Grade 4 ELA: Making Inferences Using Non Fiction Text RL 4 1 - By EngageNY
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This English Language Arts Common Core video features fourth grade students from John F. Kennedy Intermediate School located in Deer Park, Long Island. The lesson focuses on ELA Standard RL.4.1 - Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Students read a speech of President Obama 's for a third time, analyzing the text in order to practice drawing inferences. The teacher, Alexis Ghiraldi, deftly models inferencing and scaffolds for individual students as needed so that all of the pairs master the learning target.
Grade 4 ELA: Making Inferences Using Non Fiction Text RL 4 1 is a free educational video by EngageNY.It helps students in grades 4.
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