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Grade 7 ELA Sample Questions

Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 20

Which word is misspelled in the following sentence?

My favorite meal at the restaraunt is pasta with mushrooms and broccoli.

A) favorite

B) restaraunt (Correct Answer)

C) mushrooms

D) broccoli

The correct spelling of this word is “restaurant.”

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 19

Which of the following adjectives best completes this sentence?

The huge, _________________ fire destroyed seven out of the twelve businesses in the downtown area.

A) large

B) violent (Correct Answer)

C) contained

D) temporary

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 18

Select the version of the sentence with the adverb underlined.

A) When Megan’s best friend told her she no longer wanted to be friends, Megan angrily slammed down the phone smashing it to pieces.

B) When Megan’s best friend told her she no longer wanted to be friends, Megan angrily slammed down the phone smashing it to pieces.

C) When Megan’s best friend told her she no longer wanted to be friends, Megan angrily slammed down the phone smashing it to pieces. (Correct Answer)

D) When Megan’s best friend told her she no longer wanted to be friends, Megan angrily slammed down the phone smashing it to pieces.

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 17

Select the version of the sentence with the adjective underlined.

A) Because my alarm clock didn’t go off this morning and there was traffic due to an accident on the highway, I was very late for my appointment with Dr. Huang.

B) Because my alarm clock didn’t go off this morning and there was traffic due to an accident on the highway, I was very late for my appointment with Dr. Huang.

C) Because my alarm clock didn’t go off this morning and there was traffic due to an accident on the highway, I was very late for my appointment with Dr. Huang.

D) Because my alarm clock didn’t go off this morning and there was traffic due to an accident on the highway, I was very late for my appointment with Dr. Huang. (Correct Answer)

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 16

Select the sentence with the adjective underlined

A) Marta hardly knew where to find her orange sweater.

B) The large, angry dog rushed towards the mailman.

C) Everyone knows that kind words get a person better results than
insults do. (Correct Answer)

D) I wanted to go to the movies this weekend, but I can’t afford to
because don’t get paid until next Thursday.

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 15

What part of speech is the underlined word in the following sentence?

After a long, drawn out argument, the girl and her mother hugged for a
long time and decided the girl’s curfew was hardly worth fighting about.

A) Adverb (Correct Answer)

B) Adjective

C) Noun

D) Verb

Adverbs modify verbs.

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 14

What piece of punctuation should always appear between two
coordinate adjectives?

A) A semi-colon

B) A comma (Correct Answer)

C) A period

D) A colon

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 13

Which of the following adverbs fits best in the blank in this sentence?

My uncle’s computer which was made in 1987 connects ____________ to
the Internet.

A) angrily

B) slowly (Correct Answer)

C) quickly

D) fast

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 12

While most of the Highland Games events are feats of strength, the dance competitions
show the beauty, grace and agility of their participants. In the Scottish country dance
competitions teams of two or more dancers demonstrate their skill at social dances that
are much like ballroom dances. The real excitement comes from watching the Highland
Dancing competitions. To be a part of one of these competitions takes skill and practice.
Highland Dancing is a technical and highly skilled art. Many participants study the form
for years before competing. One of the most spectacular Highland Dances involves swords
which dancers swing and jump over while performing complex dance moves.

What needs to edited in this paragraph?

A) punctuation

B) spelling

C) punctuation and spelling

D) no editing needed (Correct Answer)

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 11

The Highland Games are like the Scottish Olympics. Athletes who are skilled at different
sports. Compete to earn medals. The difference is that the sports at the Highland Games
are like no other sporting competition in the world. Plus: the men who participate in
the sports. Wear kilts! Kilts are skirts made of plaid material, that represents the clan
or family, that the man comes from. While, it might seem unusual to you that a man
would be playing sports in a skirt. Kilts are one of the Scottish traditions that make up
the Highland Games. Each year men and women come to Highland Games competitions
to win medals and watch the sports.

What does the writer need to focus on editing in this paragraph?

A) Correcting fragment sentences

B) Correcting spelling errors

C) Correcting fragment sentences and punctuation errors (Correct Answer)

D) Correcting fragment sentences and spelling errors

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 10

Limit exercise on hot days.
Do you feel like running when the temperature is high? Why not? Generally,
exercising in extreme heat makes you thirsty and very tired. Too much
exercise led to heat stroke, a dangerous condition when your body wasn’t
able to cool down. Your pets suffered the same consequences. When it is
extremely hot outside, try to exercise your pet only in the morning or
evening when the temperature is cooler, and cut down the amount of
time your pet spends running around.

What should the writer focus on while editing this passage?

