How to Win a Bike Race: Using Gears - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

How to Win a Bike Race: Using Gears - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

How to Win a Bike Race: Using Gears - By MITK12Videos

00:08 gears are everywhere and cars , elevators . Mm Even
00:14 bikes , none of these objects would work as well
00:17 as they do without the use of gears . But
00:20 how can we understand what gears do ? We're going
00:23 to take a close look at gears and try and
00:25 understand a little more of the physics and engineering that
00:28 makes them work . Then we'll use what we've learned
00:31 to try and understand how to win a bike race
00:34 . Mm You're getting ready for a bike race .
00:41 The most important thing to know about is torque .
00:45 A torque is made up of a force and a
00:47 distance . A force is a push or a pull
00:50 and that force is applied at a certain distance away
00:53 from something that will call the pivot point . Watch
00:57 as I try to push this revolving door . It's
01:00 hard here . What much easier here ? Why is
01:05 that ? Well , when you're trying to push the
01:09 door close to the pivot point , you need a
01:11 big force . Yeah . As you move away from
01:15 the pivot point , you increase the distance component of
01:18 the torque and then you have to apply less force
01:21 . But what's the trade off ? Let's take a
01:23 look at a top view . This revolving door needs
01:26 a certain torque to spin around . You can get
01:28 that torque by applying a big force at a small
01:30 distance away from the tipping point or a small force
01:34 at a big distance . However , if you apply
01:38 a large force , you only need to travel around
01:41 a small circle to rotate once smaller forces easier ,
01:45 but you need to travel in a bigger circle ,
01:49 gears work in a similar way , gears touch each
01:52 other and therefore apply a force to each other and
01:55 the size of the gear is what determines the distance
01:58 part of the torque want . Or can drive the
02:01 first gear and you can get a different torque out
02:03 of the second gear . In this case , a
02:05 bigger one . The trade off bigger gear provides a
02:09 bigger torque but has to travel a longer distance before
02:12 it spins around once . Yeah , sound familiar bikes
02:21 use something called a sprocket , which is essentially a
02:24 special gear for use with a chain . For now
02:27 , let's just say we can only change the size
02:30 of the back sprocket , the one that drives the
02:32 back wheel . But how will changing the sprocket size
02:35 or shifting gears help you to be a better biker
02:38 ? I don't know . So , to test this
02:44 out , we're going to have a race in this
02:47 race . The first cyclist me is going to be
02:49 stuck using a big sprocket . Second cyclist is going
02:53 to be stuck using a smaller one . Yeah ,
03:20 and there are , it looks like cyclist who is
03:22 off to an early lead . The sightless one pedaling
03:25 furiously . Keep up . Yeah . Oh , and
03:35 it looks like cyclists to can't get enough torque to
03:37 get up that hill , cyclist one breezes pastor can
03:41 cyclists to catch up on the downhill . Mhm And
03:47 she does it . It's gonna be a close finish
03:55 and cyclists two wins as you can see using the
03:59 larger sprocket . Let me put a huge torque on
04:02 the wheel making the hill a piece of cake .
04:05 But to get anywhere I had to pedal my legs
04:08 off just like moving the revolving door far from the
04:11 pivot point . It's easier but there is more distance
04:14 involved . The smaller sprocket , let's cyclists to turn
04:20 the wheel around many times , but without the extra
04:23 torque , she had trouble getting up that hill ,
04:26 just like moving the door close to the pivot point
04:30 , it's harder but less distance is involved . I
04:35 hope you learned a little something about gears and the
04:38 trade offs involved . There's still plenty more to learn
04:41 . See you next time . Mhm Yeah ,



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