Dealing with Stress and NJ ASK: Tips for Students and Teachers

NJ ASK Stress

In all walks of life, we are susceptible to pressure and stress – resulting in negative side effects that range from health complications, to constant worry, to a feeling of general anxiety or unhappiness. Students and teachers are no different, and as the NJ ASK quickly approaches, classroom stress begins to peak. Teachers worry about how their students will do and if they’ve adequately prepared their young test-takers, while students have their own set of worries about their ability to perform with proficiency and to endure the lengthy test sessions. The following tips will help you, as a teacher or student, to both manage stress and prepare for the NJ ASK – without sacrificing your health, mood, or well-being:

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NJ ASK Scores for 2012-2013: Information for Parents – by Julie C. Lyons

What’s in the Press Release and Reports

As of November 13, the New Jersey Department of Education released the NJ ASK results for the 2012-2013 school year. The State’s press release explains that this year, many of these assessments have been aligned to the Common Core State Standards (in grades 3-8 for ELA and in grades 3-5 for math). Next year, ELA and math will be Common Core-aligned in both subject areas for grades 3-8. The good news is that New Jersey, typically a top-performing state in these assessments, has shown a strong performance yet again.
NJ ASK Test Scores - A guide for Parents
In “The Nation’s Report Card”, a comparison of states across the country (performed by the National Assessment of Educational Progress, or NAEP)… Continue reading

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A Closer Look At the Common Core State Standards: A Middle School ELA Teacher’s Perspective – Julie Lyons

Transition to the Common Core

Change. The word strikes fear into some educators, while others view it as a welcome breath of fresh air. Teachers are sometimes accused of resisting change, and while that may be true to a certain extent for some, I believe that much of that anxiety results from a fear of the unknown. While it’s true that change takes time and patience, it is important to note that the change we are currently involved in – making the transition to the Common Core – still finds parallels between previous state standards and the new standards.
A Closer Look At the Common Core State Standards: A Middle School ELA Teacher’s Perspective
As a 6th grade teacher in New Jersey, there are definite similarities between the former New Jersey State Standards and the Common Core. Along with those similarities, there are also some differences – especially with respect to the organization of the standards and the level of specificity. Let’s take a closer look at the areas of Reading, Writing, and Language at the sixth grade level… Continue reading

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How to Help Your Child Succeed on the Standardized Tests

Success on the NJ ASKIt’s that time of the year again. Teachers are gearing up for testing, and students begin hearing the phrase “NJ ASK” on an almost daily basis as March and April roll around. As a parent, how can you help support the preparation your child receives in the classroom? Below are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Structure your routines at home to support test success.

    First, find out the test dates. Then, make every effort to structure your child’s environment in the upcoming weeks to support adequate sleep, a healthful diet, and stress reduction. When children are younger, you can make sure that your child goes to bed at a decent time. As children get older and become more independent, introduce quiet activities later in the evening, and encourage homework completion either after school or immediately following dinner. Strive to prepare nutritious meals and snacks (especially breakfast), as this can play an integral part in giving your child the mental acuity and energy he or she needs…

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