Understand Points, Lines, Rays, Segments & Angles in Geometry - [7] - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Understand Points, Lines, Rays, Segments & Angles in Geometry - [7] - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Understand Points, Lines, Rays, Segments & Angles in Geometry - [7] - By Math and Science

00:00 Hello . Welcome back . The title of this lesson
00:02 is called points , lines , rays , segments and
00:07 angles . This is part one . You might say
00:09 . That's a lot of different concepts . Why are
00:11 we covering them all in one place ? Well we're
00:13 starting to talk a little more seriously about geometry .
00:16 And so it makes sense to put all these together
00:18 because they are very closely related . So before we
00:20 get started let's just talk big picture geometry is all
00:24 around us . We really use it all the time
00:26 . Anytime you build a house or a bridge or
00:29 construct anything , you're using geometry . Even when you
00:32 launch spaceships or talk about like physics in terms of
00:35 gravity and all kinds of things . We use geometry
00:38 constantly to calculate things . So here we're starting the
00:42 very first steps on that journey . So we have
00:45 to talk about these terms and so we have lots
00:47 of figures and diagrams and we're gonna learn about what
00:49 these are . The first one is very simple .
00:51 A point . What is a point ? What does
00:53 it mean to you ? A point is a place
00:56 in space . That's what it means . A point
00:58 doesn't have any with it doesn't it's not fat or
01:01 skinny or anything . It's just a place in space
01:03 . If you can get a tiny microscopic needle and
01:06 point in one location , that would be the closest
01:08 thing to a point . It's just a location ,
01:10 right ? Everything else in geometry is built upon the
01:13 concept of a point . So let's start by talking
01:16 about the point , what a line is , what
01:18 array is and so on . So let's start talking
01:20 about it by looking at an actual diagram . So
01:23 here we have a point B . The point is
01:26 represented in geometry by a dot right ? We have
01:29 a point A . And we have a point C
01:32 . Now these are obviously joined together by these arrows
01:36 , so notice though that the arrow is only on
01:38 one side . And over here , there's no arrow
01:40 over here , there's an arrow on one side ,
01:42 but there's no arrow here . So if you cover
01:45 up this half of the diagram and just look at
01:47 what's going on over here . This thing here from
01:50 B to C is called a ray array is just
01:53 like what you think of a ray of light ,
01:55 It shoots out from one place and it goes on
01:57 and on forever . So this ray going from B
02:00 to C , starts at B , and it goes
02:02 on and on and ever through the point C .
02:04 Going this way , and the arrow means it goes
02:06 forever . The rate does not go forever . This
02:09 way it starts at point B . So this ray
02:12 is called B , C . And the way that
02:14 we write it and we know it's a ray is
02:15 because we put an arrow on the top . That
02:17 means it only goes one way from B to C
02:20 . And it starts from B . And it goes
02:22 through see forever . Now we have another ray on
02:24 this diagram , it starts at B . And it
02:27 travels through the point and goes on and on forever
02:30 . So this ray is called B . A .
02:32 Notice . The first letter you put is where the
02:34 starting point is , and then the arrow travels over
02:37 the other point it goes through . So be A
02:39 . Goes this way Bc goes this way , we
02:42 would talk about the ray B . A . We
02:44 would talk about the ray B . C . We
02:47 would talk about the point A . To point B
02:50 . The point C . But the ray has to
02:53 have at least two points . It has to go
02:55 somewhere . So we have to have two letters to
02:57 form array , one starting point , and then it
02:59 goes through uh the other the other point as well
03:03 . All right . Now we have another word that
03:05 we have used in the past . We call it
03:07 the vertex . So we have this angle here and
03:10 the angle is measured uh As the kind of the
03:13 how much spread is between this ray and this ray
03:18 . An angle can be measured between lines are between
03:21 raise when they come to a common point like this
03:23 . This is the angle measure like this . How
03:25 do we write names of angles ? Well , the
03:28 middle letter here is called the vertex . So the
03:31 vertex is B . And when we write down the
03:33 angle the vertex B must be in the middle .
