FAQ Document
To give parents and teachers a better understanding of StepUp, we have put together the below frequently asked questions. The StepUp program has been designed to help students master the skills required by the various standards. The program covers both ELA and Math from Grade 3 through 8.
Frequently Asked Questions about Lumos StepUp Program:
What is StepUp Program?
StepUp SkillBuilder provides necessary grade-level practice resources to students. It includes hundreds of online practice questions along with practice tests that mirror actual assessments faced by the students. With StepUp, students, teachers along with helpful educational apps and videos on each topic.
The StepUp programs are available for 9 programs including PARCC, SBAC, LEAP, OST, FSA, ACT Aspire, MO MAP, MS MAP and GMAS.
It provides Teachers with tools that help in creating custom assessments, assigning it to students and gives the teachers access to insightful diagnostic reports.
StepUp gives students access to 2 computer adaptive test specific to the state. These test mirror the blueprint and also has 15 types of Tech Enhanced Questions which help students prepare for the assessment and understand it.
StepUp promotes standard specific self paced learning which help skills mastery with access to hundreds of workbooks, educational videos and apps.
It gives individualized, diagnostic assessment that determines competency and areas for improvement.
How is StepUp useful to teachers?
StepUp provides access to hundreds of workbooks, educational videos and Apps. It also helps find relevant OERs.
Teachers can create their custom assessments using these resources, create classroom with students. Assign homework and assignments to students.
StepUp provides easy-to-use, advanced and real-time reports to help identify areas of weakness and tailor personalized learning plans for the student.
How is StepUp administered?
The StepUp assessments are taken on a computer in either the computer lab or on netbooks/laptops in the classroom. It can also be accessed on smartphones and tablet.
Is StepUp a timed test?
StepUp assessments is a timed test with time set as per the requirements of the blueprint of the particular assessment.
How is each test personalized?
The test is designed to find a child’s appropriate skill level and as per the requirement of the state assessments. The student will get a diagnostic assessment immediately on completion of the test which will help identify areas of competency and improvement. The program also helps students to learn the skill by suggesting reading materials, videos etc
What materials can parents access?
Workbooks to practice 30+ Math and 40+ ELA skills
Online diagnostic reports are available to parents which let them know the areas of improvement of their child
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