Making the Grade with Teacher Evaluation: Domain 2 – by Julie C Lyons

Last week’s article provided several ideas to assist you with your planning and preparation as you embark upon a new school year. In the Danielson model for teacher evaluation – that many school districts in New Jersey have adopted – … Continue reading

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Making the Shift: Common Core Teacher Resources

Common Core Teacher's resource

New teacher evaluations. New state tests. New standards. The myriad educational changes may seem overwhelming at times, especially for teachers who are trying to juggle the typical demands of a classroom, all the while adjusting their instruction and practice to reflect the continual educational shifts. And although the extra time and effort needed to make these changes are unavoidable to a certain extent, there are resources available to help make the transition smoother. Consider using the following teacher resources, materials, and samples to help out with your lesson planning, instruction, and materials:
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Helping Your Child Succeed in a Climate of Educational Change


With the introduction of the Common Core Standards, school districts across the country have had to adjust their curriculum, testing procedures, and teaching methodologies. With change comes uncertainty, and the stress of the unknown carries with it the potential to affect all involved parties… including students.

As a parent, you may sense the differences – especially if you have more than one child who has gone through the same school. You may have noticed that even with the same teacher, requirements and expectations may have shifted over the past few years in response to the Common Core. Though these changes, left unchecked, can create stress for teachers and students alike, there are ways that you, as a parent, can help your child navigate any potential challenges as she or he faces more rigorous assignments, expectations, and criteria… Continue reading

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A Review of Sample Language Art Questions Released by PARCC: Implications for English Language Arts/Literacy

The upcoming PARCC assessment for ELA will continue to ask students to read passages, answer follow-up questions, and complete writing tasks. However, with this new generation of standardized tests, the format and complexity of those questions will be taken to a new level.
PARCC sample question review
This week we will look at one portion of the ELA assessment – the section that focuses on narrative writing (following the reading of a fictional passage) for Grade 6. While this set of samples is grade-specific, the rationale in creating the questions, the format, and the prerequisite technological skills is universal, regardless of the grade. Three key shifts in the PARCC for ELA are as follows… Continue reading

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SGO’s and You: A Primer for the 2013-2014 School Year

SGO’s and You: A Primer for the 2013-2014 School Year - Infographic
Student Growth Objectives, otherwise known as SGO’s, are on the minds of many Educators this month, as the November 15 deadline for approval grows closer. For those of you who are still a bit unclear on the particulars, below is a brief Description of SGO’s – what they are, how to create them, and what this all means to You as a teacher.

What are SGO’s?

According to AchieveNJ, a “Student Growth Objective is a long-term academic goal that teachers set for groups of students” (from AchieveNJ’s SGO Guidebook)… Continue reading

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A Closer Look At the Common Core State Standards: A Middle School ELA Teacher’s Perspective – Julie Lyons

Transition to the Common Core

Change. The word strikes fear into some educators, while others view it as a welcome breath of fresh air. Teachers are sometimes accused of resisting change, and while that may be true to a certain extent for some, I believe that much of that anxiety results from a fear of the unknown. While it’s true that change takes time and patience, it is important to note that the change we are currently involved in – making the transition to the Common Core – still finds parallels between previous state standards and the new standards.
A Closer Look At the Common Core State Standards: A Middle School ELA Teacher’s Perspective
As a 6th grade teacher in New Jersey, there are definite similarities between the former New Jersey State Standards and the Common Core. Along with those similarities, there are also some differences – especially with respect to the organization of the standards and the level of specificity. Let’s take a closer look at the areas of Reading, Writing, and Language at the sixth grade level… Continue reading

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A Juggling Act: How Curriculum Leaders Can Help Teachers Balance New Educational Demands – Julie Lyons

As committed educators, we constantly examine our craft and seek to find new ways to better our skill set. In addition to those standards we set for ourselves, we are also asked to implement new initiatives and programs. In recent years, there have been changes at the district, state, and national levels that have challenged us to adapt and modify our current practices, and while change can be a healthy and positive thing, there is – many times – accompanying stress with those changes. Many teachers, being on the “front lines”, are struggling as they try to blend the old and new with their current class of students and still maintain a unique teaching style. When the number of initiatives becomes too great, one word can sum up many teachers’ feelings – “Help!”
A Juggling Act: How Curriculum Leaders Can Help Teachers Balance New Educational Demands - Blog by Julie Lyons
Clearly, there is no simple answer, and a one-size-fits-all approach will fail to work. However, by considering the ideas below, you may find that it is possible to balance these seemingly competing educational demands… Continue reading

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Technology Tools Available to Help Elementary and Middle School Students Write Better Essays and Stories – by Julie Lyons

It’s easy for a teacher to become overwhelmed by grading, and when it comes to grading students’ writing pieces, the ask can become even more onerous. As most teachers know, specific timely feedback in student writing is a highly effective way to improve a student’s writing skills. However, with so many subjects to plan for and teach (at the elementary level), and so many students’ writing pieces to grade (at the middle school level), how can a teacher “do it all”?

Luckily, there are many technological aids that can assist teachers who are looking for ways to improve their students’ writing, whether that writing is an essay, story, or merely building the grammatical skills to revise and edit writing pieces.
Educational Technology
Below is a description of several technology tools that are available now for students and teachers… Continue reading

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