Posts tagged with "parents":
Brain-foods to Empower Your Child for the Testing Season
With the testing season quickly approaching, teachers, parents, and students must be aware of how important a healthy diet is. Eating brain-foods will help keep students’ minds healthy and sharp. Choosing a diet filled with a variety of foods from … Continue reading
Teachers, Parents and Students helping to reduce Bullying in Schools
Does a child get into a lot of fights or have friends that are involved in bullying? Is the child increasingly aggressive or sent to the principal’s office frequently? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then they … Continue reading
Surviving Standardized Tests: Helping Students Make the Grade
Though this list is far from complete with every word a student may encounter, here’s a partial list of words that may put students in a better position when it comes to understanding the questions and directions on a standardized test:
• Analyze & Synthesize
• Compare & Contrast
• Describe
• Cite evidence
• Summarize & Retell Continue reading
Helping Your Child Succeed in a Climate of Educational Change
With the introduction of the Common Core Standards, school districts across the country have had to adjust their curriculum, testing procedures, and teaching methodologies. With change comes uncertainty, and the stress of the unknown carries with it the potential to affect all involved parties… including students.
As a parent, you may sense the differences – especially if you have more than one child who has gone through the same school. You may have noticed that even with the same teacher, requirements and expectations may have shifted over the past few years in response to the Common Core. Though these changes, left unchecked, can create stress for teachers and students alike, there are ways that you, as a parent, can help your child navigate any potential challenges as she or he faces more rigorous assignments, expectations, and criteria… Continue reading
A Review of Sample Questions Released by PARCC: Implications for Mathematics
Though the questions themselves may look similar to the questions teachers and students are familiar with on the current NJ ASK, the new PARCC assessment will introduce some novel formatting and response techniques that will increase the rigor of standardized testing.
This week we will investigate sample questions for Mathematics to highlight the major differences between the NJ ASK and PARCC. Please note that while the questions below are based on sample questions for Grade 3, this discussion applies to all grade levels, as the test format, computer skills that students will need, and the philosophy in creating the questions are similar — regardless of grade level, mathematical content, or task complexity… Continue reading
NJ ASK Scores for 2012-2013: Information for Parents – by Julie C. Lyons
What’s in the Press Release and Reports
As of November 13, the New Jersey Department of Education released the NJ ASK results for the 2012-2013 school year. The State’s press release explains that this year, many of these assessments have been aligned to the Common Core State Standards (in grades 3-8 for ELA and in grades 3-5 for math). Next year, ELA and math will be Common Core-aligned in both subject areas for grades 3-8. The good news is that New Jersey, typically a top-performing state in these assessments, has shown a strong performance yet again.
In “The Nation’s Report Card”, a comparison of states across the country (performed by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP)… Continue reading
The Power of eLearning… in the Library
One of the most overlooked learning resources is the local library. For decades, the library has provided patrons with the ability to access hundreds of documents and texts they would not be able to be able to use otherwise. But the library no longer relies solely on text sources. As part of the technology migration of the 21st century, the local library joins a variety of others in enhancing learning through library learning programs. These resources offer patrons access to hundreds of different questions focused on specific grade levels or content areas.
One of these programs, the Lumos Learning Library Program helps patrons that are in elementary and middle schools hone their math and language arts skills. As schools transition to the new Common Core State Standards curriculum, students may have difficulty in particular areas… Continue reading