Grade 4 Mini Lesson: Daily Literacy Lesson Objective RL 4.3 (part 1) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Grade 4 Mini Lesson: Daily Literacy Lesson Objective RL 4.3 (part 1) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Grade 4 Mini Lesson: Daily Literacy Lesson Objective RL 4.3 (part 1) - By Melissa Wilson

00:0-1 s so you can see me . I want to
00:01 start at your cafe board before we pass out your
00:04 reader response journals . And we get going with your
00:07 read the self time because I know you have a
00:08 lot of good books that you want to read .
00:10 So I just want Thio review really quickly what we've
00:13 been focusing on as faras your work this week .
00:16 And so it's faras comprehension , even working on describing
00:19 a character in depth , right or describing a setting
00:22 in depth . So we're not trying to be do
00:24 with me . We're not trying to be shallow readers
00:26 , right ? Do with me . We're not trying
00:27 to be shallow . Readers were trying to be readers
00:29 that are in in depth right way up here ,
00:33 right ? You wanna be under the water so we
00:35 don't wanna be shallow . Readers . We wanna be
00:37 readers to read in depth , right ? And so
00:41 today we're really going to focus on how can we
00:44 look at the character's thoughts , words or actions ?
00:47 Do this with me thoughts , words or actions ,
00:52 ready thoughts , words or actions because a lot of
00:58 your characters , they're showing a lot of actions ,
01:00 right ? Some actions that are good and some actions
01:02 that perhaps more like bullying or things that you get
01:04 them in trouble , right ? So it's fun to
01:06 pay attention to that . Something else that we've done
01:10 . We thought about using a double entry journal to
01:12 keep track of that . Today , you'll get your
01:14 reader response journals so you can really keep track of
01:17 that and other good things that you're doing . Okay
01:19 , so that's why I have this blank strategy sheet
01:22 here because you know that the e in expressing understanding
01:26 is the key to unlocking those strategies that we want
01:30 you to lock down . Okay , so take a
01:33 look at your book , okay ? And just do
01:36 some thinking very quickly , and I want you thinking
01:38 about that book you plan to read first . So
01:41 not your pile of books . But the book that
01:43 has the character and I want you thinking about is
01:46 that character so far showing you a lot of what
01:48 they think Or are they more of a character has
01:51 a lot of words , or are they really an
01:54 action kind of character ? So think about that ,
01:57 and then telling your elbow partner what kind of character
01:59 is in your book right now . A thought word
02:01 or action kind of character


Describe in depth a character, setting, or event in a story or drama, drawing on specific details in the text


Grade 4 Mini Lesson: Daily Literacy Lesson Objective RL 4.3 (part 1) is a free educational video by Melissa Wilson.It helps students in grades 4.

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