Life on Other Planets: Crash Course Kids #45.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Life on Other Planets: Crash Course Kids #45.1 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Life on Other Planets: Crash Course Kids #45.1 - By Crash Course Kids

00:09 Earth by now , you guys really know your way
00:12 around this place . I mean I get that you
00:14 knew a lot about Earth before we started all this
00:17 . But now you know how things really work around
00:20 here and how things work on our planet has a
00:22 lot to do with why Earth is so special ?
00:24 What makes it special you well not just you .
00:28 I mean I'm sure you're special and everything , but
00:30 what I mean is us , life , giraffes and
00:33 sea slugs and banana trees . Things with the ability
00:35 to grow , reproduce , react and change as far
00:39 as we know , Earth is the only planet that
00:41 has life . But that's only as far as we
00:43 know . What about all the stuff that we don't
00:46 know remember when we talked about the vast , my
00:48 boggling headache inducing size of the universe . Yeah ,
00:52 it's big . There's a lot we don't know .
00:55 And at the top of the list of things we
00:57 don't know is the question , are we alone ?
01:00 Is Earth really so special in the universe , or
01:02 in a galaxy far , far away ? Could there
01:04 be life forms , looking up into the sky ,
01:06 wondering the exact same thing ? That's a big question
01:09 . Before we try to tackle it , we should
01:11 lay out what life needs here by examining the recipe
01:13 for life on earth will be better able to look
01:16 for life among the stars . So what does life
01:19 need , first of all , a star ? If
01:25 we weren't circling the sun , you and I wouldn't
01:27 be here for a couple of reasons . The sun
01:29 provides energy . It's the basis of all the world's
01:31 food chains . It's the fuel that drives almost all
01:33 living things . The sun also provides warmth , which
01:36 allows water to exist in liquid form . Earth's orbit
01:39 around the sun is in kind of a sweet spot
01:41 . It's not so cold that all the water is
01:43 frozen and it's not so hot that all the water
01:45 turns to vapor . What's the other thing that life
01:48 needs food ? Living things need food for the energy
01:52 that we get from it . And again it all
01:54 starts with the sun . Plants take energy from the
01:56 sun and turn it into chemical energy , which can
01:59 then be transferred to all of the animals that eat
02:01 those plants or other animals . So if life on
02:04 earth needs food , water and warmth to survive ,
02:07 then what might alien life be like ? Well ,
02:14 it depends just like life on earth , it would
02:16 depend on the circumstances of the planet and the resources
02:20 available to the living things there no water . Maybe
02:23 animals instead rely on liquid methane instead of liquid water
02:26 too far from a star . Maybe they get their
02:28 energy and warmth from heat vents and the trust of
02:30 the planet , like the heat vents at the bottom
02:32 of our oceans . Perhaps there's a planet that's always
02:34 covered in thick clouds close to the ground creatures that
02:37 would have a hard time seeing one another . So
02:39 they need another way to communicate . Perhaps these aliens
02:42 use smells and sounds to recognize each other , and
02:45 perhaps they have hard outer shells to keep them protected
02:48 in case other , bigger aliens come around looking for
02:50 a snack . No matter what these aliens look like
02:53 , one thing's for certain , their food chains would
02:55 seem very familiar . How so ? Well , the
02:58 planet would still need producers to turn energy from Starlight
03:01 into chemical energy , say some kind of alien plant
03:05 like things in an alien planet would also have consumers
03:09 , things that eat the producers and probably secondary consumers
03:12 to the things that eat those first level consumers .
03:15 And of course , this planet would need D .
03:17 Composers without this part of the food chain waist would
03:20 build up on the planet , making it totally unlivable
03:23 . Not to mention really gross . All of these
03:26 organisms would all be on the planet together , helping
03:28 each other survive by creating complex ecosystems , entangled ,
03:32 interlocking food webs . Now , I know this all
03:38 sounds like science fiction , but as we've talked about
03:41 , the universe is a crazy big place , astronomers
03:44 think that every star in the Milky Way galaxy has
03:46 at least one planet and there are billions of stars
03:49 in our galaxy alone . That doesn't include the whole
03:52 rest of the mega huge universe . So astronomers think
03:55 that life on other planets isn't just possible , It's
03:58 likely maybe life on other planets look like dinosaurs or
04:01 jellyfish . Maybe it's just tiny bacteria too small to
04:04 see without a microscope . Or maybe it's all these
04:07 things and more just like on earth , a big
04:10 wild party of diverse , beautiful life . I for
04:14 one can't wait to find out



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