Ask an Administrator With Dr. Dean Wilson - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Ask an Administrator With Dr. Dean Wilson - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Ask an Administrator With Dr. Dean Wilson - By CanvasLMS

00:08 Yeah , and welcome to another exciting livestream with our
00:28 friend , Dr Dean Wilson from the Center for Leadership
00:31 and Learning Dean . Obviously you're one of my all
00:34 time favorite people to talk about . Uh , and
00:37 one of our favorite guests here on the livestream and
00:40 today will be no different . But we are going
00:42 to do some things a little differently is we've kind
00:45 of pulled over the last few weeks , some of
00:47 our good friends as our canvas advocates or in our
00:50 canvas in structure kind of influencer group to ask them
00:55 what they would ask an administrator to kind of get
00:57 us started as we get to sit today in front
01:01 of an administrator like Dr Dean Wilson , um ,
01:04 and thank you so much for being a part of
01:06 today's livestream . We can't start without thanking you for
01:08 sure . Um , but before we get started ,
01:10 we always want to remind you please like subscribe hit
01:14 the hearts , do all of the things so that
01:16 those people in your inner circles can see some of
01:18 the great things that Dr Dean is going to share
01:20 today , which it will be great . I guarantee
01:23 it . So again , Dr Dean , thank you
01:25 very much for being on the ship . We're looking
01:28 forward to it . Eddie . Hey , welcome canvas
01:30 community . We are super excited to be here and
01:33 all things in structures so we are locked cocked ,
01:35 ready to rock . Let's do this thing . Eddie
01:38 . And if you didn't know , Dr Dean is
01:40 actually in jay Leno's garage . He's got boats ,
01:43 motorcycles , and cars , uh , to really show
01:46 off the fun house . That is not a virtual
01:49 background . Could could fool you . I think fooled
01:52 me a little bit when we first jump on the
01:54 call , but I let's just jump right into it
01:58 . Like questions galore , right ? We need you
02:00 . If you would , if you feel comfortable in
02:03 asking a question on these social platforms , a question
02:06 that you might have towards your administrator that you just
02:08 really want to know because we have an administrator and
02:11 he's going to ask , the question is going to
02:12 answer the questions . So we have a first ask
02:14 here and this asked was why would I use canvas
02:17 ? Isn't this just going to go away after the
02:19 pandemic ? You shall pass . Right , Right .
02:26 So Eddie chris uh , let's talk about this .
02:29 Uh , this too shall pass , right ? Um
02:31 , this too shall pass in terms of the pandemic
02:35 . Um , but why should the things that have
02:39 been able to help students learn differently ? Go away
02:42 with the pandemic ? Um , for me , it's
02:44 not an either or it's not a , we've got
02:47 to get rid of canvas and we've got to go
02:49 back totally face to face . The future is blended
02:53 . Um , if you want to talk about making
02:55 progress , it's neither on the left or the right
02:57 , it's usually right in the middle . So for
02:59 me when I look at canvas , I think man
03:02 what an asset this is for all communities . Um
03:06 , I look at my own students agnostic of time
03:08 , agnostic of space place . My students still have
03:12 access To their content , still have the ability to
03:15 receive real time feedback , still have the ability to
03:19 do things differently when I look at what is happening
03:24 and what has happened in K-12 and even entire ed
03:27 canvas isn't something that's going to go away , canvas
03:30 is one of those tools that will help us to
03:32 continue to get better . And what I mean by
03:35 that is better at meeting students needs , meeting them
03:38 where they're at and making learning personal . Uh ,
03:40 for me , canvas isn't a , isn't a thing
03:44 . Uh , it's a place where we can go
03:46 in order to organize and collaborate , communicate and really
03:50 ensure student learning . So that's , that's , that
03:53 would be my answer to that as an administrator .
03:56 Um , why , why would I use canvas ?
