Free Educational Videos for Students in K-12

Best educational videos to complement children’s learning. Instructional and ‘how to’ videos that explain concepts and help build essential skills. Find thousands of Khan academy videos, Lumos Learning videos along with many other interesting resources from top publishers. Recommend helpful videos to colleagues, friends, or students. Share feedback and submit reviews.

simple and compound sentence

By GrammarSongsbyMelissa

simple and compound sentence

Conjunction Song from Grammaropolis - "Let's Bring It All Together"

By theelectriccompany

Choose your word for the function. Conjunctions are going to get a done. The acronym "FANBOYS" is used to remember the conjunctions. Students will enjoy this animated video with funny characters. This is a great resource to help introduce and/or review conjunctions in the elementary classroom. This can also be used to teach the CCSS W.3.1.c and W. 3.2.c.

List of Conjunctions

By Educator

A list of conjunctions from a web site. A conjunction is a joining word. A quick review of types of conjunctions is given and the list of conjunctions is shown from the web site. More information and lessons can be found at:

Common English mistakes with direct and indirect objects

By EspressoEnglish

This video reviews the correct placement of direct and indirect objects in sentences. It shows examples of three common errors and the proper way to correct them.

Complete Predicates

By EspressoEnglish

This is a video tutorial on complete predicates. The narrator gives and discusses helpful examples.

Basic Multiplication

By mathwithlarry

Multiplication is repeated addition. This video introduces the concept of multiplication and how to use the multiplication table.

Meaning of Division

By MathwithMrAlmeida

In this video, Mr. Almeida explains the meaning of division as an "unknown factor problem." This illustrates 3.OA.6 in the grade 3 Common Core Standards for Mathematics.

Commutative Law of Multiplication

By Khan,Academy

In this Kahn Academy video you will learn to use the commutative law of multiplication to write expressions in different ways.

Commutative Property of Addition and Multiplication

By Mathademics

The order that you add and multiply in doesn't matter. Learn about the commutative property in this short video.

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