Space Compilation: Crash Course Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Space Compilation: Crash Course Kids - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Space Compilation: Crash Course Kids - By Crash Course Kids

00:0-1 space . It's really cool actually , it's really cold
00:03 and really big and really awesome . Space has inspired
00:06 a lot of us to do a lot of really
00:08 cool things , but probably one of the best things
00:10 that inspired many of us to do is just simply
00:13 learn about it . The more we learn about stars
00:15 , other planets , Galaxies , and asteroids , the
00:18 more we learn about the universe and even ourselves .
00:21 So let's start this off by talking about one specific
00:24 star one that's really close to us . Pop quiz
00:31 . What's the closest star to Earth it's called Soul
00:35 ? Never heard of it . You say ? Sure
00:36 you have , Soul is the Sun , ancient romans
00:40 who once worshipped the Sun called its Soul and its
00:43 become the kind of official scientific name for the sun
00:46 . It's where the term solar system comes from .
00:48 Seoul or the sun is the star at the center
00:51 of our eight planet solar system that provides us with
00:54 energy without the sun , earth would be a dark
00:58 frozen world with no life . But how does the
01:01 sun's energy get to us ? Well , first ,
01:07 let's talk about what the sun is . It's a
01:10 five billion year old big ball of superhot gas .
01:14 The hottest part of the sun is its core or
01:16 center , which is about 15 million degrees Celsius .
01:22 So its surface is not quite as hot , but
01:24 it's still almost 5600 degrees Celsius , which is pretty
01:29 toasty if you ask me . And as for its
01:31 size , the sun is so huge , you can
01:34 line up over 100 earths along the face of it
01:37 and more than a million earths could fit inside it
01:41 . But the sun sizes and what makes it seem
01:42 so big and bright to us on Earth , it's
01:45 because it's so close to us that it seems way
01:48 , way , way , way bigger and brighter than
01:50 other stars . So , you know that the sun
01:53 is hot and bright and that heat and light are
01:55 both kinds of energy that we get from the sun
01:58 . Let's take a look at a model to see
01:59 how the sun's energy gets from good old soul to
02:02 our planet . Mm Here's the sun . Energy is
02:08 created in it's super hot , 15 million degree core
02:12 . That energy then travels outward from the core to
02:15 the surface of the sun . But this journey from
02:17 the center of the sun to its surface can take
02:20 over 100,000 years to complete . But once the energy
02:25 deep inside the sun finally gets to the surface ,
02:28 it travels as light and heat all the way to
02:30 Earth . In fact , it only takes about eight
02:33 minutes for light to travel approximately 150 million kilometers through
02:38 space to Earth over here . That's not such a
02:42 long time . So to sum up , energy is
02:48 created in the sun's core . It travels very slowly
02:52 to the sun's surface before it takes a super speedy
02:54 trip to earth in the form of light and heat
02:57 and you and I can see and feel that energy
03:00 as sunlight without the heat and light we get from
03:03 the sun , Earth would be just a frozen ball
03:05 floating around in space , which would be a total
03:09 bummer . So thanks soul , you're a real star
03:13 . So yeah , the sun is big , Really
03:15 big . But understanding the universe is sometimes about perspective
03:19 , the sun is big to us . Sure ,
03:21 But it's nothing compared to the galaxy or even some
03:24 of the other stars and compared to the universe .
03:27 Well , our son is pretty tiny compared to the
03:29 universe because the universe is huge . How huge the
03:36 universe is big . Really big , bigger than that
03:41 . No , you're not thinking big enough , It's
03:43 so massive that it makes my brain hurt . It's
03:46 so ginormous . Wee teeny tiny humans can barely just
03:51 barely get our brains to comprehend it . But just
03:54 because we can't really fully understand how big the universe
03:58 is , doesn't mean it's not important . The universe
04:01 is our home . We should at least poke around
04:03 . So how big is the universe ? Let's start
04:11 off with our cosmic address . That's where we live
04:14 in the universe . You could say my current cosmic
04:16 address is the crash course kids studio , Toronto ,
04:19 Canada North America Earth , the solar system , the
04:22 Milky Way Galaxy , the observable universe , the universe
04:25 . Knowing our cosmic address helps us understand where the
04:28 things in the sky are things like stars , asteroids
04:32 , planets , even other Galaxies . Every time we
04:34 go up and out A level in our cosmic address
04:37 , the actual space we're talking about gets more spacious
04:41 distances in space are so large that scientists had to
04:44 come up with a whole new way of measuring them
04:46 . You can't talk about space using miles or kilometers
04:49 . The numbers get so big that they just sound
04:51 like nonsense . That's where a light year comes in
04:54 . It sounds like a measure of time because it
04:56 has the word year in it . But it's really
04:58 a measure of distance . Light is the fastest thing
05:01 we know in the whole universe , clocking in at
05:04 a whopping 300,000 kilometers per second in one second ,
05:08 light can travel around the Earth , the whole Earth
05:11 seven times . It's moving so fast . Our brains
05:15 can't detect that it's moving at all . So ,
05:17 a light year is the distance that light can travel
05:19 in one year . Does your head hurt yet ?
