What is PARCC?
PARCC or Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers is the state exam administered on a yearly basis to monitor student progress.
Simply put, PARCC is meant to test the college readiness of a student right from a young age. These assessments help parents and teachers help students for a better future.
Hundreds of Educators dedicated thousands of hours in developing these rigorous test to ensure progress and career readiness of each student. These tests are designed in such a way that it checks students ability to solve problems rather than memorizing them.
The PARCC scores act as an indicator to parents and teachers to understand if students are on the right track for the next grade thereby for college and their career. These test scores are not just test scores of an exam, but these scores indicate the student’s skill in the subject, skills, the student excels at or need support with. With information like these, a teacher will be able to provide help for the student’s needs.
Since these test reports divide the subject into different categories of skills and performance, the reports can help parents in discussing with teachers about the support student needs. Principals and teachers can use this information for targeted intervention, thereby improving the performance of the school.
Privacy Policies
Every student’s test scores and any other personal information are protected at both the state and federal levels, as well as through all state-level contracts and agreements. Federal law prohibits the creation of a federal database with students’ personal information.