How to Secure Additional Funding for the Upcoming Academic Year

It seems as if there’s never enough money available for education. As an administrator or teacher, you may be looking for additional funding for special projects and resources for your school. Luckily, there are many grants out there for schools, most of which can be secured for the upcoming school year.

The NEA Foundation offers a list of organizations and foundations that can help you secure various grants. It’s an excellent place to start, especially for specific types of awards that you might need. Some funding is only available for certain types of educational programs, so read the guidelines carefully to make sure that your school and program meets their criteria.

Among some of the best resources:

  1. DonorsChoose supports classroom projects through a crowdfunding model. Many teachers have funded the purchase of books and materials for project-based learning through this site. Teachers set up an account, request items, and solicit donations. Once the project is funded, DonorsChoose does the work to order the materials and ship them straight to the classroom.
  2. The Mott Foundation offers grants for schools and programs in underserved communities. Their goal is to help students acquire the skills they need to succeed in college and beyond. For that reason, they specialize in grants for after school, college and career readiness, and youth engagement programs.
  3. The U.S. Department of Education offers several formula and discretionary grants as part of the No Child Left Behind Act of 2001. These grants help fund the recruitment and training of high-quality teachers to improve literacy skills and increase the achievement of students in low-income areas.
  4. The National Education Association (NEA) has the Great Public School Fund, a grant program to make all public schools great public schools. To date, the NEA has provided over 156 Great Public School grants.
  5. The American Honda Association Grants for Education has deadlines in February, May, and August for new and returning organizations that provide STEM education to schools and youth-centered nonprofit organizations. Grants range from $20,000 to $75,000 to fund programs in the sciences, technology, engineering, and mathematics.
  6. The Braitmayer Foundation provides funding for professional development that ensures that high-performing teachers stay in the profession. Also, it offers funds for innovative processes in curriculum and school reform. The foundation grants award up to $35,000.
  7. The Dollar General Literacy Foundation Youth Literacy Grants offers up to $4,000 for schools and teachers to purchase books, supplies, and software that promote literacy initiatives. These materials are meant to help students who read below grade level or to initiate new programs to encourage childhood literacy. The deadline for these grants is May 18.
  8. The Entertainment Software Association Grants for Youth Programs focuses on providing money for STEM education. They limit their funding to nonprofit organizations that serve youth between the ages of 7 and 18. Also, applicants must be seeking funding for programs that work in at least two states or nationwide. They have an emphasis on funding programs that support the youth of all races.
  9. Another science-based grant program is the Dominion Foundation Educational Grants, which provides grant money to K-12 classrooms. Schools must apply by March 1 to receive up to $5,000 for STEM programs.
  10. Finally, look for grants given by your state’s Department of Education. In Pennsylvania, for example, the Department of Education offers several different awards. Specific grants range from the Competitive Equipment Grant, which provides funds to schools with CTE programs to update or purchase new equipment, to the Office of Safe Schools’ Targeted Grants.

Whether your school provides programming for elementary students or high schoolers, you’re sure to find a grant program that will meet your needs. This list is just a small sampling of the money available for you. As always, pay close attention to guidelines and deadlines when applying for any of these opportunities.

Crystalee Calderwood

About the Author

Crystalee Calderwood is a high school English teacher from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. She has an MFA in Creative Writing from Chatham University, where she studied poetry and writing for children and teens. Now she spends most of her time writing and reading poetry with teens as an English and Creative Writing teacher at a local private school. In her spare time, she is a freelance writer who specializes in issues surrounding literacy an education.

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