6 Steps to Build Your 6-Figure Online Teaching Business - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

6 Steps to Build Your 6-Figure Online Teaching Business - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

6 Steps to Build Your 6-Figure Online Teaching Business - By Nancy Taylor

00:0-1 Hello everyone . It is nancy taylor here from Hey
00:02 , nancy taylor dot com . And on this channel
00:04 you will see videos all about teaching online , growing
00:06 your brand and becoming the best version of you .
00:09 And in today's video , we're going over six steps
00:12 to build your own business as an online educator .
00:16 So many of you responded to a previous video where
00:18 I was asking you about content you would like to
00:21 see and I kept seeing , I would love to
00:22 know how to go independent , how to build my
00:24 own brand , how to build a Youtube channel .
00:26 And so I thought that going over these six steps
00:29 would be helpful for you to see the big picture
00:32 on where do you get started ? Like how do
00:34 you do that ? So let's jump into this video
00:37 with these six steps to build your own online business
00:42 as I give you each step . I'm also going
00:43 to share examples and I think that those are going
00:46 to really reiterate what I'm trying to explain and I
00:49 love examples , I know that many of you like
00:51 to see examples as well . So number one is
00:54 to know your expertise . This is a point in
00:57 time where you can sit down and brainstorm write down
01:00 what are your strengths ? What are you good at
01:02 ? What are your talents that you have asked those
01:04 around you ? Oftentimes those around , you will tell
01:07 you what is your superpower , What's your zone of
01:09 genius ? You can even take the time to send
01:13 out a survey . Maybe you already have an audience
01:15 that you're wondering , what kind of sets me apart
01:17 , What's something that others are attracted to ? What
01:19 are the questions that they're asking you ? What do
01:21 you get asked consistently ? That is your go to
01:25 expert zone of genius . So we first need to
01:28 dive into what can you offer and teach others how
01:32 to do have step number one maybe for your zone
01:34 of genius , you're an online educator and your hallmark
01:37 to your teaching is engagement . And so you could
01:40 teach others how to keep class engaging or perhaps you
01:43 are very organized , you can teach others how to
01:46 stay organized , Maybe it's outside education and you help
01:50 busy moms do work out . How do they fit
01:52 them in ? How do you put them in your
01:54 schedule ? Get the biggest bang for your buck .
01:56 That could be what you are an expert in ,
01:58 because you had to learn how to do it yourself
02:00 . And so you build the skills and the expert
02:03 know how and of course you can continue to better
02:06 yourself in your expertise , continue to study and learn
02:09 so that you can offer that value to your current
02:12 or future audience . Let's look at an example of
02:15 a teacher who teaches others how to do writing and
02:19 she teaches other educators how to make their writing exciting
02:22 and fun . She targets mainstream classroom teachers and she
02:26 offers an online course to educate them and teach them
02:29 what she's an expert in . And she's been wildly
02:32 successful . Step number two is get clear on who
02:36 and what who do you want to serve and what
02:38 specific problem do you want to solve . I want
02:41 to ask you a couple questions that I think will
02:43 help you clarify exactly what that one thing is because
02:47 we often have too many ideas or not enough .
02:49 We're thinking I'm not an expert anything you are .
02:52 I know you are or maybe you have so many
02:54 ideas , narrow it down to one . That's my
02:57 biggest advice is pick one . Let me ask you
02:59 the questions . Number one . Do you want to
03:01 serve educators ? Is that the audience that you want
03:03 to serve ? Or maybe you want to help busy
03:06 moms or is it teachers ? So Right . That
03:09 specific audience , is it male teachers ? Maybe it
03:12 is educators that want to build a brand , that's
03:14 the specific audience that I serve . Think about the
03:17 specific person , like write their name down , create
03:21 this avatar of a person with their name , their
03:24 age , their gender , their interest , what accounts
03:27 do they follow on instagram , what people do they
03:29 follow on youtube ? What content are they listening to
03:32 ? You need to get very clear on that one
03:34 person you're trying to serve . And then the second
03:36 thing that you need to figure out now , how
03:39 do you help them ? What specific problem do you
03:41 want to solve ? So to brainstorm a couple ideas
03:43 , do you want to help them to get a
03:44 job ? Maybe you are an online E . S
03:47 . L . Teacher and you're helping them to join
03:48 the company you teach for ? Or maybe you want
03:50 to help them to accomplish a specific skill . Maybe
03:53 they're not getting bookings and you could help them to
03:56 build a full schedule . Or perhaps you're trying to
03:58 help an educator that wants to start teaching independently and
04:02 you want to show them how you were able to
04:04 do that , what the specific problem and sometimes we
04:07 don't feel like we're expert enough in the specific problem
04:09 . As long as you know 10% more then you're
04:12 going to help them get there faster . You're going
04:14 to help them get from Point A to point B
04:16 quicker . Do not question if you have to have
04:19 five years under your belt and have made it .