03:35 So we call this angle A . B . C
03:39 . We could also I don't have it on the
03:40 page here , but we can also name it angle
03:42 C . B . A . It doesn't matter which
03:45 way you right the angle name down , but you
03:48 do have to have the middle point here . The
03:50 vertex in the middle . That's how we always name
03:52 angle . So you can call it angle abc .
03:55 This little symbol , the little slant thing is called
03:58 the angle symbol . So this means angle abc .
04:01 You can also call it angle C . B A
04:04 , Ray B A . Goes this way ray B
04:07 C . Goes this way vertex . The vertex just
04:10 means the center of the angle where the to raise
04:12 come together . That's what vertex is a vertex is
04:14 a corner , essentially vertex is basically a corner .
04:18 So we've talked about these concepts . Now let's move
04:20 on to the next diagram . We have we can
04:22 talk about some other concepts here . We talked about
04:25 the concept of a point . We've talked about the
04:27 concept of an angle . We talked about the vertex
04:30 , which is the center of the angle where the
04:32 to raise come together . Now we're going to talk
04:34 about angles again , let's see how many angles do
04:37 we have here in this rectangle here notice we have
04:40 a 90 degree angle symbol here . This symbol means
04:43 90 degrees , 90 degrees , 90 degrees . To
04:46 form a rectangle . You have to have 4 90
04:48 degree angles . That's what a rectangle is , right
04:51 ? So we know that we have these angles and
04:53 they're 90 degrees . How would we name this angle
04:56 right here ? The angle measure ? How would we
04:58 name it ? Well , the angle is measured from
05:01 here to here . So the way we name it
05:03 is the same way we did hear A . B
05:05 . C . The vertex has to be in the
05:07 center , X . Is the vertex . We're gonna
05:09 name it W . X . Y . This is
05:13 going to tell us this is the angle we're talking
05:15 about W X . Y . This angle measure because
05:18 the X vertex is in the center . Now ,
05:21 we could also call it angle Y X W .
05:24 That's fine too , because it doesn't matter the way
05:27 that you you name the angles , you just have
05:29 to have the vertex , the corner of the angle
05:32 in the middle , that's all that matters Now ,
05:35 vertex we said was X . For this angle Now
05:38 we have to talk about the concept of a line
05:41 segment . A line segment is exactly what it says
05:44 . A line goes on and on and on forever
05:46 . If I point a line in this way ,
05:49 then the line is really going in both directions with
05:52 a double headed arrow forever . For the end of
05:55 the universe . A line never , ever , ever
05:58 stops , array goes forever ever . But remember array
06:02 starts at a point , but a line doesn't start
06:05 at one location . A line goes both directions forever
06:07 , ever , ever . Right ? But a line
06:10 segment is when you take a line and you cut
06:12 it and you say , well , I only have
06:13 a segment of that line . So , for instance
06:16 , take a look at this right here . This
06:18 is a line segment because it is a straight line
06:20 . But of course it's not going forever . It
06:22 starts at W and an N . X . This
06:24 is a line segment . This is a line segment
06:27 . This is a line segment . Why are these
06:29 not raise ? Because a ray remember goes on and
06:32 on and on . This arrow means it goes on
06:34 and on and on forever . But a segment does
06:36 not do that , A segment stops . So this
06:39 is a line segment . This is a line segment
06:41 . This is a line segment . This is a
06:42 line segment . Now , How do we name them
06:44 ? Just like you might think this line segment is
06:47 named W . X . W . X . With
06:49 a bar on the top . Or you can flip
06:52 it around and call it X W . X .
06:54 W with a bar on the top . This means
06:56 either name is okay when you're naming a line segment
06:59 , what about this line segment ? We can call
07:01 it line segment Xy . Which means we put X
07:04 . Y . With a bar on top . Or
07:06 we can call it a line segment Y . X
07:08 . With a bar on top . So when you're
07:10 naming segments , it doesn't matter the order in which
07:13 you write the letters because , well , it just
07:16 doesn't really matter because it's it's a like a mirror
07:18 image . It doesn't matter what side you talk .
