3D Structure and Bonding: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #4 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

3D Structure and Bonding: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #4 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

3D Structure and Bonding: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #4 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 You can review content from Crash course Organic Chemistry with
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00:05 devices . Hi , I'm Debbie Chakravarty and welcome back
00:09 to Crash Course Organic Chemistry . Imagine for a second
00:12 that you've never seen a real life cat , not
00:14 even a picture or a single Youtube video . You've
00:18 only seen simple two D drawings of them , like
00:21 a stick figure drawn out by your cousin or a
00:23 misshapen fuzzy blob from those drawings . You get a
00:26 sense of an average cat , two ears , some
00:29 whiskers for legs and a tail , but without imagining
00:33 a three D . Cat , you wouldn't have a
00:35 great idea of how they fit into the world ,
00:37 including things like they're fluffy for chunky Belize or sharp
00:41 retractable claws . The organic molecules that make up cats
00:44 and everything living on earth aren't the flat , lifeless
00:48 structures . We've been drawing either from the simplest organic
00:50 molecule methane to the most complex proteins are . All
00:54 of these compounds can be plotted on a three D
00:57 , Cartesian coordinate system with X , Y and Z
00:59 axes . By understanding how molecules have three D shapes
01:03 . We can better understand how the structure of any
01:05 molecule affects what it can do . Some compounds fit
01:09 together like puzzle pieces and other combinations are like trying
01:12 to force a square peg into a round hole .
01:23 Yeah , if you're super rusty on vesper and no
01:29 worries . If you are or if you haven't heard
01:31 of hybridization or valence bond theory , you may want
01:34 to watch crash course General Chemistry episodes 24 25 .
01:39 Hank did a really good job explaining those ideas .
01:42 So I'm just going to do a quick refresher and
01:44 build from there . Since organic chemistry became a thing
01:47 , there have been lots of improvements to theories about
01:49 how atoms interact and form chemical bonds with each other
01:52 to make molecules , it's like the quote standing on
01:54 the shoulders of Giants . Each theory explains and observed
01:58 phenomenon that the previous theory couldn't quite nail down in
02:01 1916 . Lewis structures helped us think about how atoms
02:04 and electrons are arranged in a molecule . There are
02:07 powerful tool , which is why we still use them
02:09 today for simple two D drawings . These structures use
02:12 straight lines to represent covalin bonds and dots for an
02:16 bonded valence electrons , valence shell electron pair repulsion theory
02:20 , or vesper , was first proposed in 1957 and
02:23 started to explain the observed three D shapes of these
02:26 molecular structures . Vesper is the theory that the three
02:29 D shape of a molecule is determined by a central
02:32 atoms , lone pairs of electrons and the other atoms
02:36 X bonded to . There are five generally accepted vesper
02:39 electron pair geometries , which are the three D shapes
02:42 that take lone pairs of electrons and bonds into account
02:46 in organic chemistry , we use three of these five
02:48 geometries , linear tribunal planer and tetra hydro . On
02:52 the other hand , there are lots of molecular shapes
02:55 which describe how atoms in a molecule relate to each
02:58 other and pretend that lone pairs are invisible . For
03:01 example , we say that water has a bent molecular
03:04 shape in a water molecule . The central oxygen atom
03:07 has two lone pairs of electrons and two hydrogen is
03:10 bonded to it . The bond angles and the lone
03:13 pairs are important . They locked the molecule into its
03:16 three D shape . But when we call it Ben
03:19 , that only describes the atoms as scientists started to
03:22 widely accept vesper as a way to explain the molecular
03:25 shapes that they saw experimentally . Quantum theory became a
03:29 thing . And so did the idea of orbital's places
03:32 where we're most likely to find electrons around atoms .
03:35 There are four distinct atomic orbital names and shapes .
03:38 S . P . D and F . Because of
03:40 how orbital's are positioned . Even orbital's couldn't completely explain
03:45 the three D shapes predicted by vesper and observed experimentally
03:49 . Something was still missing . That something was an
03:51 idea called orbital hybridization . Basically you can mix one
03:56 s orbital with its spherical shape and one P orbital
03:59 with its three D . Figure eight shape to make
04:02 two hybrid atomic orbital's that sort of look like both
04:06 kind of like mixing a donkey and horse to get
04:08 a mule . It's important to pay attention to the
04:10 number of atomic orbital's we mix because that's how many
04:14 hybrid orbital's are produced . In other words , if
04:17 we mix one s orbital and one p orbital we
04:20 get to sp orbital's . If we mix one s
04:23 orbital and two p orbital's we get three sp two
04:27 orbital's . And if we mix one S orbital and
04:30 three P orbital's we get four sp three orbital's orbital
04:34 hybridization helps explain the three D geometry is predicted by
04:37 vesper . For example . Let's look at the tetra
04:40 usual shape of a methane molecule . Carbon atom has
04:43 four valence electrons . Which all need to be unfair
04:46 to bond to make sure they're all impaired . It
04:49 makes four sp three hybrid orbital's and we can just
04:52 imagine sticking one electron in each . Each hydrogen atom
04:55 has a one S orbital with one UNP aired electron
04:59 . So when these five atoms unite to form methane
05:02 , each hydrogen is one s orbital overlaps with the
05:05 carbons . Sp three hybrid orbital's to form chemical bonds
05:08 called sigma bonds . Signal bonds are sort of like
05:11 a handshake made by the direct overlap of two orbital's
05:15 that point at each other . This idea of overlapping
05:17 orbital's is the foundation of valence bond theory . These
05:20 bonds give methane a tetra hydro molecular shape . So
05:24 it's basically the same as these four balloons tied together
05:27 at the base . These aren't Hanks balloons from seven
05:29 years ago , but they're just as good at showing
05:31 the shape and the science behind it . Now ,
05:34 methane is a relatively simple way to think about orbital
05:37 hybridization and valence bond theory . But we can use
05:40 these same ideas to explain the three D shapes of
05:42 molecules with double and triple bonds to for double bonds
05:46 . Let's look at the if you've been paying attention
05:48 to all this nomenclature , we've been doing that's C
05:51 two H four . The carbon atoms are double bonded
05:54 to each other . Here's the LewiS structure which shows
05:56 that each carbon has three things connected to it .
