1. There was once upon a time a child who had Good Luck for his godfather.
2. "I am not Fortune," said Good Luck to the parents; "I have no gifts to
bestow, but whenever he needs help I will be at hand."
3. "Nothing could be better," said the old
couple. They were
delighted. But what pleases the father often fails to
satisfy the son: moreover, every man thinks that he deserves just a little more than he has got, and does not
reckon it to the
purpose if his father had less.
4. Many a one would be
thankful to have as good reasons for
contentment as he who had Good Luck for his godfather.
5. If he fell, Good Luck popped something soft in the way to break his fall; if he fought, Good Luck directed his blows, or tripped up his
adversary; if he got into a
scrape, Good Luck helped him out of it; and if ever Misfortune met him, Good Luck
contrived to
hustle her on the pathway
till his godson got
safely by.
6. In games of
hazard the godfather played over his shoulder. In matters of
choice he chose for him. And when the lad began to work on his father's farm the
farmer began to get rich. For no bird or field-mouse touched a seed that his son had
sown, and every plant he planted throve when Good Luck smiled on it.
7. The boy was not
fond of work, but when he did go into the fields, Good Luck followed him.
8. "Your christening-day was a blessed day for us all," said the old
9. "He has never given me so much as a lucky sixpence," muttered Good Luck's godson.
10. "I am not Fortune—I make no presents," said the godfather.
11. When we are discontented it is oftener to please our neighbors than ourselves. It was because the other boys had said—"Simon, the shoemaker's son, has an alderman for his godfather. He gave him a silver spoon with the Apostle Peter for the
handle; but thy godfather is more
powerful than any alderman"—that Good Luck's godson complained, "He has never given me so much as a
bent sixpence."