05:22 Well , buckle up because we're just getting started back
05:25 to our big question , how big is this universe
05:28 of ours ? Nobody knows . Really . That's pretty
05:31 weird . Right ? Well , that's partly because the
05:34 only part of the universe we know about is what
05:36 we call our observable universe . The parts that we
05:39 can actually see or observe in any direction . Some
05:43 things are so far away that light from those objects
05:46 haven't even reached us yet . That is the limit
05:49 of our observable universe . Beyond that , we don't
05:51 know what's out there . But even sticking to the
05:54 observable universe , we're going to need to scale things
05:56 way down to understand any of it . Mm Let's
06:03 try to visualize our cosmic address on a scale that
06:06 we can handle . Let's use this room as our
06:08 scale . It's about 10 m by 10 m the
06:10 size of an average classroom . If the sun were
06:13 the size of this room , the Earth would be
06:15 about this big . Okay , not too crazy .
06:18 Now , imagine our whole solar system where the size
06:21 of this room , this would be the sun .
06:24 Don't see anything . That's because it's just a grain
06:27 of salt . A grain of salt . Yeah ,
06:29 that's our son . And the Earth's orbit around the
06:32 Sun would be about the size of this disk at
06:35 this scale . The Earth is just a microscopic bacterium
06:38 . We can't even see it at this size .
06:40 Our whole big , huge solar system is just a
06:44 grain of salt . Now , what if the entire
06:47 Milky Way Galaxy with the size of this room ?
06:49 Our solar neighborhood would be this big . Oh boy
06:53 . Now for the finale , the biggest thing we
06:56 know the observable universe . Imagine the observable universe is
07:00 this room ? Can you spot the Milky Way ,
07:03 nope , It's just way too small . It's not
07:05 that it's just unsuitable , it's smaller than microscopic .
07:08 The whole Milky Way . Are you dizzy ? I'm
07:11 dizzy . So that gives you an idea of the
07:13 size of the things in the universe . But what
07:16 about the size of the space ? You know that
07:18 the Sun is the closest star to the Earth ?
07:20 But what is the second closest that would be Proxima
07:23 centauri . It's 4.24 light years away . That means
07:28 it takes light from that star . Four years to
07:31 reach us . By comparison , it takes the sun's
07:33 like eight minutes to get to Earth . If you
07:35 want to visit the sun's closest star friend traveling in
07:38 the fastest object humans have ever built , it would
07:41 still take 19,000 years to get there . And that's
07:45 only 4.24 light years away . The observable universe is
07:49 are you ready for this 93 billion light years across
07:54 ? Even using light years , It's so big ,
07:56 it still sounds kind of like nonsense . Huh ?
08:03 So space ! It's big . Really big , mind
08:06 bogglingly big , but it's also our home . Even
08:09 if we're just unbelievably small little things floating on a
08:13 speck of dust in a teeny tiny galaxy , we're
08:16 still here and we know where we are in the
08:19 universe and that's pretty awesome . But I think I
08:23 need to go lie down now . Okay , now
08:25 that we have a little perspective , let's start looking
08:27 a little deeper into the stars . Stars aren't all
08:30 like our sun , actually , they're all really different
08:33 from white dwarfs to red . Supergiant stars have all
08:36 kinds of appearances and personalities . My brain still hurts
08:44 from last time . It's like intergalactic whiplash , you
08:47 too . But there's a reason we zoom through the
08:49 mega giant , unbelievably huge vastness of space . It
08:53 helps us understand how big the universe really is ,
08:56 not just how big it appears from our perspective down
08:59 here on our itty bitty Earth . If you glance
09:01 up at the night sky , the stars seem like
09:03 they're all on the same plane that is at the
09:05 same distance from earth and the stars all seem pretty
09:09 similar . But don't let your eyes fool you .
