In compliance with the ADA and to support schools in their efforts, Lumos Learning, LLC has a plan in place to make all our website, links, courses, and programs accessible for anyone with a special requirement.
We have added IEP modifications and accommodations through student portals in all our programs for assessment and interventions.
Text to speech:
The modification in which the student can speak the answer which will be converted into text.
Screen contrast:
Student can change the screen and letter color contrast through this modification.
Zoom in:
This modification will let the student to zoom in to the screen. Maximum of 4x zoom is available.
Teachers can enable the above IEP modification through their account for respective students. In this manner, teachers can use a student’s IEP to ensure education modifications are addressed.
Students can toggle the required IEP modifications, available in their portal while taking the test.
Our second phase will include our main page and teacher portal pages so that teachers or visitors with disabilities can easily navigate and find pertinent information on our website.
Our final stage will include training all Lumos Learning, LLC personnel in the plan and to review, revise, and audit our ADA digital policy plan on a quarterly basis.
Lumos Learning would appreciate any feedback on how we can improve our website regarding ADA compliance and accessibility. We are using WCAG2.0 for our initial guidelines and will update accordingly. Our plan is having all phases completed by the Fall of 2020.
Our direct line to speak with customer service representative is 888-309-8227.
Email may be sent to us directly at
Below is a list of links that can help you with learning more about ADA compliance for digital technologies.
- “Accessibility of State and Local Government Websites to People with Disabilities,” a technical assistance document released by the Department of Justice in 2003
-, the website of the Architectural and Transportation Barriers Compliance Board (known as “the Access Board”), which establishes the standards used by the federal government to ensure that its electronic and information technology is accessible to people with disabilities;
-, the website of the Federal Information Technology Accessibility Initiative;
-, the website of the Information Technology and Technical Assistance Training Center;
-, the website for the Center for Applied Special Technology, a nonprofit, educational organization working to expand educational opportunities for all, including individuals with disabilities, through technology;
- 1-800-949-4232 (voice and TTY), the ADA and IT Technical Assistance Centers (