04:22 I think that that holds a lot of educators back
04:24 from stepping into their expertise or stepping into that role
04:28 of an authority in a topic and the way that
04:30 you get better at it is to continue to learn
04:33 , continue to teach . The best way to learn
04:35 is to teach . And so you start teaching it
04:38 , you're going to do research as you create your
04:39 content , you're going to do research as you create
04:41 your offering your materials , but just know that you
04:44 don't have to be at this elite status to be
04:47 able to help others to accomplish that same thing that
04:52 you've been able to don't question your expertise . You
04:55 got this to keep an example . This is Teacher
04:57 Sarah and she has a Youtube channel that helps others
05:00 declutter her channel is specifically for getting rid of things
05:04 , moving to minimalism and she calls her channel and
05:07 her brand is abundantly minimal . So I love that
05:10 each step has intention and she is saying that you're
05:14 going to build abundance by getting rid of stuff and
05:17 teaches this over and over the same concept . So
05:19 she's serving that same audience member that's feeling overwhelmed or
05:23 they don't know where to start to get rid of
05:24 things . So they come to her channel and her
05:26 resources , her products to learn how to do that
05:29 and to master that one pain point , how do
05:32 we solve this one problem ? She could even get
05:34 even more specific and say she helps busy moms or
05:37 online educators get organized . It's so nice to know
05:40 that when you get started you want to really niche
05:43 down to blow up , you want to get very
05:45 specific . So not just I help others to solve
05:49 this problem whose others be specific , busy moms that
05:53 have Children under five years , super specific because then
05:57 you are the go to for that specific audience niche
06:01 down to blow up . Number three is you get
06:03 to step into creating a personal brand . Now when
06:07 I say the word brand , you may be thinking
06:08 of your colors , your color scheme or what type
06:12 of images will be on your instagram account . Yes
06:15 , you do want everything to look cohesive and come
06:18 together . But when I say personal brand , I'm
06:21 speaking about you , what do you represent ? What
06:23 are the values that you show up and that attracts
06:26 a specific type of person , how you show up
06:29 and what you're doing for your specific audience member .
06:32 So I love these questions . I saw this in
06:34 a sunny Lenarduzzi video and she highlights the book .
06:37 I'm going to read it off my notes . It's
06:38 the book , Blue Ocean Strategy . And the first
06:41 question is , what are you made fun of for
06:44 kind of a crazy question . But I liked these
06:46 three questions , What are you made fun of for
06:48 ? And if you think about it , my answer
06:50 to this was I was always called the Obnoxious Child
06:53 and that is your superpower . I came to find
06:56 that , wow , that's why I had the hallmark
06:59 of being very engaging with my online students , very
07:01 engaging , my content and how I'm able to present
07:04 myself on camera . I would say that that's a
07:06 skill that I've been able to attract others with that
07:11 skill . It also is not everyone's favorite , other
07:14 people are not attracted to it . And that's great
07:18 because I want to attract the specific type of person
07:21 that is my superpower . And so they will be
07:23 attracted to someone that maybe is more mellow and they
07:27 come and they feel I'm so comfortable when I listen
07:29 to your voice or how you explain things that might
07:32 be the teacher that they follow because that's what they're
07:35 attracted to . So you don't attract everyone with your
07:37 superpower . Your superpower attracts the type of person that
07:41 you can best serve because they get you . They
07:43 like your teaching style . So that's your superpower .
