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Summer Learning Loss - The Problems and Solutions

Summer Learning Loss – The problem and some solutions

Summer Learning Loss which is otherwise known as “Summer Slide”. According to some research students who take standardized tests in the fall could have lost up to 4-6 weeks of learning each school year when compared with test results from the previous spring. This makes the educators to dedicate their first month each new school year for reviewing material before moving into the new content and concepts.

The areas that affect most from summer slide are vocabulary/reading, spelling and math.
In Stop! In the Name of Education: Prevent Summer Learning Loss With 7 Simple Steps, the expert educators at Lumos Learning have discussed the understanding of summer slide and listed some activities for parents to help the children to prevent summer slide.

Some of the places to find resources are;

Your Child’s School
Your Community
The Television

Finally, remember to keep it fun, Learning doesn’t always have to be scheduled in summer. In fact, some of the most educational experiences are unplanned.
Check out Lumos Learning Summer Programs for Parents for more information and fun activites.

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