Teachers, Parents and Students helping to reduce Bullying in Schools

Does a child get into a lot of fights or have friends that are involved in bullying? Is the child increasingly aggressive or sent to the principal’s office frequently? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then they are a few signs that indicate that a child is engaging in bullying behavior in school.
According to the US Department of Health and Human Services, All school staff requires training on what bullying is. They need to know the policies and rules in their various schools as well as how to have them enforced.

Again, if your child has unexplainable injuries, frequent headaches or stomach aches, difficulty in sleeping, declining grades, loss of interest in school, loss of friends, destroyed personal items, decreased self-esteem, then they are warning signs that indicate that he or she is being bullied.

Here are a few suggestions educators can use:

  1. State rules in positive terms, Keep the number of rules to a minimum (3–5 depending upon age)
  2. Set rules that cover multiple situations
  3. Make sure rules are age appropriate
  4. Teach your students the rules
  5. Set an example for rule-following behavior
  6. Be consistent in enforcing the rules

Students must be made to understand that violating the set rules result in consequences. These can help the teacher have a well-managed classroom that is less prone to bullying behaviors.
When a child is being bullied, he can show many different signs that indicate that bullying is occurring. Mostly, to fix the problem, the student who does the bullying must be confronted. First, find out what happened before deciding whether or not the incident qualifies as bullying.

Mahoney says; “bullying occurs in different forms such as threats, teasing, name calling, excluding, preventing others from going where they want or doing what they want, pushing, hitting, and all forms of physical violence”.
20% of bullying situations occur on school grounds, on playgrounds, on school busses, when kids are walking to and from school, and in lunchrooms, gyms, and cyberspace (Mahoney, 2012). Therefore, teaching your students about bullying can even help them recognize when another child is being bullied or is a bully (US Department of Health and Human Services).

Here are some tips to help you reduce bullying in your school;

  • When teachers have open communication with their students, their students will feel more open to talking to them about their problems—including bullying.
  • Keeping parents informed about their child’s grades, friends, behavior, and even attitudes in school is an important tool when addressing behaviors. This includes having all teachers, staff, and administrators on board to prevent bullying from occurring.
  • Classroom meetings also provide a way for students to talk about school-related issues beyond academics (US Department of Health and Human Services).

Schools are struggling to take a stand against bullying, and with parents, politics, and the media involved, educators have a difficult time pleasing everyone but generally we must be persistent and consistent about stopping it, follow through with consequences, and follow up with the students after incidents (US Department of Health and Human Services).

Based on: https://www.crisisprevention.com/Blog/November-2011/10-Ways-to-Help-Reduce-Bullying-in-Schools


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