03:58 It provides multiple opportunities and modalities for students to learn
04:02 ? Isn't this just going away ? No man ,
04:05 the future is in blended learning or relearning whatever we
04:09 want to call it . Uh , this to won't
04:12 pass , this will only get better as we move
04:14 forward . You know , I always find this question
04:18 to be a little problematic for someone that was such
04:21 a high energy , enthusiastic , positive coach , um
04:26 , in my role . And I , you know
04:28 , I understand the mindset . I get it because
04:31 a lot of this was kind of forced or pushed
04:33 into their direction by people that maybe they don't see
04:38 every day or people that , um , feel like
04:41 it was a great decision for the building , but
04:43 we know we have people in our buildings that maybe
04:45 make the best decisions for themselves in their classrooms and
04:48 that's all great , we really do support all of
04:50 that . Um but I know that the one thing
04:53 that I've always tried to put in retrospect is a
04:56 lot of us were doing this before the pandemic hit
05:01 in hopes that it would be useful in their classrooms
05:05 in a blended environment or in a face to face
05:08 environment . I don't think any of us ever envisioned
05:11 , you know , that we would have a pandemic
05:14 that would allow a lot of people that were kind
05:17 of dragging their feet to test the waters in kind
05:20 of an emergency situation , right ? Like , okay
05:22 , we're pumping the brakes here now , we've got
05:25 to do it even though I've kind of drug my
05:27 feet a little bit . Um so I love the
05:29 question in itself , but I do think , I
05:31 do think there's like so much negativity in it ,
05:33 like this is going to go away , so why
05:36 am I going to continue to use it ? Which
05:37 I'm glad you kind of brought in , you know
05:39 , as administrators , we should be using it and
05:41 lead by example , because it allows you as an
05:43 administrator to do so much . So could you give
05:46 a few examples Dr dean on um what you necessarily
05:50 might have used canvas for as an administrator , like
05:53 very specific things for those out there that may say
05:56 , and I don't even know what I would use
05:57 it for as an admin . Oh man , I
06:00 can tell you this organization that I currently work for
06:02 , we use our board meeting on it . So
06:04 now we're actually ensuring that our board members are learning
06:07 in the same modality that our students are . So
06:09 as they log in for board they're able to look
06:11 at the board packet , they're able to go through
06:13 the information um in the same modality that our students
06:16 are . Uh I live in a very rural place
06:18 um rural Utah , we have more cows in this
06:20 county than we do people and that is a true
06:22 statement . Um When I start to look at issues
06:25 of equity um a lot of our students may have
06:28 to travel 30 40 mi to get to a school
06:31 um in a snow day which when we get snow
06:34 out here it's in the feet , not in the
06:36 inches . Um I look at this as a great
06:39 safeguard moving forward um to ensure that we can have
06:43 not only emergency style learning but truly blended learning where
06:47 um like I said agnostic of time space location ,
06:50 we can still collaborate and communicate um As an administrator
06:53 for me I'm looking at this in terms of I'm
06:56 going to ensure that my P . D . Is
06:57 on canvas and I'm instructing and modeling and investing in
07:01 my teachers as a building level principal or a building
07:04 level administrator . I have to be not necessarily an
07:07 expert in all things but if this is one of
07:09 the big things it's my job and I need to
07:11 do a mere check if I can't do it myself
07:14 . How can I ask my teachers to if I
07:16 can't figure out a way to ensure that I can
07:19 teach this properly ? How will I ever expect the
07:22 water to get to the end of the row ?
07:24 Um So for me canvas has been a very big
07:27 mere check . Um It's forced me to take a
07:29 look at you know is this a first order change
07:31 where people just need a little bit of help in
07:33 order to move forward ? Or is this a second
07:35 order change ? It's going to require new skills ,
07:38 new training and an inspection of what I , I
07:41 expect . For me , it has been a very
07:44 , very good way to take a temperature check of
07:47 the school . Um , and really forced my own
07:49 learning . Um , I think that educators , especially
07:52 educational administrators , can no longer , you know ,
07:55 ensure that the tech person does this thing , we've
07:58 actually got to engage . We've got to empower ourselves
08:02 as administrators . Um , if we really want to
08:05 meet the needs of not only our students , but
08:07 really our teachers . Um , you know , I
08:09 always say our teachers job is to ensure student learning
08:12 . My job as an administrator is to ensure adult
08:15 learning . And if we're all learning and we're all
08:17 learning at high levels in our building and there's only
08:19 good things that can really come from that . So
08:22 for me again , I need to be the best
08:25 model , an exemplar of use that I can possibly
08:28 be . Um so that's that's on me , that's
08:31 on admin , we've got to do a better job
08:32 of modeling what best practice looks like , you know
08:35 , I think modeling is is the key word here
08:37 . We're getting some great comments from facebook , I
08:39 got a little click happy there . So you saw