09:11 Some stars are relatively close , just four or so
09:14 light years away and some are hundreds of thousands of
09:18 light years away . The furthest stars are billions of
09:21 light years away , billions people . And in the
09:24 big huge space penis of space , there's a lot
09:27 of room for variety , even in our galaxy .
09:29 The Milky Way , there's a wide range of stars
09:32 so stop stereotyping them . Let's take a look what
09:35 are the different kinds of stars . Well , scientists
09:42 organized stars by their color and size , which also
09:45 happens to be how I organize my rock collection .
09:47 We've learned that stars glow because they create energy through
09:50 nuclear fusion . But not all stars produce the same
09:53 amount of energy and stars can produce different amounts of
09:56 energy throughout their lifetimes . I mean they're not alive
09:59 , but in a sense , stars are born ,
10:01 grow up age and eventually die once they burned through
10:04 all of the hydrogen in their core and don't feel
10:07 bad . This all happens over billions and billions of
10:10 years Now . First thing to remember , stars that
10:12 produce less energy glow red . These stars are relatively
10:16 cool with a surface of about 2760 degrees Celsius ,
10:21 but the very hottest stars in the universe glow blue
10:24 white . Put on your shades because these stars can
10:27 have a surface temperature of over 30,000 degrees Celsius .
10:31 Our son , by the way , is a perfect
10:33 Mello Yello temperature right in the middle , with a
10:35 surface temperature around 10,000 degrees . Stars also come in
10:39 a range of sizes , the smallest known stars .
10:41 Just a little bit bigger than jupiter . Pretty small
10:43 , considering you could fit about 1000 jupiter's inside our
10:46 son . Meanwhile , the largest star that we know
10:48 of is many hundreds of times larger than the sun
10:51 . If it were in our solar system , it
10:52 would extend past Saturn's orbit . Once again , our
10:55 son is in the middle of this range . We're
10:57 in a real life goldilocks situation here . So now
10:59 that we know how stars are classified , let's see
11:02 if we can identify two of our star neighbors .
11:04 I've got the perfect stars in mind . A foot
11:07 and an armpit . Oh , have you met Orion
11:11 ? Mm . He's one of the most recognizable constellations
11:16 and he's got two body parts that are made from
11:18 totally different kinds of stars . Remember Beetlejuice ? We
11:21 talked about this star in a previous episode , it's
11:23 the right shoulder , some people like me call it
11:25 the armpit of Orion and let me introduce you to
11:28 reschedule , Orion's left foot , Beetlejuice and Rachel are
11:30 both in our home galaxy . The Milky Way ,
11:33 take a look at this picture of Orion based on
11:35 the evidence that you can see , which would you
11:37 argue is hotter . Does one star look kind of
11:40 reddish and another kind of blew you smarty pants ?
11:43 I bet you already guessed the answer . Beetlejuice ,
11:45 the armpit star is a red supergiant , it's much
11:48 , much cooler than Rydell and sadly it's nearing the
11:51 end of its starry life on the other hand ,
11:53 or Foot Rij Eliza , blue white supergiant star ,
11:57 this star is in the prime of its life ,
11:59 burning super hot and super bright , but stick around
12:02 a few million years and Rachel will probably start to
12:05 look like Beetlejuice red and cool now since Rachel shines
12:09 more brightly , you might assume that it's closer to
12:11 us and that would be a great guest . But
12:13 using brightness to judge distance can be tricky . Rydell
12:16 has much greater true brightness or luminosity than Beetlejuice .
12:20 So the foot outshines the armpit . So in summary
12:27 , a star isn't just a star from here on
12:30 earth . The stars may look similar , but you
12:32 know better now they come in different colors and different
12:34 sizes . You could say they've got their own personality
12:37 stars , they're just like us except millions or billions
12:42 of miles away and gigantic . They're not really like
12:46 us now that we've talked about stars and their places
12:48 in the universe . Let's have a look at a
12:50 couple of episodes that show us how we have used
12:52 the stars throughout history to both help us tell stories
12:55 and actually guide us like points on a map .
