Helping Your Kids Navigate Internet-Based Learning

Download free podcast by C. Osvaldo Gomez on Helping Your Kids Navigate Internet Based Learning


Using the internet for learning is not a new phenomenon, not in this day and age. Our children have

grown up with technology and are quite adept at using it. In many cases, they are more comfortable

than us and very often, they teach the adults how to use it. So, if they are the ‘experts’ in technology,

how do we as parents keep them safe? What can we do to help support their learning through online


Learn the Tools

First, take the time to learn about the variety of online tools for your child. There are a myriad of ways

your child may be accessing technologies. Apps, eLearning databases, internet, games, and any

combination of the above. Find out when, how, and where your child can be online to maximize their

learning opportunities. Spend some time exploring online, but also rely on the school. Many times,

teachers and schools will have specific programs the students can use with a subscription based service,

or they may be able to recommend safe games and apps. Learning the tools is extremely important, but

remember, you don’t have to go at it alone.

Talk to Your Child

Once you know what programs, apps, or games, you child will be using, you can’t stop there. You have

to take the time to talk regularly with your child about their online activities. Decide ahead of time what

your family expectations will be. Do you want your child to come to you if they need to purchase

something? Make an account? Talk with others? What will happen if they need access the computer or

device when you are not home? These are all decisions that will be easier for your child to make if you

have discussed them before they start using the technology regularly. But, don’t limit yourself to a one

time conversation. Ask how things are going, share the moments with your child. And be sure to

regularly discuss expectations for what is appropriate and not appropriate to share. Remember, you are

setting the stage for many important experiences that will carry them far into the future.

Monitor Regularly

Finally, don’t forget one of the most important tools you have as a parent – monitoring your child. You

can do this in a variety of ways including physical monitoring and program based monitoring. With the

physical time, it is exactly as it sounds. Sit next to or near your child as they use the technology. This not

only enables you to see what they are doing, but it gives a great platform for talking points. Program

monitoring is also exactly as it sounds. You can utilize any number of programs, either software or

internet based, that enables you to do everything from monitor the time they are online to following

exact keystrokes they make.

Technology is here to stay and with the rise of the number of schools continuously asking students to

complete assignments online or bring devices to school, you can be assured your students will regularly

use the technology as part of their modern learning. By following a few simple guidelines, you can learn

to navigate the technology easily and help keep your kids safe.


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