08:40 a bunch of pop up at once , I don't
08:42 trying to confuse the Doctor Dean . Um but we
08:45 want to I definitely want to hone in on this
08:47 one because and brings up a good point that again
08:50 , a lot of teachers in our building or kind
08:53 of feel that the pandemic is over . Um and
08:56 kind of our rolling towards , well this is over
08:58 now . We don't need this tool anymore . I
09:01 think they're used to so many things in education having
09:03 some roll over , right . Um , so what
09:05 are you doing specifically to kind of continue that buy
09:07 in by your faculty ? Um , that kind of
09:11 helps with that . I know you touched upon it
09:12 a little bit , but are there very specific things
09:15 that you might be doing um , to kind of
09:17 help them continue using the tool ? Absolutely . Um
09:21 , if you want to move an educator show their
09:24 impact on a student . And for us , the
09:28 current college that I work out , we had an
09:30 intense campaign where we actually took students that pushed through
09:34 the pandemic , pushed through and learned remotely continued to
09:37 learn uh , in a blended model when we needed
09:40 to , with face to face instruction . And it
09:43 was amazing to see our teachers and our instructors take
09:47 a look at these students that had overcome immense challenges
09:51 , had overcome a lot , especially as our adult
09:54 learners to come back to college and then hit a
09:57 pandemic and try to re learn all of these things
09:59 for us . We found exemplars within our own walls
10:02 that we could highlight in , showcases examples of grit
10:05 , resilience and really um to be completely honest ,
10:10 the one word I would use for these students are
10:14 contenders . They're not quite a champion , but man
10:17 , they are in their training every day . They're
10:18 fighting every day . Our instructors championed our contenders and
10:22 for me that was the one thing that I can
10:24 say really got buy in for remote e all things
10:29 . Digital learning was really providing exemplars of success ,
10:33 highlighting those teachers that are doing great things with the
10:35 tools . Um I know our little is an elementary
10:37 , had a really , really hard time . I
10:39 get it . I've got two daughters that are in
10:42 fourth grade . That means I have twins . Yeah
10:45 , it was hard for those littles to learn ,
10:47 but it's amazing what they have learned . Um if
10:52 I were to ask them day one of pandemic versus
10:55 you know , day 400 wherever we're at , um
10:58 they have an immense skill set that they wouldn't have
11:01 been able to gain without this pandemic . And I
11:04 know that's a lot of silver linings and I know
11:06 that's a lot of , well , yeah , that's
11:07 nice . You know what attitude and gratitude go hand
11:11 in hand when it comes to being administrator . If
11:13 you lead with love . Uh , you know ,
11:15 it's , it's all about acting non verba words ,
11:18 not deeds , not words , making sure that we're
11:21 doing the work , not just talking about it .
11:24 Work talk is very cheap in this business . So
11:27 get those good things that are happening in your school
11:30 , put a spotlight on it , you know ,
11:32 making from Lincoln popped in here . It's kind of
11:34 a good segue into our next form of topics .
11:37 Megan from Lincoln asked . She really thank you for
11:39 hosting , which I love . Uh , dr Dean's
11:42 her favorite , but best tips for training faculty when
11:45 , when migrating to canvas from a different LMS .
11:49 And , and again , this kind of leads us
11:50 to that turnover question in education . We're so used
11:53 to like the next big thing or the next best
11:56 thing . And we know that if we wait around
11:58 long enough , I'm speaking to you as an educator
12:01 at this point . If I waited around long enough
12:03 , it will change , right ? And I will
12:05 forget all about , you know , curriculum maps and
12:09 some former tools that don't even exist anymore . Um
12:12 , so what are some best tips and strategies that
12:14 you have when you stand in front of a staff
12:16 that says , well you've been using one thing for
12:18 a few years and now we're going to transition you
12:20 to the next . Um I can speak from the
12:22 heart here . I had an educator actually stand up
12:24 in a meeting and say I need you right now
12:27 to promise me I will not be doing a new
12:29 LMS in the next , you know , eight years
12:31 , very heated , but it was great , good
12:34 guy and everything was fine , but that's happened right
12:37 . I I think educators fear that they're just going
12:40 to have to learn something new , so why ?
12:42 And that's part of bringing them along and buying them
12:45 in . So what are some things you've done as
12:46 an administrator to kind of help bridge that gap um
12:50 for training faculty when they're going from one LMS to
12:53 the other ? Well , the first thing I always
12:55 like to tell people is there's no future in the
12:57 past and uh , the past won't dictate future .
13:01 We have the president , we have , what's now
13:02 . So what's in our hands , what do we
13:05 control ? I do this a lot with my teachers
13:07 , um kind of finite and education . We only
13:09 get so much of it . And uh , what
13:11 we've learned is we can actually have less of it
13:13 than we thought with the pandemic in terms of uh
13:15 instructional time . So I always do this . What
13:18 is in our hands ? Do we control it ?
