The Life Hydrologic: Crash Course Kids #30.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The Life Hydrologic: Crash Course Kids #30.2 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

The Life Hydrologic: Crash Course Kids #30.2 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 So last time we hiked up a volcano to explore
00:12 the ways the geo sphere affects the biosphere . Now
00:16 let's go down , we're gonna dive deep to explore
00:19 another connection between two of the earth's fears . But
00:22 this time things might get a little soggy . Can
00:25 you guess what we're off to explore ? Water ?
00:27 Let's take a look at how the hydro sphere affects
00:30 the biosphere . You remember the hydro sphere ? It
00:36 includes all of the water on the planet , and
00:38 of course the biosphere includes all the living things .
00:41 Now we know that the features of the geo sphere
00:43 can create conditions that affect the things that live nearby
00:46 . As you climb up a mountain , the air
00:48 gets thinner and cooler , creating an entirely different ecosystem
00:51 at the summit than the one at the base .
00:53 And the same is true with water , lakes ,
00:56 rivers and oceans are all habitats in different plants and
00:59 animals that live in water need different conditions to survive
01:03 to . Now , maybe you're thinking nada humpback whale
01:05 can live in a lake . Got it . But
01:07 it goes deeper than that . When we look out
01:10 on the ocean , we see rolling waves that stretch
01:12 out towards the horizon . It's beautiful . Yes ,
01:15 but there's a lot more going on below the surface
01:18 . The ocean has layers as you move deeper into
01:22 the water , the temperature , pressure and even salt
01:24 content all change . And as conditions change , the
01:28 type of creatures that live there change as well .
01:30 But don't just take my word for it . Got
01:32 your snorkel on . Good . Let's go swimming Mm
01:37 from the surface of the sea to about 200 m
01:41 is the sunlight zone . As the name suggests ,
01:44 it's shallow enough for light to penetrate the water .
01:46 And I know you remember what kind of life needs
01:49 sunlight . Plants through photosynthesis , plants turn energy from
01:53 the sun into chemical energy . Here's sea grass ,
01:56 seaweed and phytoplankton , which are microscopic plants , algae
01:59 and bacteria form the base of the ocean's food chain
02:03 . Since this zone is the very top layer ,
02:05 it doesn't have much pressure . That means marine mammals
02:08 , like most whales , seals and manatees are able
02:10 to live here anymore pressure and their air filled lungs
02:13 would get squished . But the sunlight zone is just
02:17 a tiny fraction of what makes up the ocean .
02:20 Let's dive . As we enter the next layer ,
02:23 the party starts to thin out . It's darker ,
02:25 chillier and there's more pressure . This space is called
02:28 the twilight zone because it receives some sunlight but not
02:31 enough for plants to grow . So plant eating fish
02:33 can live here , but they have to survive on
02:35 the scraps that fall from above . You start to
02:38 see some animals with some funky adaptations down here .
02:41 Some fish have really big eyes to collect every little
02:43 bit of light they can and some animals light up
02:46 not to see but to hide seen from below .
02:48 An animal would look like a dark shape against the
02:51 light water above , but with spots of light on
02:53 their body . Some animals can better blend in and
02:56 hide from predators . Now think about this the deepest
03:00 that a person has ever gone on . A scuba
03:02 dive was only 305 m , Just barely entering the
03:06 twilight zone . But we're not done yet to the
03:09 deep welcome to the spooky sounding midnight zone . You
03:13 can probably guess what that means . It's pitch black
03:15 down here . This zone goes about 4000 m down
03:19 and the animals down here are pretty weird . They
03:22 might have huge mouths and sharp teeth so they can
03:24 eat anything that comes along . Food is pretty scarce
03:27 here , so they're not picky . Sometimes it's a
03:29 passing fish . Other times a shark carcass falls from
03:31 the sunlight zone above providing a feast . We're nearing
03:34 the bottom . Now , this zone covers most of
03:36 the sea floor here . The water temperature is just
03:39 above freezing and it's extremely salty . These conditions mean
03:42 only a few creatures live down here . Most of
03:44 these are invertebrates like basket stars and tiny squids ,
03:48 but there's one more layer to the ocean to explore
03:51 The trenches for awhile , oceanographers thought no life could
03:55 exist in such an inhospitable place . The water pressure
03:58 is like having about 50 huge airplanes piled on top
04:02 of you . But even so , animals like starfish
04:05 and tube worms can thrive at these depths . Okay
04:07 , back to the surface , moving through the water
04:14 , you can see how changes in temperature , pressure
04:16 and light affect the organisms that live there . And
04:19 that is just one important way in which the hydra
04:22 sphere acts on the biosphere from the top of a
04:24 mountain to the bottom of the sea . I bet
04:27 you never thought that the spheres could be so full
04:29 of adventure .



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