12:57 I'm talking about constellations now you might be thinking ,
13:03 but we've already learned about stars . Well you're right
13:07 or at least you've been paying attention . But we
13:09 learned about individual stars basically how they do what they
13:13 do as solo acts out there in the universe .
13:15 But what happens when a bunch of stars band together
13:18 to form a supergroup , sort of like the Avengers
13:21 of the night sky ? Well then they're called a
13:24 constellation . Today we'll talk about these groups of stars
13:27 and why they're so important to astronomers besides being just
13:30 plain cool or hot , you know what I mean
13:33 ? So what exactly is a constellation ? A consolation
13:40 is a cluster of stars in the sky that have
13:42 been grouped together in a pattern or shape and have
13:44 been given a name . But before we take a
13:46 closer look at consolations , let's review what a star
13:49 is . Remember a star is a bright object in
13:51 space that gives off light through energy that it makes
13:53 in its core . The sun is the most famous
13:56 star to us , Earthlings . We've already talked about
13:58 a few other well known stars though . Like bright
14:01 Beetlejuice , astronomers use bright stars like Beetlejuice as markers
14:04 in the sky to help find other less bright objects
14:07 in space . For example , if you are looking
14:09 for a dim star like Sirius B , you might
14:11 have to look for a long time to spot it
14:13 among the many , many , many many other stars
14:17 in the sky . But if you're able to spot
14:20 a much brighter star like Sirius A . And you
14:23 know that Sirius B . Is located to the lower
14:25 left of serious A . Then it will be much
14:28 easier to find serious . Be like I said ,
14:30 there are so many stars in the sky that trying
14:33 to spot just one can be tough , especially if
14:36 it's not near a bright one like Beetlejuice or serious
14:38 A . That's where constellations come in , astronomers use
14:42 constellations to help them better map the night sky .
14:44 Think of stars like cities on a map in constellations
14:47 like countries finding a large shape in the sky made
14:49 of many stars is a lot easier to spot than
14:52 trying to find one single spec . Plus there are
14:54 only 88 named constellations , which is a much more
14:57 reasonable number to deal with than a billion . And
15:00 most of the 88 recognized constellations came from the ancient
15:03 Greeks . The stars in the constellation aren't related in
15:06 any particular way . They just form a shape that
15:08 the Greeks used to tell stories about their gods ,
15:10 goddesses and mythical creatures like flying horses and giant scorpions
15:15 . Now that we know what a constellation is ,
15:17 Why don't we get to know some of the more
15:19 famous ones ? Harry potter fans will recognize the name
15:26 of our first constellation . Its name means dragon in
15:29 latin and also happens to be the name of Harry's
15:31 biggest nemesis . Well , second biggest after vault ,
15:35 he who must not be named . Of course ,
15:37 yep , it's Draco . According to legend , Draco
15:40 was a dragon killed by the goddess Minerva and was
15:43 tossed into the sky . Draco is one of 48
15:45 constellations described way back in the second century by Egyptian
15:48 astronomer Ptolemy . People have been seeing this dragon like
15:51 shape in the night sky for a long time .
15:54 Consolations aren't just named after creatures though . Some are
15:57 named after mythical people , particularly gods and goddesses .
16:01 One of the more well known greek gods has his
16:03 own consolation and a Disney movie , I'll give you
16:06 a hint . He'll go the distance . It's Hercules
16:09 the stars and the Hercules constellation take the shape of
16:12 the mighty hero as if he's holding a bow after
16:14 just releasing an arrow , you go . Hercules .
