Awakening the Learner and Transforming Schools

Presenter(s):Robert Marzano CEO of Marzano Research Laboratory, Marzano Research Laboratory, Bloomington, Indiana Primary Presenter(s):Darrell Scott Director, Rachel’s Challenge, Littleton, Colorado Create a compassionate, caring school environment using the best practices shared in this session. Examine how a change in teaching … Continue reading

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The Wallace Foundation Panel: Moving Ordinary Schools to Extraordinary

Primary Presenter(s):Andy Cole Wallace Foundation Co-Presenter(s): Susan Hasson Carrie Nemec Jennifer Rodarte Monique Sloan Mark Covington The Wallace Foundation is a national philanthropy that seeks to improve learning and enrichment for disadvantaged children and foster the vitality of the arts … Continue reading

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AMTNJ’s 24th Annual Two-Day Conference – A Walk in the PARCC Preparing for the Common Core

Lumos Learning will be at the AMTNJ’s 24th Annual Two-Day Conference – A Walk in the PARCC. This conference is being held at the National Conference Center, NJ on Thursday, October 24th and conclud on Friday, October 25th. This Conference … Continue reading

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A Juggling Act: How Curriculum Leaders Can Help Teachers Balance New Educational Demands – Julie Lyons

As committed educators, we constantly examine our craft and seek to find new ways to better our skill set. In addition to those standards we set for ourselves, we are also asked to implement new initiatives and programs. In recent years, there have been changes at the district, state, and national levels that have challenged us to adapt and modify our current practices, and while change can be a healthy and positive thing, there is – many times – accompanying stress with those changes. Many teachers, being on the “front lines”, are struggling as they try to blend the old and new with their current class of students and still maintain a unique teaching style. When the number of initiatives becomes too great, one word can sum up many teachers’ feelings – “Help!”
A Juggling Act: How Curriculum Leaders Can Help Teachers Balance New Educational Demands - Blog by Julie Lyons
Clearly, there is no simple answer, and a one-size-fits-all approach will fail to work. However, by considering the ideas below, you may find that it is possible to balance these seemingly competing educational demands… Continue reading

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