13:19 Do we not ? In terms of an LMS ?
13:22 There's a lot out there canvas is hands down the
13:24 best . Um Having said that when I look at
13:28 teacher buy in and I look at investing in teachers
13:30 really for me , I've got to ensure that we
13:33 have a high trust , low fear environment and I
13:35 say that a lot . But I mean that I've
13:38 got to ensure that my teachers understand there's a why
13:40 for what we are doing . It's not just to
13:43 check a box , it's not compliance based . Um
13:46 , we have got to have that . Why in
13:48 place . Why are we doing this to better serve
13:50 our students ? Why are we doing this ? Once
13:52 we've , we've gone through really one cycle with canvas
13:55 , we have our templates . We have an understanding
13:57 . We have an ability to move forward . Um
13:59 , for me , as I look at what is
14:01 happening in education and what in structure and canvases done
14:05 . I mean , I look at surgical , I
14:07 look at mastery connect , I look at all of
14:09 the tools that really impact student achievement that are linked
14:12 within structure that are under the umbrella . We have
14:15 a huge opportunity to pair the right tools for the
14:18 right reasons as we move forward . Um , the
14:21 other thing is when I'm dealing with the faculty ,
14:24 you've got to be honest as administrator . This was
14:28 really , really hard . This was something that none
14:31 of us signed up for . Neither did our students
14:34 . What can we do to make it humane for
14:37 both our students and our teachers ? What are those
14:40 things that we can do ? Being very honest with
14:42 our teachers , I don't expect all of us to
14:44 run a five minute mile . Some of us are
14:46 going to take 15 minutes , as long as we
14:49 get to the end of the line , we will
14:51 get to the end of the line . Um ,
14:54 I don't care when adults learn , I care that
14:56 they learn and there is no guarantee that canvas is
15:00 going to stay or you know , there's no guarantee
15:02 that it will go away . What I can say
15:05 is canvases very well aligned to the educational practices and
15:09 pedagogy that really does lead to high levels of student
15:13 learning . Um , this is a great place to
15:15 ensure that we have a common space for our resources
15:18 . We have an assessment management , we can tie
15:20 to this . We have validated questions , we can
15:22 tie to this . We can really do a lot
15:24 of things that great teachers naturally do . Um ,
15:27 we just got to make sure that as we move
15:30 forward with the faculty when we migrate over , don't
15:32 over promise and under deliver , I can promise you
15:35 what we're doing with canvas is in the best interests
15:38 of our students for today . If tomorrow there is
15:41 something better , I can guarantee you we're going to
15:43 do it because it's not about loyalty to canvas or
15:45 to any other L . N . S . It's
15:47 loyalty to our students and loyalty to our teachers .
15:50 And damn it , we owe it to both of
15:52 those groups to give him our best as admin .
15:55 Um , I said , and I meant it we
15:56 owe our teachers and our students our absolute best .
16:00 Yeah , absolutely . I can't agree with that more
16:03 . And I think part of what has drawn me
16:06 to this company again , it's different , right ?
16:09 People feel like I have to say this . I
16:10 don't have to say this . I was an educator
16:13 for , you know , 12 years . I don't
16:15 have to say this . That it's that it's rooted
16:18 in educational pedagogy . It's rooted in people like me
16:22 who are educators that we're kind of moving up and
16:25 decided that they wanted to make a greater impact on
16:29 the things that education has to offer . And that's
16:32 why I'm here right in the company and that's why
16:34 you're here is kind of an advocate for what they
16:37 do in the Center for Leadership and Learning . And
16:39 that just speaks so much to the culture and attitude
16:43 of this company , right ? The company that really
16:46 does truly care about being the best LMS for students
16:50 . But great question . Megan , really appreciate it
16:52 . We're moving along here , we've got so many
16:54 more to get to . I love this question from
16:58 from one of our great canvas admins here . What
17:01 technology do you wish you knew more about as an
17:04 administrator and when you've got some time for me to
17:06 help you talk through them . So what are some
17:09 things that you really wish you could get to know
17:12 whether it be inside canvas LMS or some of the
17:14 external tools ? Because I guess we've got canvas admin
17:19 out there that are looking for ways to get in
17:21 and uh and see you as an administrator so that
17:24 they can start walking you through some of these cool
17:26 tools . You know , honestly , I would want
17:29 to know more about mastery connect . Um and the
17:31 reason why I say that is as we look to
17:33 the future , there's no doubt that assessment is going
17:36 to be a part of the future . Um I
17:38 don't believe in learning loss and I really don't like
17:40 that terminology . Um I know it's out there .
