Conceptual understanding of multiplying fractions and whole numbers | Khan Academy - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Conceptual understanding of multiplying fractions and whole numbers | Khan Academy - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Conceptual understanding of multiplying fractions and whole numbers | Khan Academy - By Khan Academy



Here we have a nice visual explanation of how a mixed number is really a multiplication of a fraction and a whole number.


Conceptual understanding of multiplying fractions and whole numbers | Khan Academy is a free educational video by Khan Academy.It helps students in grades 4 practice the following standards 4.NF.B.4.A.

This page not only allows students and teachers view Conceptual understanding of multiplying fractions and whole numbers | Khan Academy but also find engaging Sample Questions, Apps, Pins, Worksheets, Books related to the following topics.

1. 4.NF.B.4.A : Understand a fraction a/b as a multiple of 1/b. For example, use a visual fraction model to represent 5/4 as the product 5 × (1/4), recording the conclusion by the equation 5/4 = 5 × (1/4). .





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