05:59 So each carbon needs to hybridize three atomic orbital's to
06:03 make three sp two hybrid orbital's two SB two orbital's
06:07 overlap with two hydrogen one s orbital's and one sp
06:11 two orbital overlaps with one of the other carbons .
06:14 Sp two orbital's that makes three sigma bonds . Because
06:18 each carbon made three SB two hybrid orbital's , each
06:21 carbon still has one p orbital left . The leftover
06:24 p orbital's on the two carbons are close enough to
06:26 say , hey , what's up ? If we share
06:29 our electrons we can make a bond to this is
06:32 called a pie von where the orbital's line up next
06:35 to each other in sort of overlap sideways . More
06:38 valence bond theory . Every double bond will be in
06:40 the series has a sigma bond with orbital's that overlap
06:43 end to end and a pi bond with orbital's that
06:46 overlap sideways . This leads to the three D molecular
06:49 geometry of ethylene . Attritional planer arrangement around each of
06:52 the carbon atoms . Now for triple bonds , let's
06:55 take a look at death in So we're all on
06:57 the same page with names . This one C two
06:59 H two with the carbon atoms triple bonded to each
07:02 other . In this lewis structure we can see that
07:04 each carbon has two things connected to it , one
07:06 hydrogen and the other carbon . That's how we know
07:09 . They'll combine two atomic orbital's to make two sp
07:12 hybrid orbital's . Each carbon has to pee orbital's left
07:16 which all lean over and share their electrons in two
07:19 pi bonds . So the triple bonds that will meet
07:21 in this course will always have one sigma bond and
07:24 two pi bonds . This makes the three D .
07:26 Molecular geometry linear around the carbon atoms . When we
07:29 draw all kinds the groups they're bonded to should always
07:32 be in a straight line at 180 degree angles .
07:35 So like this not this now . Organic chemistry is
07:39 all about carbon . So we've been focusing on orbital
07:42 hybridization and valence bond theory in carbon containing compounds ,
07:46 but other elements have their own electron pair geometries and
07:49 hybrid orbital's going on to . For example , oxygen
07:53 and a water molecule is kind of similar to methane
07:56 . In water , the central oxygen atom is sp
07:58 three hybridized , it has sigma bonds with two hydrogen
08:01 atoms and has two lone pairs hanging out . This
08:04 gives water a tetra federal electron pair geometry and a
08:08 bent molecular shape . Remember oxygen is often sp three
08:12 hybridized informed single bonds in organic compounds like alcohols and
08:16 ethers too . But it can also be sp two
08:19 hybridized and form double bonds as a carbon Neil group
08:23 , which we see an alga hides ketones in carb
08:25 oxalic acids . In fact , carbon he'll groups in
08:28 valence bond theory were super important to figuring out the
08:31 structure of a little molecule known as D . N
08:33 . A . You know , just the thing that
08:35 holds our genetic information and provides the blueprints for ourselves
08:38 to grow and stay alive . To see how let's
08:41 go to the thought bubble . Our story begins in
08:44 18 69 . When Swiss physiological chemist Friedrich Mischer isolated
08:49 a novel substance from the nucleus of a cell .
08:52 In 1919 . Russian biochemist fetus Levin was able to
08:56 prove that D . N . A . Had three
08:57 main pieces , five carbon sugars , phosphate groups and
09:01 organic ring compounds called nitrogenous bases . By 1944 we
09:06 knew that our genetic information was held in DNA molecules
09:09 and Austrian biochemist Irwin Charge off found a relationship in
09:13 the ratios of the nitrogenous bases A . T .