07:20 Neither side is more important than the other . Neither
07:23 endpoint is more important . But with a ray notice
07:26 the ray , we have to start at the point
07:27 B and call it ray , B , C .
07:29 Or be A . Because B . Is the starting
07:32 point of the ray and the rate goes on and
07:35 on forever in the other direction . So we have
07:37 to name it in the right way here for a
07:39 segment . We just use the letters and put a
07:41 bar on top . Notice there is no arrow in
07:43 this bar because it is not a ray , it
07:46 doesn't go forever , it stops . So a line
07:48 segment has a bar on top . A ray has
07:51 an arrow on top and that is a really important
07:53 difference . So before we solve our problems , which
07:56 are all going to be very simple , I promise
07:57 you , let's review a point is just a location
08:01 in space . You could say , this is point
08:03 W Point Y point Z point C point B Point
08:08 A . Those are all called points . Then we
08:11 have something called rays , which are just when we
08:13 start at a point and we go on and on
08:15 forever in one direction , this is a ray .
08:17 This is a ray . We call it ray B
08:19 . A . This way ray , B C .
08:21 This way we start at the vertex of the starting
08:24 point and we go right , we can have instead
08:28 of array , we can have segments , line segments
08:31 , right ? Where we don't have an arrow ,
08:33 but we know that we're going between W and X
08:36 . And it's a line segment . So we put
08:37 the letters and stick a bar on top X .
08:40 Y . Same thing . Just put the letters ,
08:41 put a bar on top no arrowheads because we just
08:44 have a segment , right ? Then we can of
08:46 course form angles with our line segment , W X
08:50 , Y , Y , X W . For instance
08:52 , we can also form angles with raise A .
08:54 B , C or C . B . A .
08:57 The symbol for an angle is a kind of a
08:59 slanted kind of like a little angle symbol , like
09:01 a mouth here and the same symbol right here .
09:05 And then of course we have the concept of a
09:06 line which I didn't draw on the board , but
09:08 a line is when it goes on and on and
09:10 on and on and on and on and on both
09:11 directions , never stopping in either direction . So now
09:15 that we have all of that , we finally know
09:17 enough to solve a couple of problems . Here is
09:21 an angle . We have some points here . This
09:23 is the vertex of the angle and we want to
09:25 answer a couple of questions . The first question is
09:28 , what are the to raise in this angle ?
09:30 How do we write down the to raise well the
09:33 rays that we have ? We see an arrow here
09:36 . So we have a ray going up like this
09:37 and we have an arrowhead here which means a ray
09:40 going off like this . The other side is not
09:42 an arrowhead so it does not go on and on
09:45 this way it starts at you and it goes through
09:48 V . And it starts at you and it goes
09:50 through T . So we have to raise here ,
09:52 what are they called ? We call them ray U
09:55 . V . And we put an arrow head this
09:58 direction and we put a comma here and we call
10:01 ray U . T . With an arrow head this
10:04 direction . This is how we write it . You
10:06 ve and you T . The U . Comes first
10:09 because that's the starting point . And then we have
10:11 the second point you ve . And then you T
10:13 . And the arrowhead points from U . To V
10:15 . Points from you to T . So it tells
10:18 us how the diagrams laid out just by writing the
10:20 name down . All right . The second question is
10:22 , what is the vertex of this angle here ?
10:24 The vertex is just a corner which is the kind
10:26 of the inside kind of the middle point where the
10:29 to raise joined up . So the vertex is just
10:32 the point . You that's just a point in space
10:35 . Now , how do we name this angle ?