07:46 The second question is what things are you attracted to
07:49 and other people ? And when I think of these
07:51 qualities , I think humility , I think of those
07:54 that are hardworking , go getters that stick to their
07:57 values and their standards , they follow their faith .
08:00 These are all things that you want to attract .
08:03 Those are your values . Those are the things that
08:05 you want to represent . And by representing those ,
08:08 you attract them back . So what are the specific
08:11 values that you want to represent ? The question was
08:16 what things are you attracted to and other people ?
08:18 And some other words to that I liked were successful
08:21 , charity compassion . There's a good list that you
08:25 can create of the values you want to represent .
08:27 And the third question is , what are the qualities
08:30 that make you mad in other people ? So what
08:32 things do you not like ? And this could be
08:35 when they're self centered or maybe not transparent dishonest .
08:40 These are the qualities that you want to polarize or
08:44 you want to push away . You do not want
08:46 to attract these things . You don't want to represent
08:48 them with your brand . A couple other mean jealousy
08:51 . You want to polarize those characteristics . The example
08:55 I have for building a personal brand . I came
08:57 across this channel . I believe her name is Thoraya
09:00 . I hope I said it right . But I
09:01 love her personal brand . She has a channel that
09:04 is of strangers built for strangers . Wait what ?
09:08 She interviews strangers and she'll ask him very deep questions
09:11 . and it's almost like it unites you because you
09:15 are able to see how we all have those commonalities
09:18 , regardless of race , age , gender , all
09:22 of those things . You're able to recognize their similarities
09:25 and it's relatable . You can relate to these strangers
09:27 . It just it opens up a conversation that I
09:30 love . I love her brand . It's grown so
09:32 quickly because it's not about her is the face of
09:35 the brand , but she highlights these strangers . Like
09:38 it's about her audience and I think her brands beautiful
09:41 . I'll believe it linked below all of these examples
09:43 . Always linked below Step number four is to build
09:46 weekly content . So your weekly content , you want
09:50 it to be searchable and you want it to be
09:52 solving a specific problem for your audience . So since
09:55 we did Steps one through three and we have that
09:57 clarity on what are we an expert in , who
09:59 are we serving and how are we serving in them
10:01 ? And then we have that clarity on our personal
10:03 brand , what do we represent now ? We're ready
10:04 to make our content and searchable content is on Youtube
10:08 that's owned by google . So when you type it
10:10 into google , it pops up , blogs pop up
10:12 if you type meant to google a podcast , as
10:14 long as you transcribe and have a house on a
10:16 website . Also , if you choose to do an
10:18 instagram account , there's so many users on instagram that
10:21 they can find your account with hashtag , they can't
10:24 google and it will pull up , but there's still
10:26 enough users that you can gain an audience in traction
10:29 . Also the same with facebook , there's so many
10:30 users on that platform that you can still cultivate an
10:33 audience even though it's not searchable on google . I'm
10:36 a huge fan of Youtube , that's how my entire
10:39 business has taken off and grown . But you have
10:42 to put in that work for weekly content and make
10:44 sure it's searchable , meaning that I'm putting titles that
10:47 people would type into google , How to film an
10:50 intro video , how to make your first Youtube video
10:52 , How to build a business six steps to build
10:55 a business for online educators . What are people googling
10:59 , they're not googling , they're not going on there
11:00 and saying vlog 2019 taylor family , They are not
11:06 looking for that . That video will not pop up
11:07 in their feed . It will only show to those
11:10 that are already subscribed . So when you are making
11:12 sure that your content is searchable and consistent , you
11:16 will see growth and you will start to build that
11:18 audience and that following , it takes time . It's
11:21 not one of those that get rich quick , It's
11:23 gonna happen overnight . You build your brand over time
11:27 and it's nice because you can also pivot adjust changes
11:30 you learn and as you grow , but keep in
11:32 mind the big picture , what's that big value that
11:35 you want to represent ? It goes back to that
11:37 steps 12 and three when you gain that clarity on