16:17 The name of our next notable consolation also makes an
16:19 appearance in the Hercules movie as a super cute winged
16:22 horse . Say hello to Pegasus . According to greek
16:25 mythology . Hercules never actually rode Pegasus like in the
16:28 movie , but the flying horse did spend some time
16:30 with Zeus , King of the Gods . Zeus like
16:32 Pegasus so much , he transformed him into a consolation
16:35 and place him in the night sky for everyone to
16:38 see . Now you're familiar with at least three of
16:40 the 88 constellations in our sky . Only 85 more
16:43 to go as the earth rotates , you'll see Draco
16:45 Hercules and Pegasus plus all the other constellations over the
16:49 course of a year , but more on when and
16:50 where you can see the constellations in the next episode
16:57 . So now you know what a star is and
16:59 that a cluster of stars in the sky that are
17:01 grouped together in a particular pattern is called a constellation
17:04 . Besides having really cool shapes and stories behind their
17:08 names , constellations help astronomers and us map the night
17:11 sky since space is so huge and massive and enormous
17:15 , our map is far from complete . So anything
17:18 that helps us navigate that vast well , space of
17:22 space is okay by me . People have been studying
17:28 the skies for centuries and who can blame them .
17:30 It is beautiful up there on any given clear night
17:33 . There are probably more than 2000 stars that you
17:37 can see and that's without a telescope way before telescopes
17:40 were even invented , ancient astronomers track the movement of
17:43 objects in the sky and over time one group of
17:46 objects ended up getting a lot of attention . I'm
17:49 talking about the 13 constellations that make up something called
17:52 the zodiac . So what's the zodiac in which constellations
17:56 are part of it ? We'll get to that in
18:02 just a sec . But first , do you remember
18:04 what a constellation is ? Sure you do ? A
18:06 constellation is a cluster of stars in the sky that
18:08 are grouped together in a particular pattern and have been
18:11 given a name . We've talked about a few famous
18:13 constellations before , like Draco , Hercules , Pegasus ,
18:16 Ursa Major and Crux , but none of these constellations
18:19 are part of the zodiac . You might recognize some
18:22 of the constellations that Are in the Zodiac though .
18:25 Do the names Gemini , Leo or Sagittarius , sound
18:28 familiar there among the 13 Zodiac constellations and they actually
18:32 form a kind of pattern in the sky . This
18:34 pattern makes it easier for observers to know where to
18:37 find each constellation throughout the course of the year .
18:39 So what are all of the constellations in the zodiac
18:42 ? And what pattern do they form ? Let's take
18:45 a look mm . You know this guy , High
18:51 Earth at the beginning of the year , january ,
18:53 the constellation of Sagittarius is highly visible to us on
18:56 earth . The Greeks called Sagittarius , the archer ,
18:59 because it looks like , well , a guy shooting
19:02 a bow and arrow . Capricorn is is also highly
19:04 visible in january toward the end of the month .
19:06 It's sometimes called the sea goat , since it happens
19:09 to have the head of a goat and the tail
19:11 of a fish , which is not something you see
19:14 every day . Next up in february is Aquarius or
19:17 the water bearer , a group of ancient people called
19:20 the Babylonians thought that this group of stars look like
19:23 an old man pouring water from a picture . Moving
19:25 on to march . This is pisces or the fishes
19:28 . Pisces represents venus , a roman goddess who is
19:31 said to have turned into a fish and jumped into
19:33 a river to escape . An evil monster are eases
19:35 up in april . In greek mythology , Arias was
19:38 a ram with wings . The constellation of Taurus ,
19:41 visible in May looks like a bull . It's named
19:43 for the roman god jupiter who could supposedly turn himself
19:46 into a bowl when he swam june's prominent constellation .
19:49 Gemini is sometimes called the twins because it reminded the
19:53 ancient Greeks of the twin sons of Zeus cancer ,
19:56 which you can see pretty well in july is called
19:58 the crab because that's what it reminded some folks of
20:01 august's constellation is called leo and looks like a ferocious
20:05 lions . CNN september Virgo is called the maiden ,
20:08 since it looks like a lady holding grain , which
20:10 symbolize the harvest to the Greeks and the romans ,
20:13 This constellation of libra appears in october when days and
20:16 nights are roughly equal and is considered a symbol of
20:19 balance . I bet you can guess what scorpius is
20:21 named for , yep , it looks like a scorpion
20:24 finishing off the year . In late november is off
20:26 the mucus , which was once called serpentine various because
20:29 it looked like a man holding a serpent or a
20:31 snake . Hey , better him than me ! All
20:33 right now that you've met all of the constellations in
20:36 the zodiac , let's light them up and see if
20:38 we can spot a pattern looks like a circle to
20:40 me . And here's a fun fact . Zodiac loosely
20:43 translates to circle of animals or circle of life in
20:46 greek . So the zodiac isn't just a random bunch
20:52 of stars , it's a group of constellations that form
20:55 a circular pattern in the night sky and now you
20:58 know which constellations are part of this pattern and that
21:01 people have been observing these constellations for centuries . The
21:05 zodiac has helped astronomers figure out how other objects travel
21:08 in space , objects like the sun and even our
21:10 own planet . So constellations are super important for many
21:14 , many reasons . We use them as markers to
21:16 help us find our direction on Earth , but also
21:18 to help us find other stars . It's neat .
