Polarity, Resonance, and Electron Pushing: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #10 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Polarity, Resonance, and Electron Pushing: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #10 - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Polarity, Resonance, and Electron Pushing: Crash Course Organic Chemistry #10 - By CrashCourse

00:0-1 You can review content from Crash course Organic Chemistry with
00:02 the Crash course app available now for android and IOS
00:05 devices . Hi , I'm Dave okay Chakravarty and welcome
00:08 to Crash course Organic Chemistry , Whether we're talking about
00:11 romantic relationships or magnets , there's that cliche opposites attract
00:15 for people while it's complicated , some psychologists say it's
00:19 because we seek what we don't have while others say
00:23 it's not really a thing . So who knows ?
00:25 But for magnets , opposites attract has to do with
00:27 polarity in physics . And that goes for other science
00:30 to like organic chemistry in polar molecules , opposite charges
00:34 do attract and positive and negative regions of molecules are
00:37 drawn together to understand polar molecules . We have to
00:40 understand the reactive sites by thinking critically about those negatively
00:43 charged particles . Electrons yeah , yeah . When atoms
00:57 are bonded together , they don't necessarily share electrons equally
01:00 . One element could be a little greedier than another
01:03 . Electro negativity is the atomic property . That helps
01:06 us think about how much one atom will attract electrons
01:08 in the bond compared to other atoms . Because electro
01:11 negativity depends on two atoms in a relationship with each
01:14 other . The electro negativity of a specific element can
01:17 vary a little depending on what chemical compound it's a
01:19 part of that gets a little complicated , but thankfully
01:22 , scientists of the past have done a lot of
01:24 work for us . American chemist Linus Pauling developed a
01:27 relative electro negativity scale which ranks the elements from most
01:31 electro negative , which is flooring to lease . We
01:33 can use Pauling scale to determine a couple things about
01:36 molecules . First , electro negativity can tell us about
01:39 atomic bonding , which is exactly what it sounds like
01:42 , the bonds that hold atoms together . A big
01:44 difference in electro negativity between two atoms means an ionic
01:47 bond . A small difference means a non polar co
01:50 valent bond and everything in between is a polar Covalin
01:53 bond . For example , the electro negativity difference between
01:56 a hydrogen atom and an oxygen atom and a water
01:58 molecule is about 1.4 in the polar Covalin bonds .
02:02 Own second electro negativity can tell us about regions of
02:05 charging molecules sticking with our water molecule example , oxygen
02:09 is quite electro negative and attracts electrons through its bonds
02:12 , making it partially negative . The hydrogen have lower
02:15 electro negativity and with oxygen stealing electrons away their partially
02:19 positive , we can draw these partial charges with the
02:21 lower case greek , letter delta and a plus or
02:24 minus sign . Now we also know that a water
02:26 molecule has a bent molecular shape , so one side
02:29 of the molecule has a concentration of negative charge while
02:32 the other is positive .



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