The FSA is a Computer-Based Longitudinal Assessment System for College and Career Readiness. The students will face a variety of new technology-enhanced questions as a part of the computer-based tests.
Some of them are Multiple choice-single correct responses, Multiple choice-multiple correct responses, Matching Tables, Drag and Drop, Hot text, Table Fill in, Graphing, Equation/numeric, Extended constructed response, Short answer, and many more.
Today, we will share several sample questions along with practice test links for grade 2 English Language Arts that gives you an idea of questions that your students are likely to see on the test. After each sample question, an explanation follows that includes any important aspects of the task that you may need to consider with respect to the skills, processes, and information your students need to know.
Domain: Grade 2 >> Reading: Literature
Sample Question: How did the girls feel after Ramona’s mother said they could not play outside? Pick the best sentence from the story.
- Ramona’s mother said they had to stay inside.
- The girls were not happy.
- It had a large bird in it.
- She laughed.
Answer Explanation: The second sentence, “The girls were not happy”, tells how they felt when they could not go outside. The other sentences are in the story, but do not answer the question asked.
Standards: RL.2.1
Click here to practice: Reading: Literature Questions on 2nd Grade
Domain: Grade 2 >> Reading: Informational Text
Sample Question: Think about the main idea.
Pick 2 answers that are true about owls.
- Owls usually come out in daylight.
- Owls might sleep during the day.
- Owls fly down to get their food.
- Owls are not good at seeing or hearing.
Answer Explanation: The second and third answers are correct. The first and fourth answers are not true. They are not correct.
Standards: RI.2.6
Click here to practice: Grade 2 Reading: Informational Text Questions
Domain: Grade 2 >> Reading: Foundational Skills
Sample Question: Long i vowel sound can be found in one syllable words that end in a y. Which of the following is a correct list of these kinds of long i words?
- sky, fly, why, me
- fly, why, my, sky
- flee, fly, we, why
- happy, funny, skinny, many
Answer Explanation: The correct answer is the second one which has fly, why, my, sky listed. The first answer is not correct because it has me listed and that is long e and not ending in y. The third answer has both long e and long I and is not correct. The fourth answer is not correct as it has 2 syllable words ending in y , where y makes the long e sound, not the long i sound.
Standards: RF.2.3.A
Click here to practice: 2nd Grade Reading: Foundational Skills Questions
Domain: Grade 2 >> Language
Sample Question: Verbs tell the action in a sentence. They are a part of the predicate. Some verbs can be changed from what is happening now (present tense) to what happened before (past tense). Most verbs are changed from present to past by adding an “ed”. But some do not follow that rule. An irregular past tense verb is one where either the verb is changed to a new word or stays the same in present and past tense.
What do verbs do in a sentence? Mark the 2 best answers.
- Verbs name the noun in the sentence.
- Verbs tell the action in a sentence.
- Verbs are words in a sentence that tell about the subject.
- Verbs are part of the predicate.
Answer Explanation: The correct sentences that give information about what verbs do in a sentence are the second and fourth sentences. Verbs tell the action in a sentence. Verbs are a part of the predicate. The first and third sentences are not correct.
Standards: L.2.1.D
Click here to practice: Language Questions for 2nd Grade
Domain: Grade 2 >> Writing
Sample Question: It is important that you have someone review your work when you write. Your teacher can do this and so can other classmates. It is called “peer collaboration” when your classmates or friends help you to review, revise, and edit your writing.
Read the selection below that a fellow classmate might have written. If you were doing a “peer collaboration”, what suggestions might you give your classmate to help him improve on his writing? Mark the ones that would help.
I am going to learn how to surf with my uncle jeff. He has been a surfer for many years. uncle jeff won first place last year in the San Diego Surf Contest it was his second year to win. How fantastic now he’s ready to teach me his secrets
- Check capitalization for beginning of sentences and proper nouns.
- Leave out the first sentence as it does not make sense.
- Check for punctuation, as many periods and an exclamation point are missing.
- It does not need revising or editing.
Answer Explanation: The suggestions that you might share in “peer collaboration” are the first and third sentences. Check capitalization for beginning of sentences and proper nouns. Check for punctuation, as many periods and an exclamation point are missing. They are correct. The second and fourth sentences are not correct.
Standards: W.2.6
Click here to practice: Writing Questions for 2nd Grade
Domain: Grade 2 >> Speaking & Listening
Sample Question: In the speech to the parents and teachers, which 2 details would help you to clarify more about the volunteer work of parents and extra work of teachers?
- They came to the school a lot of time.
- The parents came during school hours to work individually with struggling students.
- Teachers gave up their off time and stayed late to tutor students who were falling behind or did not understand.
- Some came after work.
Answer Explanation: The 2 sentences that help to clarify are the second and third sentences: The parents came during school hours to work individually with struggling students. Teachers gave up their off time and stayed late to tutor students who were falling behind or did not understand. The other sentences do not give detail to help clarify and are not correct.
Standards: SL.2.6
Click here to practice: Speaking & Listening Questions for 2nd Grade