Dr. C Moorer & Associates, inc., is supporting educators by awarding several annual mini-grants to community-based organizations. These grants are awarded to educators with new and innovative ways to use the principle of belief of “From Failure To Promise: An Uncommon Path to Professoriate”, to motivate, energize, students to reach their full promise in literacy, math, science, or technology.
Grant Amount: 500$
Eligibility: Educators (Kindergarten to grade 12) and youth-group leaders are encouraged to apply.
Target: Literacy, Science, Math or Technology
Deadline: July 31, 2017
The Application Form for 2017 grants will be open on September 1, 2016.
Interested Applicants can contact Dr. C Moorer & Associates, Inc. here
About Dr. C Moorer & Associates, Inc.,
Dr. C Moorer & Associates, Inc., was established in 2012, as a registered 501c3 scholarship-providing and grant making organization, with a mission “To encourage, mentor, and motivate students and educators to achieve great promise that results in improved global citizenship.”
Source: http://www.grantsforteachers.net/corporate-grants/From_Failure_to_Promise_K-12_Educator_s_Grant_2017/grantdetails_88.aspx