A Guide to Find the Right State Standard Supplementary Support for Your School

Finding the right supplementary support for your state’s standards is essential. Regardless of whether your school is using PARCC, CCSS, or SBAC, there should be care given to ensure that teachers are provided with a variety of resources to supplement … Continue reading

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The Importance of Continuing Education for Teachers

Continuing Education Credits may evoke a grumble from busy teachers nationwide, but is the extra effort worth it? In reality, effective teachers are always looking for ways to improve. When educators choose to enhance their skills and expand their knowledge … Continue reading

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Conferences that Teachers Can Attend for the Academic Year 2020

Teachers in most states are required to take courses, attend conferences, or sit through professional development workshops to keep their certification. However, teachers often find these opportunities long and tedious, either irrelevant to their classes or too repetitive. Some conferences … Continue reading

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Writing Lessons to Position Your Fourth Grade Class for Success

Fourth grade is a critical time for students. In terms of mathematics, they’re just beginning to learn new, more complex concepts such as order of operations and fractions, which will help them in higher-level math classes in the future. In … Continue reading

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4 Tips to Keep in Mind while Making Purchases for the 2020-21 Academic Year

Preparing for a new academic year requires a lot of work and planning. Part of this process requires making procurement decisions. Determining what curriculum, technology, or other resources are needed is very important, but it can also be an overwhelming … Continue reading

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A Guide to Allocate the Budget Efficiently in Your School

School administrators are tasked with the challenge of making sure their allocated funds are used in a way that effectively promotes student success. Their resources must be utilized to maximize available resources. The decisions that are made as part of … Continue reading

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How to Improve and Teach Reading Effectively

Reading Methodology There are several known researched-based theories on Effective Reading Instruction. The most prominent ones are: Phonetics- Linguistic Approach Phonetics is first taught in pre-k and kindergarten. However, the greatest fallacies occur when the sounds are taught improperly. Keep … Continue reading

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Conferences for Teachers: Academic Year 2020

Teachers in most states are required to take courses, attend conferences, or sit through professional development workshops to keep their certification. However, teachers often find these opportunities long and tedious, either irrelevant to their classes or too repetitive. Some conferences … Continue reading

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Increase Your Chances to Score better on Different Item Types You May Face in the State Assessments

State assessments across the country use a variety of item types to measure student progress according to each state’s standards. Popular item types students are likely to encounter selected response, evidence-based selected response, and technology-enhanced constructed response. Below you’ll find … Continue reading

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How to Score Better on the Georgia Milestones Assessment System (GMAS)

Taking any standardized test can be stressful, but if you understand the format of the test and how their answers will be graded, they may have an easier time. The GMAS (Georgia Milestones Assessment System) is no different. The first … Continue reading

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