09:16 G . And C . But researchers struggled to figure
09:18 out the three D . Shape of D . N
09:19 . A . They worked with the idea that nitrogenous
09:22 bases needed to be in the center of a double
09:24 helix and bond with each other . Any bond that
09:26 formed between the basis had to be strong enough to
09:29 hold the double helix together , but weak enough that
09:32 the helix could open up for things like reading the
09:34 genetic code or copying DNA strands . Some scientists presented
09:38 evidence that the bonds between bases were hydrogen bonds ,
09:41 A relatively weak inter molecular force . Other scientists ,
09:45 like Rosalind franklin , made three D representations that suggested
09:49 the same . But there was a problem at that
09:51 time . The agreed upon structure for nitrogenous bases meant
09:55 some oxygen and nitrogen atoms wouldn't have the correct orbital
09:58 hybridization and geometry to form hydrogen bonds . American crystallography
10:03 . For jerry Donohue eventually suggested that the text books
10:06 were wrong and proposed a different structure , an oxygen
10:09 atom that was sp two hybridized instead of an alcohol
10:13 group . It was a carbon Neil group . With
10:15 this key structural change . DNS nitrogenous bases could hydrogen
10:19 bond to each other After this , the now famous
10:22 1953 report on the structure of DNA was published helping
10:25 change the way we thought about genetics . Talk about
10:28 standing on the shoulders of giants . Thanks , thought
10:30 bubble . So it's pretty clear that the bonds of
10:32 a molecule affected structure . We use the word is
10:35 immersed to describe molecules that have the same molecular formula
10:39 , but different arrangements of atoms . To help remember
10:41 this , the word is summer comes from the greek
10:44 root , IsIS meaning same from general chemistry . We
10:48 have words like isotope meaning same number of protons or
10:51 isil electronic meaning same number of electrons . Then we
10:54 had the greek root more meaning part . It shows
10:58 up in words like polymer meaning many parts and monomer
11:01 meaning a single part . So the term is summer
11:04 means the same parts and two major kinds of customers
11:07 in organic chemistry are Constitutionalist summers , which are more
11:10 common and geometric I Summers . Constitutionalist Summers also called
11:15 structuralist summers are where two molecules have the same number
11:18 and types of atoms as each other , but the
11:20 connections between the atoms can be super different . Like
11:23 we just saw what the oxygen atom indiana . Let's
11:26 use a more straightforward example though . In the first
11:29 episode of this series , we mentioned octane and iso
11:32 octane , two components of gasoline . Their Constitutional I
11:36 summers because they both have eight carbons and 18 hydrogen
11:39 . In fact , that's how iso octane got its
11:42 name . Past chemists just stuck on the prefix I
11:44 so to mean same as octane , but their structures
11:47 are pretty different and octane the carbons are attached in
11:51 a long chain without any branches . So it checks
11:54 out as an aipac systematic name . Iso octane is
11:57 branch though . And if we're going by I you
12:00 pack rules . It isn't octane at all . It
12:02 has three carbon chain . Substitue ints . And we
12:05 rule followers would call it 2 to 4 tri metal
12:08 painting . On the other hand , geometric I summers
12:11 have the same number in types of atoms and the
12:13 same connections between them . But these compounds differ in
12:16 how the bonds are spatially arranged . To sort of
12:19 visualize this , I can put the tips of my
12:21 index fingers together and rotate one hand as far as
12:24 I can see . I can twist one hand about
12:27 180 degrees without breaking contact . And if my fingers
12:31 were a single bond and my hand atoms weren't held
12:34 back by my arms , I could rotate it a
12:37 full 360 degrees . This is known as free rotation
12:40 when Adams can completely rotate around the axis of a
12:43 bond , the carbons on an ethane molecule can do
12:46 this . So ethane doesn't have any geometric is immersed
12:50 . However , if I touch to fingertips from each
12:52 hand , I can't rotate one hand without breaking a
12:56 connection . So a double bond between atoms doesn't have
12:59 free rotation . And molecules with double bonds can how
13:03 geometric I summers that are spatially different . Take ,
13:05 for example , the simple alkaline pen . To in
13:08 in one geometric I simmer the ethyl group and the
13:11 metal group are on the same side of the double
13:13 bond , which we use the prefix cyst to describe
13:16 . But in the other , these groups are opposite
13:18 each other , which we use the prefix trans to
13:21 describe . For more complex Calkins . And to stick
13:23 with our trusty aipac rules . We use the prefixes
13:26 , E and Z . But don't worry about that
13:29 for now . We'll learn about NZ nomenclature in another
13:31 episode . All this to say electron orbital's and atomic
13:34 bonds determine the shape of molecules which determines what they
13:38 can do , which determines basically every chemical reaction that
13:41 keeps us in our universe going even though it can
13:44 be a little brain bendy to imagine tiny molecules in
13:47 three D . Like you would a fluffy cat without
13:50 them . We wouldn't exist to pet cats or watch
13:53 youtube videos or take organic chemistry tests . In this
13:57 episode , we learned that orbital hybridization and valence bond
14:00 theory can help us explain three D . Molecular structures
14:03 . Constitutional listeners have the same atoms but different atom
14:07 to atom connections and geometric customers have different spatial arrangements
14:12 . Next time we'll learn some techniques to understand customers
14:15 and adam connections even better . Thanks for watching this
14:17 episode of Crash Course Organic Chemistry . If you want
14:20 to help keep all crash Course free for everybody forever
14:24 , you can join our community on Patreon . Yeah
00:0-1 .



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