17:42 How are we going to measure learning loss ? Um
17:44 We haven't lost anything , we just have yet to
17:47 teach it and let's measure it once we've taught .
17:50 Um and for me , as I look at the
17:52 tools within canvas or I look at the tools within
17:55 in structure , um having a deeper knowledge of mastery
17:58 connect . Um when I first started out , I
18:01 would have definitely helped because whether I'm using , you
18:05 know , the ability for my students to take a
18:07 quiz remotely and have that data transfer immediately or hold
18:11 a virtual PLC so I can share , you know
18:13 , a data across my teacher teams and be able
18:16 to really utilized that tool in a really meaningful way
18:20 in terms of looking at student data , looking at
18:23 uh you know , different assessment points in the ,
18:26 in the year , having a better background knowledge of
18:28 mastery can that definitely would have helped um moving forward
18:32 . One of the other tools , I'm definitely interested
18:34 in his portfolio , um as we move to more
18:36 of a competency based model or more of a personalized
18:39 learning model , I think that those are tools that
18:41 only helped to really get good exemplars of what post
18:45 secondary our secondary students are able to do in the
18:48 classroom that's maybe not as binary is a true false
18:51 or multiple choice . So for me honestly uh understanding
18:55 mastery connected and specific to canvas man , template your
18:59 school templates , templates , templates , templates uh that
19:03 creates consistency for your your teachers , it creates consistency
19:07 for your parents and your end user which are your
19:10 students . So please template . I uh you know
19:14 dr Dean is the master of the segue because I
19:17 definitely wanted to talk about one of our case studies
19:20 that we did with a lathe public schools in canvas
19:22 . And and Dean's very dr Dean is very familiar
19:24 with that . But I've got to share this story
19:26 because from an admin point of view , if you're
19:29 really looking for more mastery connect content and if you
19:34 are an administrator out there , this case study is
19:38 the case study to look at . They talk about
19:40 P . D . And and the things that they
19:42 did with the Center for Leadership and Learnings canvas leadership
19:45 institute . So I'd love to kind of turn some
19:48 attention to that . You you talked about a little
19:50 a little bit as well but I'm going to throw
19:52 in the chat while you maybe speak a little on
19:54 it um with a straight connect stuff . I'll throw
19:57 the link in the chat so if people are watching
19:58 and they want to get some more info on that
20:01 they can do that . But I love as an
20:04 administrator in our room today talking about that teacher leadership
20:08 component um and being able to invest in teachers which
20:11 is I think kind of the gist of the way
20:13 the case study went . So I'm gonna post that
20:14 in the chat so people can take a look at
20:16 that . We'll talk more and let dr Dean talk
20:18 a little bit about Olathe . Well shoutout to Olathe
20:22 . I absolutely love y'all . Um I cannot tell
20:25 you how much I have grown with your district and
20:30 by learning by some of the things that you all
20:32 are doing . Um I don't want to speak for
20:34 Olathe . But what I will tell you is this
20:37 um when they came to the table to figure out
20:39 how they were going to roll out mastery connect and
20:41 how they were going to plug in some of the
20:42 different tools and components . Uh Their leadership team was
20:46 really really uh succinct in terms of ensuring adult learning
20:52 . Um They didn't want a one and done ,
20:54 they didn't really want it to be a , hey
20:56 well we're just gonna will train and then just push
20:59 it forward . Um Their administrators invested in the P
21:02 . D . With their teachers . Um Side by
21:04 side , hand in hand , they were in it
21:06 together from the get go . Um They didn't fool
21:09 around at first . Um If you want to get
21:11 trained right train right ? Um That is a really
21:15 really sound bit of advice . If you want to
21:18 train right then you better start training right ? Um
21:21 They trained right out of the gate . Um They
21:23 brought in experts from mastery connect , they brought in
21:26 experts from the CLL . Um Did a totally custom
21:29 roll out one of the other individuals from the Center
