Universal , I'm sorry ,
31:53 United Nations , Universal Declaration of Human Rights . Now
31:55 , this is the simplified version . There's a bigger
31:57 version that has actually looks like a constitution or something
32:00 that has actual articles on it and things like that
32:02 . But this is the simplified version for younger people
32:04 . Okay , so you guys noticed that there are
32:07 um 30 articles ? All right , so what I'm
32:12 gonna do is I'm just going to have you glance
32:16 at these really quickly , just glance at them front
32:20 and back and maybe focus on the two that you
32:24 think are most important , like for your own personal
32:26 value system , for your life , whatever the way
32:30 you operate on a daily basis . Which ones stand
32:33 out to you the most . Just kind of think
32:35 about that . Okay , mm hmm . Everybody have
32:45 a couple or at least one . Okay , focus
32:49 on that one . Yeah . Yeah . Yeah .
33:04 All right . So I'll start and then I'll just
33:05 kinda we're gonna go clockwise around and I'll just come
33:09 point to you . Okay . All right . So
33:12 the first one I said is we are all equal
33:17 before the law and your human rights are protected by
33:21 law , uh or nachos is no one can take
33:29 away your human rights . Don't discriminate no slavery ,
33:37 freedom of expression . We are all born free and
33:41 equal . Mhm . The right to a democracy .
33:47 We are all born free and equal . Right to
33:50 a nationality . Freedom to move , marriage and family
33:56 . The right to life . The right to lie
34:00 . We're always um innocent till proven guilty , jesus
34:06 . Can you ? Oh , don't discriminate the right
34:10 to play the right to life , responsibilities , Right
34:16 to privacy . A fan free world . The right
34:21 to education . Freedom to move . Freedom to move
34:25 . Okay , thank you guys for sharing that .
34:27 All right . So finally , because this is probably
34:32 all we have time for . Yesterday . Again ,
34:34 we read this universal declaration of human rights . So
34:36 I guess maybe now not that you needed to because
34:39 it seems like you guys are all pretty much in
34:40 the defender mode and on the defender side , not
34:43 the bystanders side specifically , but I want you to
34:46 kind of take a couple of excerpts from what we
34:49 read yesterday in terms of the cheetah essay . Okay
34:52 . I have copies of it and you do have
34:54 a book at your station too . Um So if
34:56 you can use either one basically , but I want
34:59 you to take a couple of excerpts showing where any
35:02 of these human rights were violated . Okay . So
35:06 with what we read yesterday , with what you even
35:08 with what you saw today , you could say to
35:10 um take a couple of pieces and and find where
35:13 the rights were violated . Okay . I want you
35:15 guys to discuss that with one another and then I'll
35:18 tell you what , finally to write on the paper
35:20 . Okay . Well they took away from human rights
35:24 . I mean , yeah , imprisoning pretty much .
35:28 Where's that number ? They were just told to move
35:32 into a camp well improving that . Um Yeah ,
35:37 you have like the affordable housing and education . Yeah
35:43 , they did . But they didn't really have the
35:45 choice to , like I said , they didn't have
35:48 the freedom to move wherever they wanted to . So
35:51 basically , after looking at the violations that occurred in
35:55 the excerpt that we read , write , um how
35:58 important is it that we uphold these human rights ?
36:01 So that stuff like this doesn't happen anymore , right
36:03 ? That's the goal . So we want to make
36:05 sure as responsible citizens that when we're reading about historical
36:09 events and things that actually happen in literature , how
36:11 can we ensure that we're not gonna be bystanders ,
36:14 that we're going to actually make sure these things happen
36:17 , that these things are upheld for all people ourselves
36:20 included . Okay , so when you write your final
36:22 thoughts on your paper , what you're gonna write down
36:25 is um it's important to uphold this . So when
36:28 it says , create an argument about how it's important
36:30 to uphold these things today , you're gonna create an
36:32 argument about why we need to make sure that we
36:34 uphold these specific values and these specific principles articles .
36:38 So that stuff like this doesn't happen to anybody in
36:40 our country . Okay . That was no , you're
36:48 and that's But she said , don't discriminate thank I
36:57 want Okay . He said yes , Okay guys ,
37:17 um wrap up what you're doing in the next minute
37:23 . Sure . Yeah , monty . What did you
37:29 say ? How can we move forward and uphold this
37:32 ? Right ? So that we don't have a society
37:34 of by Sanders . I said like , don't treat
37:38 another person like there are lesser than you treat them
37:41 equally , like they're like a family member . Okay
37:46 , treat other people like you and your family .
37:48 All right , jennifer . What about you ? I
37:51 said that everyone is born free and equal . So
37:56 we all deserve that , right ? And people come
37:59 to the United States for freedom and like , I
38:02 don't know , they should actually get freedom . Okay
38:05 . All right . So for time's sake remember you
38:08 guys read the little excerpt yesterday called the Good Samaritan
38:11 laws , Right ? Remember that . So you kind
38:14 of see how all of this is connecting . Um
38:16 Wouldn't it be great if we had a society full
38:18 of um good samaritan laws or no bystanders laws so
38:21 that everybody would uphold these principles and then we would
38:24 probably have a much better society . Don't you think
38:27 ? I think so ? All right . So you
38:29 have about a minute left . Um go ahead and
38:31 make sure why don't why don't one person at each
38:34 station collect the papers for me and I'll get those
38:39 on your way out .


10th grade ELA/Social studies lesson during which students engage with multiple resources to explore the bystander effect.


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