Got Some Solutions?: Crash Course Kids #26.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Got Some Solutions?: Crash Course Kids #26.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Got Some Solutions?: Crash Course Kids #26.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 we've been talking about the stars in space and the
00:12 habitats on earth and the conservation of mass and all
00:14 kinds of stuff . And while I love talking about
00:16 those things , there's one topic we haven't covered in
00:19 a while that I miss engineering and cartoon me really
00:23 missed wearing this cool iron ran outfit looking good little
00:26 Sabrina so far . We've talked about what engineers do
00:30 and the process that they follow when they're , you
00:32 know , engineering stuff . We've also devoted to lessons
00:35 to the super important first step of the engineering process
00:38 defining the problem problems . They're the worst . But
00:42 you know what's the best ? I mean after pancake
00:45 solutions , solutions are great . Which brings us to
00:48 our big question , is there just one solution for
00:51 every problem ? Yeah . For those of you who
00:57 don't remember what an engineer is or didn't watch that
01:00 lesson and um hi you totally should . An engineer
01:04 is a person who designs and builds things to solve
01:06 specific problems . The engineering process is a series of
01:09 steps that engineers used to guide them as they work
01:12 toward a solution for whatever their particular problem is .
01:15 Now , speaking of problems , remember this place ?
01:18 The problem we faced earlier was getting across this gigantic
01:21 gorge in one piece more . Specifically , our problem
01:25 was how do we fly across this huge gorge ?
01:27 Since there was no bridge to cross and it was
01:29 too deep to climb down one side and up the
01:31 other ? We decided a hang glider was one possible
01:33 way to soar across the gap , which was pretty
01:36 clever , I have to say . But if we
01:38 want to really think like engineers , we should try
01:41 to come up with more than just one solution to
01:43 this problem , or more than one way to fly
01:45 across this gorge , think we can do it .
01:47 We totally got this . Let's review our checklist from
01:54 the earlier lessons on what a successful solution to this
01:56 problem looks like number one , was that our solution
01:59 should get us to the other side alive , yep
02:02 , that's a big number to it . The thing
02:04 that gets us to the other side should be something
02:06 we currently have or can easily get our hands on
02:09 . And lastly number three , was that whatever our
02:11 solution is , it's something we can ideally reuse once
02:14 we're on the other side . So other than our
02:15 hang glider solution from last time , what else can
02:18 we think of ? Well , let's say we took
02:20 this camping trip to celebrate a birthday . So ,
02:22 we brought along a pack of balloons to blow up
02:24 and decorate the tent with , luckily we haven't inflated
02:27 them just yet . So what if we use the
02:29 balloons to lift the tent or maybe just me and
02:31 carry me over the gorge , kind of like in
02:33 the movie up . But with cartoon , me instead
02:35 of carl and russell , that idea . Plus the
02:37 tent hang glider gives us two possible solutions to our
02:40 gorge problem three is better than two , I say
02:42 . So can we come up with one more ?
02:44 Like any good camper ? We came on this trip
02:46 prepared for anything from birthdays to bad weather , bad
02:49 weather , like rain . So of course we've got
02:52 an umbrella handy . Hm I wonder if we get
02:54 a good running head start , if we could get
02:56 enough lift to float or fly across the gorge .
02:59 Hey , it worked for mary Poppins anyhow . This
03:02 gorge problem as tricky as it is actually does have
03:05 more than one possible solution , but are they all
03:08 really possible ? We don't know yet if they'll actually
03:11 work because that's what the evaluating stages for . So
03:14 in the meantime , guys definitely don't try any of
03:18 these solutions at home . Okay . I'd prefer .
03:20 And I think your parents would agree that you kept
03:22 your feet on the ground where they belong . Cool
03:26 , cool . So is there just one possible solution
03:33 to this problem ? Say it with me now ?
03:35 No . There are usually many potential ways to solve
03:37 any given problem , but is one solution even better
03:40 than another , is one of our three flying solutions
03:43 better than the other to the answer to that question
03:46 is coming up next time . See us soon .
03:48 Engineers and training .



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