Balloon Buoyancy - What makes balloons float? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Balloon Buoyancy - What makes balloons float? - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Balloon Buoyancy - What makes balloons float? - By MITK12Videos

00:11 Hi there , how's it hanging or should I say
00:14 ? How's it floating ? Speaking of floating , why
00:17 does this balloon float ? Helium balloons float ? Because
00:20 the density of medium this lesson that's here because they're
00:23 lighter than air because helium is less dense than air
00:27 . I'm hearing a trend in the answer , but
00:29 there's one more question . What exactly is the force
00:31 acting on the balloon ? I actually don't know .
00:34 Mm that stuff . I'm not sure . The buoyancy
00:37 force , bingo . The buoyancy force . The same
00:40 force responsible for keeping boats from sinking ducky's from drowning
00:45 . But how exactly does buoyancy cause helium balloons to
00:48 move upward ? Let's head over to the physics department
00:51 at MIT to do a little experimentation . To find
00:54 out . Here we are with the Technical services group
01:01 at MIT . They've picked out a demo that's going
01:03 to help us find the answer to our buoyancy question
01:06 . Now , check in your brain because this is
01:09 what you need to know about the setup and then
01:11 guess what ? You can try it at home .
01:14 This is dan , a gentleman of TsG . He
01:17 has placed two balloons in a box . One balloon
01:20 is filled with air and is hanging from the top
01:22 of the box . The other is filled with helium
01:24 and is taped to the bottom of the box .
01:26 The box is loosely closed and therefore filled with air
01:30 dan is going to give the box to push and
01:32 we'll see which way the balloons will move inside the
01:34 box . Will they move backwards or forwards ? Let's
01:38 see . Did you see it ? Watch again ?
01:42 The balloon filled with air hangs back while the balloon
01:46 filled with helium appears to spring forward . How will
01:50 we ever explain this with science ? Let's take a
01:54 look back at the setup . The helium balloon moved
01:56 forward while the air balloon fell back first . Let's
02:00 explain the hanging balloons behavior . It hangs back just
02:03 as you do when you're sitting in a car .
02:05 Accelerating forward . You feel like you're pushed back in
02:08 your seat because really your body wants to stay where
02:10 it was . Similarly , the hanging balloon wants to
02:13 stay in place as the box moves forward so it
02:16 appears to fall backwards in the box . Now ,
02:20 for the helium balloon , maybe the closed box makes
02:24 the difference . Let's take a closer look at the
02:27 air particles in the box before the push , the
02:29 air is equally distributed and the pressure caused by air
02:32 particles bumping into each other is the same throughout the
02:35 box as the box is pushed forward , the air
02:37 particles just like the air filled balloon are left behind
02:41 and gather at the back of the box . Now
02:43 we have a pressure imbalance , There is higher pressure
02:46 and more air particles bumping into each other at the
02:49 back of the box than at the front . Ah
02:51 ha ! There are more air molecules bumping into the
02:54 balloon from the back than from the front . So
02:57 the high pressure in the back must push the helium
03:00 balloon forward . And that's the motion we see .
03:03 Now . We can look at why balloons float up
03:05 into the sky when a balloon rises up in the
03:07 atmosphere , it must also be moving away from high
03:10 pressure air to low pressure air that sounds right up
03:13 at high altitudes . The air is much thinner because
03:16 it's at a lower pressure than at sea level .
03:18 This is why hikers often bring oxygen to the top
03:21 of Mount Everest because the air at the summit is
03:23 so thin . The air pressure difference is drastic from
03:27 sea level to the summit of Mount Everest . But
03:30 what about along the length of a balloon ? Since
03:33 it or not ? The differences there . The slight
03:35 miniscule change and pressure from below the balloon to above
03:38 . It is enough to overcome the downward force of
03:41 gravity cause a net upward push on the balloon and
03:44 Walla . We have found our missing force , and
03:49 there you have it . The poignancy can be neutral
03:52 and keep things in one place like are floating canoe
03:55 and our duck , but it can also be responsible
03:57 for the acceleration or overwhelming push on one side of
04:01 an object , causing it to move . Mhm .



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