11:39 who you're serving who you're attracting and how are you
11:42 helping them ? Because it is so rewarding . It's
11:44 not going to be all rewarding if you make a
11:46 million dollar business and that's it . You're just generating
11:48 income . What if you're able to take that income
11:50 and serve others and teach others how to replicate that
11:53 same system , That's where it's going to be fulfilling
11:56 . That's where it's going to give you that purpose
11:58 and help you to hit that full potential . So
12:00 make sure that you don't get discouraged if you don't
12:04 immediately see a paycheck . Building a business takes time
12:07 , but it is so rewarding and so worth it
12:10 . I hope that you step into these , the
12:11 example that I liked for this weekly content was my
12:14 husband Listens to a lot of Dave Ramsey and I
12:17 thought it's so interesting how his brand is teaching the
12:20 same seven steps . He teaches how to become debt
12:23 free and he teaches them over and over in his
12:25 content . It's not like he has a new concept
12:27 or a new strategy , He's teaching the same thing
12:30 , this foundation over and over helping families to become
12:34 debt free , sharing their stories , highlighting what were
12:36 the steps that they took ? What step are they
12:39 at ? How did they implement it ? He's able
12:40 to interview them and his weekly content is engaging .
12:45 It's exciting and I feel like you continue to learn
12:48 , even though it's the same topic , it's always
12:51 about becoming debt free but you're able to learn more
12:54 and more each time . So I really like that
12:56 example of weekly content and consistency in solving that single
13:00 problem step number five you're getting so close to the
13:03 end of your business now keep in mind that says
13:06 one through four could take a year before you get
13:09 to this step five or you could do step five
13:12 and month to , it's just all up to you
13:14 and how you want to spend your time and how
13:15 you want to grow , what speed you want to
13:17 grow at number five is to create an offer .
13:19 Now an offer isn't 30 minutes of coaching for 12
13:23 weeks . It's not the details like that . Your
13:25 offer is the transformation that your audience member , your
13:28 client , your customer , your student has because of
13:32 your product . So for example , Amy Porterfield has
13:35 a course digital course academy . And the transformation that
13:38 happens is by the end of the course you've created
13:40 and launched your own digital course . That's it an
13:42 example of my own course beyond teaching online . By
13:46 the end of the course you've set up and created
13:48 your own profitable Youtube channel . I teach not only
13:51 how to set up your Youtube channel , but how
13:52 to monetize it and turn it into a business .
13:56 That's the end outcome . So with your offer it's
13:59 not the specifics . I have eight modules . There
14:01 are seven hours of listening . Yes , that's part
14:04 of my offer . Yes , that's the actual product
14:06 . But what's the transformation and then you can package
14:09 it how you want ? Maybe you're going to offer
14:11 one on one coaching , maybe you're going to offer
14:13 small group coaching , maybe you're going to tutor on
14:15 your own , Maybe you're going to package it into
14:17 a service , you do video editing or maybe you
14:19 create their website or their instagram . You do their
14:23 social media , your social media , content creator or
14:26 maybe you package it into a digital course . You
14:28 take your expertise that you did one on one and
14:30 you package it into a course that you can sell
14:33 over and over . That's the vehicle that your offer
14:36 is moving . That's the way that you choose to
14:38 deliver it . However your offer is the transformation that
14:42 your client or student or customer has and so don't
14:45 get so caught up on . Okay . Should be
14:47 eight modules . Okay . Should it be one on
14:49 one coaching , what is the transformation you want them
14:51 to see and then you can decide what fits best
14:54 with your schedule and also with your students to get
14:56 the best results . Would that be coaching ? Would
14:58 that be small group and you can transition from one
15:02 and then grow , learn , grow automate my automate
15:07 number six is to build a funnel and I wanted
15:12 to use my business funnel as an example to clarify
15:16 what I mean by this and no , it is
15:18 not the funnel that helps me get all the flour
15:20 to whatever I'm making , I don't bake so I
15:23 don't think you use a funnel for flower . It's
15:27 probably a liquid that goes in there . Okay .
