(October 25, 1917)
The President received at the White House a
delegation from the New York State Woman Suffrage Party. Answering the
address made by the
chairman, Mrs. Norman de R. Whitehouse, the President
spoke as follows:
MRS. WHITEHOUSE AND LADIES,--It is with great pleasure that I
receive you. I
esteem it a
privilege to do so. I know the difficulties which you have been laboring under in New York State, so clearly set forth by Mrs. Whitehouse, but in my
judgment those difficulties cannot be used as an
excuse by the leaders of any party or by the voters of any party for neglecting the question which you are pressing upon them. Because, after all, the whole world now is witnessing a
struggle between two ideals of
government. It is a
struggle which goes deeper and touches more of the foundations of the
organized life of men than any
struggle that has ever taken place before, and no
settlement of the questions that lie on the
surface can
satisfy a
situation which requires that the questions which lie underneath and at the
foundation should also be settled and settled
right. I am free to say that I think the question of woman
suffrage is one of those questions which lie at the
As one of the spokesmen of a great party, I would be doing nothing less than obeying the mandates of that party if I gave my
hearty support to the question of woman
suffrage which you
represent, but I do not want to speak
merely as one of the spokesmen of a party. I want to speak for myself, and say that it seems to me that this is the time for the States of this Union to take this action. I perhaps may be touched a little too much by the traditions of our
politics, traditions which lay such questions almost entirely upon the States, but I want to see communities
declare themselves quickened at this time and show the
consequence of the quickening.
I think the whole country has appreciated the way in which the women have risen to this great
occasion. They not only have done what they have been asked to do, and done it with
ardor and
efficiency, but they have shown a
power to
organize for doing things of their own
initiative, which is quite a
different thing, and a very much more
difficult thing, and I think the whole country has admired the
spirit and the
capacity and the
vision of the women of the United States.
It seems to me that this is a time of
privilege. All our principles, all our hearts, all our purposes, are being searched; searched not only by our own consciences, but searched by the world; and it is time for the people of the States of this country to show the world in what
practical sense they have
learned the lessons of
democracy--that they are fighting for
democracy because they believe it, and that there is no
application of
democracy which they do not believe in.
I feel, therefore, that I am standing upon the firmest foundations of the age in bidding godspeed to the
cause which you
represent and in expressing the
ardent hope that the people of New York may
realize the great
occasion which faces them on Election Day and may
respond to it in
noble fashion.