21:32 for Leadership and Learning top viable . Did an amazing
21:35 job of hosting multiple sites at once to ensure that
21:38 the message was consistent to ensure that the message was
21:41 clear . Um And the other good thing that Olathe
21:44 did is they continue to follow up on their own
21:47 efficacy isn't working is it not ? If it's not
21:50 they'll reach out and ask for different bits of device
21:53 um and share the success . I mean , the
21:55 case study is absolutely amazing , but when you look
21:58 at that , it's really an administrative team engaging in
22:01 best practice . They're going to learn the tool with
22:04 their teachers , not teach it to their teachers ,
22:07 they're going to learn it with their teachers for their
22:09 students . Um , it wasn't something that their teachers
22:12 were going to do to their students . Um ,
22:15 and really for me , as I looked at Alaska's
22:18 case study , they really made mastery connect a part
22:21 of learning , Not apart from learning , they integrated
22:25 it into what they were doing day to day in
22:28 the classroom , in each building and as a district
22:31 and the results speak for themselves . So , um
22:33 , I absolutely love the thoughtful approach that Olathe took
22:40 with their teacher teams . So I have another question
22:43 here , Carrie , one of our educators in the
22:46 cannabis advocates , wanted to know , what are some
22:49 pieces of the greater puzzle that we don't know about
22:52 as teachers that you wish you could share as an
22:55 administrator . So what I wish I could share with
22:59 educators is the gift of empathy . Um , I
23:04 didn't know that there were so many students in our
23:06 district that didn't have access to a device . I
23:09 didn't know that there were so many students that didn't
23:12 have adequate internet . I didn't know that a lot
23:16 of our teachers were using their phones instead of a
23:18 laptop in order to deliver classes because they only had
23:22 a desktop in their room . Um , the pieces
23:25 of the greater puzzle that I wish everyone will continue
23:29 to study on are issues of equity . Um ,
23:32 what are the disparities that exist within our district that
23:37 don't necessarily have anything to do with race , creed
23:40 or color that have more to do with poverty and
23:42 position ? Um , what can we do to ensure
23:45 that , you know , what we have the ability
23:48 to go into impacted communities , um , and ensure
23:52 that at a basic level infrastructure is there , you
23:55 know , from that ? How do students and how
23:58 do teachers engage differently ? Um , I wish we
24:01 could look at the engagement rate of different subsets of
24:05 students so that we can have a really intent fel
24:08 intervention plan as we return to a more normalized learning
24:11 environment . Um , for me , uh , I
24:15 learned the gift of empathy and what I really learned
24:17 is equity , um , and access are the two
24:20 biggest issues . Um , I want to tackle moving
24:23 forward . Um , so much so I'm actually leaving
24:27 my position as a vice president of a college .
24:30 Yeah , heard of live breaking news , breaking news
24:34 and I'm going to be the executive director of a
24:36 charter school . Um the reason being I am a
24:39 passion and purposeful person . Um , the next 3-5
24:44 years are going to dictate the next 20 in terms
24:47 of education and I don't want to be on the
24:49 sidelines of history . I want to be in the
24:52 footnotes helping write it . Um , and the way
24:54 that we do that with , the way that we
24:56 do that successfully is we put the issue of equity
24:59 and access first and foremost , we tackle those issues
25:02 and everything else can fall in line . Um ,
25:06 but those two issues I believe need the most priority
25:08 moving forward . Well , you've given , you've given
25:12 your life to education , that's for sure . Dr
25:14 Dean . It's fantastic . That's great news . Um
25:17 , I love to hear breaking news right here .
25:19 Who would have thought we are breaking news here on
25:21 the structure and campus live streams . Um , I
25:24 love this question , not just because he's a buddy
25:27 um , but uh that has a little bit to
25:30 do with it too , but he's a district leader
25:32 here in northern indiana . Um and had the question
25:35 , you know , what is the secret ingredient that
25:37 you feel we need more of in our building ?
