Proven Study Programs by Expert Teachers
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Proven Methodology to Improve Student Acheivement
Trusted Supplemental and Intervention Resources
Featured Case Study
Ranking Improvement on State Assessment
40.3% Improvement
School Rank improved from 69 to 39
Realistic ILEARN Assessment Rehearsal
- Practice tests that mirror state assessments
- Technology-enhanced item types practice
- Activity and Performance reports for each student
- Additional learning resources like videos and apps
Skills Mastery with Standards-aligned Resources
- Foundational Skill Building
- Rigorous Standards Practice
- Targeted Intervention
- Videos and Apps for each learning objective
Ideal and Efficient Response to Intervention
Lumos Quill
Custom Lessons and Assessments
- Pinpoint student areas of difficulty
- Develop custom lessons & assignments
- Personalized Instruction
- Access to High-Quality Question Bank
Engaging & Personalized Reading Program
- Tasks on close reading, comprehension, fluency, and long-word decoding skills
- Engaging non-fiction and fiction passages
- Grade-level text complexity
- Standards correlation for each lesson