10:38 You can name it actually two ways but we're gonna
10:40 name it for this location . We're gonna call it
10:42 angle T U v T u V . Right now
10:47 you could name it angle V U T V U
10:52 T . So T u v v ut same exact
10:55 thing . Notice you is in the center in both
10:57 cases so either of these names is fine for the
11:00 angle . Um But going forward , I'm just gonna
11:03 write one name down . So I'm not gonna write
11:05 every single name . You can name these things in
11:07 multiple ways . So let me take these off the
11:09 board . We're gonna solve some more problems to give
11:10 you more practice . All right . Welcome back to
11:13 problem too . We have this triangle here and each
11:17 of the points are we call vert vert is is
11:20 the plural of vertex's verte asi . We label them
11:23 J . H . And I . And we want
11:25 to ask ourselves a few questions . This is the
11:27 angle that we're talking about here with the red arc
11:29 right here . The first question is , what are
11:31 the segments the line segments that make up this angle
11:34 here on the board ? So in other words ,
11:36 we have an angle here . What segments form this
11:38 angle ? Well , they're joined together here . So
11:40 it's this line segment and it's also this line segment
11:43 . So we have to write these segments down .
11:44 There's multiple ways that you can name this . But
11:47 I'm gonna call this segment J . H . We're
11:50 gonna put a line segment symbol over J . H
11:53 . And we're gonna call this segment , we're gonna
11:55 have to call it something here , We're gonna call
11:57 it H . I . H . I . Now
12:02 I just want you to realize that when you name
12:04 these line segments you can you can flip the order
12:06 of the letters right ? Because it doesn't there's no
12:08 arrow here . There's no preference to what corner makes
12:12 more sense . In other words , this is J
12:13 . H . We could call it H . J
12:15 . With a bar on top . This one is
12:17 H . I . But I could call it I
12:19 . H . With a bar on top and it
12:21 would mean the same thing . All right . Next
12:24 question . What is the vertex of this angle with
12:26 ? The vertex is just the point where the segments
12:29 come together . So the vertex is just the point
12:31 H . Very simple . And then the next question
12:34 is the last question here , what is the name
12:36 of this angle ? How do we name this angle
12:38 now ? There's a couple of different ways I'm gonna
12:40 call it angle J . H I . J .
12:44 H . I Now I'm trying to emphasize that there's
12:47 more than one way to write this . The angle
12:48 could be called I H . J . But H
12:52 has to be in the center . All right .
12:54 So that was problem number two . Let's take a
12:56 look now at problem number three . Now we have
12:59 a regular old angle here that is formed from this
13:02 ray and this raid we know that they're raised because
13:05 they have arrowheads . Okay . And so the first
13:08 question is , what are the rays that form this
13:11 angle ? What are the names of the rays ?
13:12 Well this ray starts at point Q . And it
13:15 goes through point are so we have to call this
13:18 rake you are . And the arrowhead goes like this
13:22 . What is the other ray starts at point ?
13:24 Q . Goes through point P . Q . P
13:28 arrowhead like this . And we have to use these
13:30 names . We cannot flip them around because for a
13:32 ray there is a starting point and then it goes
13:35 on forever . The starting point is Q . So
13:37 Q comes first Q . R . And then QP
13:40 . For the segments we can flip the names of
13:43 the letters because there's no arrowhead anywhere . But for
13:45 these there's an arrowhead . So there is a starting
13:47 point . That's why we have to write this Q
13:49 . R . In QP . What is the vertex
13:51 of this angle ? The vertex are where the rays
13:53 come together , vertex is essentially the corner . And
13:56 so the vertex is the point . Q . How
13:58 do we name this angle ? Well there's multiple different
14:01 ways to name it . But we're gonna call it
14:03 P Q r P q r Q has to be
14:08 in the center bonus points if you can tell me
14:11 another name of this angle . Well , instead of
14:13 P Q R we can call it R . Q
14:15 . P as long as Q is in the center
14:17 , you can name angles multiple ways . Alright PQ
14:21 Our next problem we have what appears to be a
14:24 square . It looks like the length of these signs
14:27 are all the same but maybe they're not quite .
14:28 But anyway we have four right angles so we know
14:31 for sure it's a rectangle and it might be a
14:33 square if we have the lengths of the sides all
14:35 the same . So the question is for this guy
14:38 , what are the names of the line segments that
14:41 make up the angle X . Down here , Right
14:43 . This angle here that we're looking at one of
14:45 the segments that make that up . Well here is
14:49 a segment here and here's a segment here . These
14:51 are the two segments that make this angle . So
14:53 we're gonna call it segment W . X . With
14:56 a line segment bar . And we're gonna call it
14:58 segment Xy Now because these are line segments , we
15:04 can flip the order instead of W . X .
