Free Educational Videos for Students in K-12

Best educational videos to complement children’s learning. Instructional and ‘how to’ videos that explain concepts and help build essential skills. Find thousands of Khan academy videos, Lumos Learning videos along with many other interesting resources from top publishers. Recommend helpful videos to colleagues, friends, or students. Share feedback and submit reviews.

MLA Tutorial #1: Basic Paper Formatting

By Alexander Clarkson

This video is an MLA tutorial using Microsoft Word.

Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting: List of Works Cited

By OWLPurdue

This video gives clear instruction and examples that show the MLA style for citations in a bibliography. It includes guidelines for both print and web sources.

Context Clues Mini Lesson

By MsTPelletier

This presentation explains context clues with clear examples. Some of the clues include recognizing affixes, using restatements, and interpreting antonyms.

Greek & Latin Roots: MICRO, MILL, MORT, MULTI

By J McGovern

This video covers the Greek and Latin roots MICRO, MILL, MORT and MULTI.

Complex Number Operations

By Mathispower4u

This video lesson shows how to add, subtract, multiply, and divide complex numbers

Probability of Independent Events - - Math Help

By yourteachermathhelp

YouTube presents Probability of Independent Events, an educational video resource on math.

Probability-Independent and Dependent Events

By Textbook Tactics

YouTube presents Probability-Independent and Dependent Events, an educational video resource on math.

Math Lessons & Study Tips : How To Make A Frequency Table

By eHow

A frequency table is created to give a certain piece of data, such as how many siblings each member of a classroom has. Find out how to make and interpret a frequency table with help from a tutor in this free video on math lessons and study tips.

Ways to Represent Data

By EducationCommonsRW

This is the second lesson in the series, "Data Handling." The video demonstrates how to compare data using box and whisker plots and how to decide the most appropriate way to represent data graphically.

Standard error of the mean | Inferential statistics | Probability and Statistics | Khan Academy

By Khan Academy

This video lecture series on Introduction to Statistics includes Average, Sample vs Population, Variance, Standard Deviation, Random Variables, Probability density functions, Binomial distribution, Poisson Process, Law of Large numbers and Normal Distribution.

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