Whats all the matter? Atoms and Molecules - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Whats all the matter? Atoms and Molecules - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Whats all the matter? Atoms and Molecules - By MITK12Videos

00:14 Hey ana , Hey Liz , I'm gonna teach you
00:17 something really cool , are you ready ? Sure .
00:19 Okay , so what I want you to do is
00:21 I want you to rip this paper in half every
00:22 time I tell you to . Okay , ready ,
00:25 rip . Ready rip . Uh huh . Yeah ,
00:34 it's too small . I can't cut it anymore .
00:37 No , I'm and your fingers are just too big
00:39 . No , but you're right at some point ,
00:41 you wouldn't be able to rip it anymore . That's
00:43 smallest . Unreachable piece is called an adam . I'm
00:47 not quite sure I understand . Can you show me
00:49 well ? And Adam is really , really , really
00:52 small so you can't see it with your naked eye
00:54 . But to help us understand , I brought these
00:56 fucks . What do you see ? A bunch of
01:02 blocks ? Are they all the same ? Yes ,
01:04 each block has the same parts , right ? Each
01:08 block is made up of a base and some number
01:11 of bumps . And this is true of every block
01:14 in the same way . And Adam is made up
01:19 of a very specific set of pieces . And adam
01:22 has essential core and an outer shell we call the
01:27 central core of the atom . The nucleus . The
01:31 outer shells surrounding the nucleus is made of particles called
01:35 electrons . So we can represent the atom as a
01:41 block whose nucleus is the base and electrons are the
01:46 bumps . Okay , so the blocks are atoms but
01:53 some of the blocks look different from others . Is
01:55 this true with Adams ? To , Yes and to
01:57 make this very obvious , we can organize the blocks
01:59 by color , see how the ones with the same
02:02 color have the same size and number of bumps .
02:05 A block of a certain color is unique and has
02:08 different properties compared to other blocks of a different color
02:11 . This is the same with atoms . There are
02:15 different atoms and each type of atom is called an
02:20 element and it is unique and has its own properties
02:25 . Oh , I get it . But that's not
02:28 all the structure of the atom , just like the
02:31 block is also important . Can you see why ?
02:34 Well there are those bumps and what do you think
02:37 you can do with these bumps ? I guess they'll
02:39 let me connect them together , right ? Just like
02:42 the bumps allow me to connect different box together .
02:48 The electrons allow me to bring together different atoms to
02:51 make new unique combinations . The electrons are shared between
02:56 the atoms and the sharing of electrons is called a
03:00 bond . We can bomb the blocks together with different
03:06 number of bumps and the more bumps we use ,
03:10 the stronger the bond , here's a bond , here's
03:15 a stronger bond and here's an even stronger bond .
03:19 This is the same with Adams . There are different
03:21 bond strengths depending on how many electrons they share ,
03:24 awesome bonding is fun . So is this still called
03:27 an adam ? No , When the atoms bond together
03:31 , they form what is called a molecule ? A
03:35 molecule is just more than one atom bonded together .
03:38 Wow , I'm learning a lot , but you're not
03:41 done yet . There are many ways Adams can come
03:45 together to form different kinds of molecules . This is
03:49 beginning to sound complicated . It's okay , let's recap
03:51 what we learned . Simply . Adams are building blocks
04:00 and molecules are just two or more atoms . Find
04:05 it together . And although we can't see atoms or
04:09 molecules we see and interact with the things that they
04:12 are made from every day . Mm hmm . Mhm
04:20 mhm mhm .



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