21:21 But now let's pull this all together and see how
21:23 the sun affects how and when we see the zodiac
21:26 constellations , which is something that is also neat .
21:33 I've still got my eye on the sky , particularly
21:35 those 13 constellations in the zodiac that we learned about
21:38 earlier . We found out that the zodiac constellations follow
21:41 a circular path around our planet . Today we're going
21:44 to learn more about where our son falls in this
21:46 path . I'll give you a hint . It involves
21:49 something called the ecliptic , intriguing . So what is
21:52 the ecliptic ? Before we head into imaginary space ?
21:59 To find out it's time for a quick , well
22:01 crash course on astronomy . You know what a constellation
22:05 is . A cluster of stars in the sky that
22:07 are grouped together in a particular pattern and have been
22:09 given a name . Some of the constellations we visited
22:11 so far include Hercules , Pegasus and drago . And
22:15 last time we met a group of constellations that formed
22:18 something called the zodiac 13 constellations that have been studied
22:22 in track since ancient times . The constellations in the
22:25 zodiac are all highly visible from Earth during different months
22:28 of the year . Starting with Sagittarius in january and
22:31 ending with a focus . And last time we saw
22:33 how these constellations form a sort of belt like shape
22:36 around the Earth . Well this time we're going to
22:39 see what the sun's up to while the constellations take
22:42 turns popping up in our night sky . Mm Okay
22:48 , so there's Earth in the middle of space ,
22:50 looking good home planet . And here are the zodiac
22:52 constellations that surround Earth , but we've got to make
22:55 room for another major player in space . You remember
22:58 the Son of course Earth scooch over Son , head
23:01 to center stage . You're on . Okay . You
23:04 already know that Earth rotates on its axis , making
23:06 a complete turn in one day while it's rotating ,
23:10 it also revolves around the Sun making one full trip
23:13 around the star every year . This movement of the
23:15 Earth also makes it seem as if the sun is
23:17 moving through the stars over the course of the year
23:19 . This is because during any given month the sun
23:21 sits between the Earth and a different zodiac constellation ,
23:24 but we know the sun's not really moving , it's
23:27 the Earth's movement that makes it seem that way .
23:29 And astronomers have come up with a nifty way to
23:31 track the sun's apparent path through space . They draw
23:35 an imaginary line from the Earth through the Sun and
23:37 toward the stars beyond it as the earth moves .
23:40 So does this line with it while the sun stay
23:42 steady in the middle as Earth follows its orbit around
23:45 the sun , this imaginary line spins , pointing to
23:48 different stars throughout a complete trip around the sun ,
23:51 forming an imaginary circle , astronomers call this imaginary line
23:54 that the zodiac sits on and that tracks the sun's
23:57 apparent path through space , The ecliptic . Eventually over
24:00 a year the earth will return to Sagittarius where it
24:03 started and the cycle or pattern will start all over
24:06 again . So that's what the sun is doing .
24:12 As one zodiac constellation in the night sky moves to
24:15 the next , not a whole lot , it remains
24:17 in the same spot while Earth makes its annual journey
24:20 . And now you know that even though the sun
24:21 is not really moving the path it appears to take
24:25 and the path that the zodiac sits upon is what
24:28 astronomers call the ecliptic . No one ever said ,
24:30 understanding what happens in space would be easy . But
24:33 isn't it fun to try and that wraps up our
24:35 little journey through the cosmos . The universe is big
24:38 , the sun is big , stars are big ,
24:41 it's all big , big , big , big .
24:44 But understanding what happens in space is fascinating . Don't
24:48 you agree If you enjoyed this , check out the
24:50 rest of our channel and subscribe .



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