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Sentence Variety
By PSUWritingCenter
This video demonstrates the importance of sentence variety by pointing out details and patterns in colorful, engaging texts. It shows how changes in the point of view or the subject can vary sentence structure.
Writing Standard 3.2 Using narrative techniques to develop experiences, events and/or characters.
By OnDemandInstruction
This video shows how to use narrative techniques to develop experiences, events and/or characters. It presents examples of narrative techniques: dialogue, pacing, description, reflection, and multiple plot lines. It includes an application example and practice problems. It answers the questions: Why are these techniques important? Who uses these techniques? How can I use what I learned here? It concludes with student expectations.
Creative Writing Tips for Students & Teachers : How to Write an Interesting Story
By eHow
An interesting story contains detailed characters, entertaining plots, diverse settings and creative writing styles. Discover how to write an interesting story to hook the audience with this free video from a professional writer
Use All 5 Senses to Bring Your Setting to Life
By K.M. Weiland
This video recommends that writers use sensory details to pull their readers out of their chairs and into the book.
Writing Process: Practicing Organization in Writing
By OnDemandInstruction
This practice video focuses on an individual paragraph and shows how to improve its organization.
What is an Outline
By OnDemandInstruction
This instructional video presents what an outline is, how it is similar to other graphic organizers, and how to use and create outlines.
What is a Graphic Organizer
By OnDemandInstruction
This instructional video presents what is a graphic organizer. A graphic organizer is a study tool that is used to organize information. It is used on the writing process to organize information collected in a brainstorm. It is also used to help students stay organized during challenging tasks.
Avoiding Plagiarism and Using Proper Citation
By MxCC Library
This five-minute video defines and discusses plagiarism.
Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting: List of Works Cited
By OWLPurdue
This video gives clear instruction and examples that show the MLA style for citations in a bibliography. It includes guidelines for both print and web sources.
Possessive Nouns Lectures
By jaderstrom
This video is a lecture explaining how to make nouns possessive. The instructor tells how to make singular nouns possessive. She also shows how possessives can be used incorrectly, for example when a plural is desired instead of possessive. The instructor also tells how to make plural nouns possessive. This includes making irregular plural nouns possessive. The instructor also explains how to correctly show joint ownership. Some of the slides can be hard to see because they are quite small. It may be better to view this video in full screen.