A) Punctuation errors

B) Subject/verb agreement errors

C) Verb tense errors (Correct Answer)

D) Punctuation errors

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 9

Gas Refrigerator for Ice Cream Truck
Popular Mechanics, November 1929
Ice cream and milk delivery trucks are being equipped with gas-burning
refrigerating apparatus as a substitute for salt and ice, the plan is more
effective and cleaner, and is also said to be cheaper, particularly because
the maintenance and service costs are greatly reduced. Successful
operation of these refrigeration plants promises more extensive shipment
of perishable goods by truck, owners point out.

What should the writer focus on while editing this passage?

A) Capitalization errors

B) Word choice errors

C) Run on sentences (Correct Answer)

D) Using apostrophes appropriately

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 8

Skunks are omnivores meaning that they eat both plants and animals. They
can be found eating nuts berries roots leaves grasses and even some types of
fungi (mushroom-like plants). For animals they enjoy dining on rodents such
as mice and rats insects earthworms frogs lizards toads and birds. Sometimes
when they are unable to find live animals to eat they become scavengers
eating dead animals left behind. When they live close to people’s homes
skunks sometimes will even get into trash cans eating garbage.

What punctuation mark does the writer need to focus on adding while
editing this paragraph?

A) end punctuation (period, question mark, exclamation mark)

B) semi-colon

C) comma (Correct Answer)

D) colon

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 7

As a result of successful experiments conducted at the government
farm in Virginia the Easter lily has now become a wholly domestic
plant, grown from seeds instead of from imported bulbs. Furthermore
the home-grown lilies reaching full flower 15 months after planting
carry five to 15 blossoms to a stalk as compared with four to five for
the average bulb-grown plants. It is reported that good seed may be
procured by anyone by pollinating the flowers as now obtained.

What punctuation mark should the author of this paragraph focus on
when editing?

A) Periods

B) Commas (Correct Answer)

C) Semicolons

D) Question marks

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 6

The building that we know as the Alamo wasn’t originally intended to be
a military headquarters. I’ts beginnings are much more spiritual in nature.
In 1724 the Misión San Antonio de Valero, was placed here to support
missionaries, in their efforts to convert the Indian inhabitants of the
area to Christianity. The mission building was moved from its original
site on the San Pedro Creek, several miles to the south of the present
location after storms destroyed the existing structure there.

What needs to edited in this paragraph?

A) punctuation (Correct Answer)

B) spelling

C) sentence structure

D) parallel construction

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 5

As you probably know, Return of the Giant Superhero is definitely not a
once in a lifetime experience, and viewing it in your theater did nothing
to improve how mediocre this movie is. First of all, I was disappointed to
see that you screened the film in the smallest of your six theaters.
Although only 16 of the 50 seats in the theater were filled, this is a movie
intended for a large auditorium and the largest screen possible. I’m sure I
would have enjoyed the film much more if I had watched it in a larger

What should the writer focus on when editing this paragraph?

A) Using question marks appropriately

B) Eliminating first-person pronouns (Correct Answer)

C) Checking spelling

D) Avoiding run on sentences

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 4

Venus Fly Trap plants are surprisingly small. Each trap is at most one inch long.
Though a plant usually has between four and twenty traps, it rarely gets larger
than five inches in diameter.

The reason that the plant and its traps are so small has to do with its diet.
Most insects are small so the traps must be just the right size to catch
and eat them.

What editing does the writer need to do on this paragraph of his essay?

A) Correcting spelling mistakes

B) Correcting punctuation errors

C) Formatting the sentences into a paragraph (Correct Answer)

D) Fixing the word usage in the second sentence

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 3

Fans don’t help animals very much. when a human stands in front a fan, the
air current rushes over his or her skin and helps evaporate the moisture
from sweating. Evaporation helps a human feel cooler. dogs only sweat from
the pads on the bottoms of their feet. standing in front of a fan doesn’t help
a dog, since there isn’t a large amount of evaporation going on.

What should the writer focus on while editing this passage?

A) Punctuation errors.

B) Capitalization errors (Correct Answer)

C) Subject/verb agreement errors

D) Verb tense errors

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 2

What should be added to this editing checklist?

Indent paragraphs
Verb Usage

A) Complete sentences (Correct Answer)

B) Three details for every main point

C) Use of first and second person pronouns

D) Thesis statement

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Grade 7 English Language Arts Sample Question 1

The coconut crab is the largest living arthropod in the world. It can be up to 16 inches long and weight up to nine pounds. The body of the crab is divided into multiple sections. The front sections includes ten legs. The legs at the front of the crab have claws. The second set of legs are large and used for walking.

What should the author of this passage focus on during editing?

A) Sentence structure

B) Spelling (Correct Answer)

C) Punctuation

D) Possessive apostrophes

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