15:06 We could call it a line segment X . W
15:08 . Instead of X . Y . We could call
15:10 it line segment Y . X . Because there's a
15:13 bar on top and there's no arrowhead . Then we
15:15 can flip the order of the letters if you want
15:17 to . All right , what is the vertex of
15:20 this angle ? Of course . It's what these two
15:22 segments are joined at point X . So the vertex
15:24 is point X . And how do we name this
15:26 angle here is the angle it goes from W .
15:29 X . Y . So we're gonna call it angle
15:31 symbol W . X . Y . Now , of
15:35 course , bonus points . If you tell me the
15:36 other angle , it could be called angle Y .
15:38 X . W . That's fine too . I'm not
15:41 gonna write every name for every one of these guys
15:43 , but that is the idea . Mhm . Alright
15:47 , next problem . We have a nice angle formed
15:50 here at point F . And we have a ray
15:52 going through G . And we have a race starting
15:54 at F . And going through E . So what
15:56 are the to raise ? We've already kind of said
15:58 the rays all started F . And this one goes
16:01 through G . So we have an arrowhead on top
16:05 and then we have another ray that starts with F
16:07 . And it goes through E . Now for the
16:10 rays you cannot flip the order of the letters because
16:12 they have a starting point F . And so you
16:14 have to put the arrow on top and you have
16:16 to start at F . Like we have done here
16:18 . What is the vertex of this angle ? It's
16:20 where the to raise come together , it's point F
16:24 . And the angle here . How would I name
16:25 it ? The angle . There's two ways to name
16:28 the angle we're gonna call it . E F G
16:31 E F G . You can also name this angle
16:35 angle G F . E . So E F G
16:39 R G F E . Same thing . Alright ,
16:42 last problem in this lesson here , we have a
16:46 12345 segment figure here . Or five sided figure here
16:50 . What are the segments that make up ? The
16:53 angle over here is indicated by the arrow . This
16:55 is angle M . With the vertex of em here
16:58 . So what segments do we have ? We have
16:59 this segment and we have this segment . How do
17:01 we name this ? Well we can name it different
17:03 ways but this segment goes from L . Two M
17:06 . So we're gonna call it segment L . M
17:10 . And then we have also a segment from M
17:12 . Going to end . So we're gonna call it
17:14 segment M . N . Notice there is no arrowhead
17:17 on top because this is a segment . These are
17:19 segments not raise . We call it L . M
17:22 . We could call it segment M . L .
17:24 This is M . N . We could call this
17:26 segment in M . So we can flip the order
17:29 of the letters if we want . When we're naming
17:30 the segments , what is the vertex of this angle
17:33 ? It's where the segments come together ? The vertex's
17:36 point . M that's just a point . And then
17:39 how do you name this angle ? What is the
17:40 name of this angle ? And there's a couple of
17:42 ways to do it . We're gonna call it L
17:43 . M . N . So we're gonna call it
17:46 angle L . M N angle LMN . But of
17:51 course , you know by now that you can also
17:53 name it N . N . L . As long
17:55 as M is in the center , which it is
17:58 . So we actually covered a lot of material in
18:00 this lesson . And I hope now you can see
18:02 why we lumped it all together because we talk about
18:05 points but we have to understand what the point is
18:07 in order to talk about a ray because a race
18:09 starts at a point and it goes through another point
18:12 , right ? And then we have to talk about
18:14 line segments and those can be used to form angles
18:17 and so on . So we have to kind of
18:18 talk about it all together . We would like you
18:21 to do is go back through this lesson , draw
18:23 these figures herself and try to name the different things
18:25 that we named in this lesson . Even if you
18:27 just saw it , that's okay . I want you
18:28 to get practice and when you feel like you understand
18:31 what's happening , Follow me on the part two ,
18:32 we'll give you a little more practice to wrap up
18:34 the concept understanding points , lines , rays , angles
18:38 and vertex is


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