25:40 So you know , I'm thinking about this all the
25:42 time as a coach in schools that I've worked with
25:46 , you know , what is the thing that just
25:48 makes , makes it click for that educator or school
25:51 staff member to finally kind of get over the hump
25:54 and begin to realize that these tools aren't just pandemic
25:57 tools that they are um through that , right ,
26:00 that they can be beyond that . So what's that
26:02 secret ingredient that you've either found or that you feel
26:05 you need more of in your buildings ? He's still
26:10 searching , do you want to know the most addicting
26:15 thing in the world ? Its success and celebrate it
26:21 . Okay . You want to know what the secret
26:24 to life is ? It's celebrating the good things that
26:29 are happening . It is creating that culture of ,
26:32 I don't know what that is but I really want
26:33 to be a part of it . It's the field
26:36 , you know what and I I don't know how
26:38 to quantify this . It is your cadence , it
26:42 is your ability to connect . It is your passion
26:45 . You know when you walk through the building ,
26:47 when you walk through that door , you walk through
26:49 like it is your last day . Do you walk
26:52 in like it's your last day , not your first
26:53 day but your last day , that's what the secret
26:56 ingredient is . Now when I wake up every single
26:59 day and I go into that building , I tell
27:01 myself two things . One , I owe it to
27:04 these kids too . I owe it to these adults
27:07 . If I can't be at my best for eight
27:10 hours , just eight , That's not even two thirds
27:13 of the day , 1/3 of the day . If
27:15 I can't be at my best for eight hours for
27:19 the people that need me , I'm probably the wrong
27:21 person for the job . So for me , the
27:23 secret to success is finding those , those pockets of
27:26 excellence and celebrating them for students , for teachers ,
27:31 even for parents . Um , that's what really turned
27:35 schools that really turns the tide in terms of emotion
27:39 and culture . Um , if you don't like the
27:41 story about your school , pick up the pen and
27:43 start offering it . Um , there is no reason
27:45 why you can't tell the best story about your school
27:48 . Um , that's for me , the biggest thing
27:50 is what we tend to focus on becomes greatest .
27:53 So put the lens on those things that are working
27:55 well . It's not to shy away from the things
27:58 that aren't , but man's success breeds success and it
28:01 is the most addicting thing in the world . Once
28:03 people get a taste of it , they will try
28:05 their best to get that over and over and over
28:08 again . So we've got to provide those opportunities to
28:10 invest in our educators and highlight the great things that
28:13 they are doing with students . Well , you made
28:15 an impact on the big boss man . He came
28:17 in here , martin the secret to life celebrating success
28:21 . Great comment . Dr Dean for the Wind .
28:24 Obviously we have just nonstop today asked questions to DR
28:30 Dean is an administrator on things that he would like
28:32 to see from educators or I . T . Personnel
28:35 , especially when we kind of frame it in a
28:37 canvas and structure lens . To me , what Dr
28:40 Dean just said was also creating experiences , right ?
28:43 We are trying to find ways . It is very
28:46 hard , I think in today's um , landscape to
28:51 find ways to motivate students or to motivate teachers .
28:55 And I think the easiest way that I could ever
28:59 as a coach or district leader , Um , the
29:01 easiest way I could ever impact them to be more
29:05 engaged in any tool or platform . I wanted them
29:08 to try was to create an experience . They have
29:11 to have fun , they have to find a way
29:14 to relate it to students , right ? How is
29:16 this going to impact my kids tomorrow ? I don't
29:18 want to talk about what it's going to do in
29:20 the next 15 years . I need to know how
29:22 it's going to impact them tomorrow . But I also
29:24 need you to engage me , right ? And teachers
29:27 are the ultimate engage ear's because they do have to
29:30 keep people on task and and involved in the process
29:35 for multiple hours of the day . So , um
29:38 I love that , I love that keep them engaged
29:40 and celebrating those successes . I I've always told the
29:43 story about how I wasn't a really fantastic teacher to
29:45 start out with and when I really began to build
29:48 relationships with kids and I started to celebrate the small
29:52 stuff that was happening in my room around their peers
29:55 really increased a lot of buying . So I think
29:58 that secret ingredient is create the experience and celebrate those
30:02 successes . Fantastic . We have another question coming in
30:06 from our Youtube channel , great session as the admin
30:09 and structure for several years or instructor for several years
30:11 , still learning Keeping up with new features and I
30:14 love it . I wish we could have the Ask
30:16 an admin allies section at least once a month .
30:18 Can we dr Dean are you up for it ?
30:21 Because this is all day every day . Regular section
30:25 , you know , here's what I'm gonna tell y'all
30:28 . Um for me man , you said it earlier
30:31 , I give my life to education . Well ,
30:33 education is giving me a life that allows me to
30:35 have a Thunderdome . It allows me to have a
30:38 pretty good experience . And all I've got to do
30:40 is show up and help others . Um My debt
30:43 to society is not yet paid . Um those that
30:46 grew up around me definitely know that I've got a
30:49 lot to give back , so yeah , absolutely .
30:51 I'd be more than happy to jump on uh provided
30:54 it's uh it's beneficial and useful . So , absolutely
30:57 , we'd love to , we're never going to turn
30:59 dr Dean down . Come on , come on .
