Homemade Lava Lamp with Cassidy, Erin, & Giana (SciVids101) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Homemade Lava Lamp with Cassidy, Erin, & Giana (SciVids101) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Homemade Lava Lamp with Cassidy, Erin, & Giana (SciVids101) - By MITK12Videos

00:0-1 So today we are making lava lamps and here's an
00:02 example of red one and the blue one . Things
00:05 you need water , oil , food coloring . Let
00:10 me call you want and cups first . You will
00:15 put the water in . Mhm . About that much
00:19 is again , yeah , the a little bit of
00:23 green in there and you put some oil in there
00:29 about that much is good and to make a bubble
00:37 you need up there . I think I think this
00:48 one is pretty cool .



Homemade Lava Lamp with Cassidy, Erin, & Giana (SciVids101) is a free educational video by MITK12Videos.

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