The Lilly Endowment’s recognizes and offers grants up to 100 Indiana educators.
Each educator will be given a grant of $12,000 annually.This grant will be awarded in 2017. The given grants will support lifelong learning among educators by enabling them to reach their dreams and passion.
They encourage educators who explore new areas of interest, expand existing talents and develop new ones.
Eligibility Criteria for 2017 Teacher Creativity Fellowship (TCF):
Deadline to apply for 2017 Teacher Creativity Fellowship (TCF):September 1, 2016.
About Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program:
One of the longest-standing programs of Lilly Endowment, the Teacher Creativity Fellowship Program began as a way to help Indiana public school teachers renew their commitment to teaching. Since its inception in 1987, the program has expanded its eligibility to teachers in private and parochial schools, to principals and assistant principals and to guidance counselors and library/media specialists. The commitment behind this competitive program is to recognize, re-energize and support Indiana educators.