31:02 All right . So , we only have a few
31:04 more moments and we don't want to take up too
31:05 much of your time because we know you're very busy
31:07 . But I have this last question from Andrea here
31:09 , who's an educator in our building ? We are
31:12 seeing a culture shift through the pandemic . How do
31:14 you create culture and that sustain that Through the next
31:18 4-5 years ? All right . So here's the thing
31:21 I'm going to tell you , you don't create culture
31:23 , culture will create itself . You exist within the
31:27 culture that has been created . Um , too many
31:30 times people try to grab on to something that's a
31:32 ghost . Um , Culture is a ghost . It
31:36 comes , it goes , it is what it is
31:39 . Um , here's what I'm gonna tell you about
31:40 culture , The more positive deposits you have the less
31:44 negative withdrawals you're going to experience . Um , and
31:48 what I mean by that is if you are focusing
31:50 on those positive things , if you are focusing on
31:53 those high leverage strategies , those high leverage implementations ,
31:57 you are going to have success for your teachers ,
32:00 you're going to have success for your students . Um
32:02 , as I look at , what am I going
32:04 to do to create a culture , I'm going to
32:05 stay hungry , I'm going to stay humble as an
32:08 administrator . I have got to ensure that my job
32:11 is to continue to learn . I've got to ensure
32:14 that I'm out there 180 days ahead of my teachers
32:17 , ensuring that it's not what's next , it's what's
32:20 coming because we can handle anything . I'm not out
32:23 there looking for the next thing . I've got faith
32:26 in my staff , I have got trust in my
32:28 teachers , I know we can overcome anything . And
32:32 if you know anything about educational research , Mr .
32:34 Hadi thinks that that whole collective teacher efficacy is a
32:38 pretty big deal . And so for me , that's
32:40 my number one focus is investing in educators . Um
32:44 there is no amount of time that I can give
32:47 to another educator that isn't going to have a multiplying
32:50 effect on a student . If you want to change
32:53 your community , invest in those that touch those that
32:56 are coming up within it , because those that are
32:59 exiting your community aren't going to be your culture creators
33:02 , it's those that are coming up . So investing
33:05 in educators that are investing in the youth is the
33:07 best thing you can do to create a sustainable culture
33:12 . Man , If you have administrator friends might drop
33:16 right , I was gonna , I thought we were
33:17 gonna fist bump , there were gonna be would would
33:19 go like that , nope , I'm going the wrong
33:21 way . We gotta we gotta find the right way
33:22 to do that . But absolutely just fantastic . If
33:26 you have administrator friends , if you are an administrator
33:29 and you're in a circle of administrators , please please
33:31 please share this session out because any moment you get
33:36 three seconds with DR Dean , you're getting good stuff
33:39 . Not only that , but you also have some
33:41 debts to pay . Apparently from our good birthmark booth
33:45 , Dr Dean is serious debts to pay , which
33:47 might mean this is a regular segment . You may
33:49 have just signed on to do a to do a
33:52 doctor Dean . You know , ask administrator session per
33:55 month . We are just thrilled to have you and
33:57 we're so thankful , so appreciate you giving us the
33:59 time today . Um get your insights are just invaluable
34:03 to us and we just love that you've continued to
34:05 work for educators and for the people here and in
34:08 structure and all of the work you do for the
34:10 censorship for leadership and learning here as an advocate .
34:13 It's fantastic . I appreciate that . I appreciate working
34:17 with you . You are one of the great ,
34:18 you're one of my legends , Mark Booth . I
34:20 see you . I see you , you who run
34:23 the next asking admin . Let's get punchy with it
34:25 . Let's uh , let's have one more tile on
34:28 the screen . Next time I'm calling you out ,
34:30 Mark Booth . Yes , I am . Um ,
34:32 and the last thing I'm gonna say is three things
34:34 and it's three things that I think every human being
34:37 needs to hear . And I challenge anybody that's watching
34:40 this live or anybody that's going to share this out
34:42 to do what I'm about to do . Find people
34:45 in your circle in your school and tell them these
34:48 three things . I love you , I care about
34:51 you . I want you to do well in life
34:53 . We need more love in this world . We
34:57 have the ability to spread that love . So with
35:00 that I got nothing but love for all . Y'all
35:02 get out there . Keep changing the world . Stick
35:05 to the fight when you're the hardest hit . It's
35:07 when things get tough that we must not quit .
35:09 Got nothing but love for everybody . Thanks for all
35:11 you do . Mm .



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