15:29 For mine , like an example for a funnel is
15:31 I have my free youtube content so I offer value
15:35 . I researched these topics . I make sure that
15:37 I'm serving my audience . I'm helping them get from
15:40 Point A to point B . And then I also
15:42 have a call to action . My call to action
15:44 is to grab my freebie and when you grab my
15:47 free guide to building a profitable youtube channel , your
15:50 added to my email list . So that allows me
15:52 to send you weekly emails and build a relationship that
15:54 goes deeper and it continues to serve you . I
15:57 feel as though the free content gives you the foundation
16:00 , it gives you that understanding of what is she
16:03 talking about , How is she helping us ? You
16:05 have a foundational understanding and then it allows you to
16:08 go even deeper because now that you're on the email
16:11 list , I can invite you to a master class
16:13 or a webinar and with the webinar step three ,
16:16 I teach you for 50 minutes , an hour on
16:19 that specific topic . So I'll teach you specifically about
16:22 creating searchable content on Youtube if you're an educator and
16:26 that's how I'm serving you . And then at the
16:28 end I'm able to explain what is my offer and
16:31 for me it would be a digital course , a
16:34 coaching package . So the end I'm able to tell
16:36 you the price and the packaging , the vehicle for
16:39 this offer , but the transformation is you will build
16:42 a profitable Youtube channel at the end . So let's
16:45 go over that funnel again . Free content . They
16:48 get on my email list because they grab a free
16:50 guide and then I'm able to nurture that email list
16:53 , build a deeper relationship , send you to a
16:56 free training . So offering more valuable content that dives
17:00 even deeper because it's an hour and then I'm able
17:03 to offer in that free content , my course ,
17:07 my digital course or maybe you want to offer coaching
17:10 instead of a webinar , you could do a consultation
17:12 call and say that I offer a coaching package and
17:15 this is how it's set up . So there's so
17:17 many routes to go , I think that it just
17:19 kind of helps to see what is the exact funnel
17:21 that you can build in the business and if you're
17:23 thinking where do I even get started ? Okay ,
17:25 I can see the big picture and how you explain
17:27 that my biggest tip is to have a mentor to
17:30 purchase a course of your own , to learn ,
17:32 make sure that you're learning as you see a light
17:35 bulb and you're like , yes , I want to
17:36 build a business as an online educator , then instead
17:40 of piecing it together yourself , reach out to a
17:42 mentor , let me know in the comments . If
17:44 this is something that you want to do , your
17:46 feedback is so valuable to me because it allows me
17:49 to create content that's going to help you get further
17:52 from Point A to Point B . I want to
17:54 give you steps , I want to dive deep onto
17:56 these things so that I can serve you and help
17:59 you more let me know in the comments below .
18:01 Is this something that you want to learn more about
18:03 ? And if you have not grabbed my free guide
18:06 , the probable Youtube channel , I'll link it below
18:08 . It teaches you five steps to start building your
18:11 own profitable Youtube channel and my biggest tip is to
18:14 use it , download it and say I'll do it
18:16 next month , I'm homeschooling now I'll do it over
18:19 fall break , it will always be busy . There
18:21 will never be a perfect time once you download the
18:24 guide to start using it because you're building that foundation
18:26 , that understanding and as you build that foundation ,
18:29 you'll be ready when my course opens or you'll be
18:32 ready when maybe a mentor has an offer that you're
18:35 interested in so you can take those next steps in
18:37 your business . But my biggest recommendation is yes ,
18:40 get a coach , have a mentor . It doesn't
18:42 mean they have to meet with you one on one
18:44 , these youtube videos . That's an example of having
18:46 a mentor , having someone that is an expert in
18:49 that topic to help you out . All right guys
18:51 , that was it for today . Just so that
18:54 you know , we have launched our shop , Hey
18:57 Sunshine shop and we have teacher shirts , we have
19:00 background maps , we have pom pom balls , right
19:04 ? We've been blown away with your love and your
19:06 support for our shop . Thank you so much .
19:08 We appreciate you . You can go to Hey Sunshine
19:10 shop dot com and it's the same shop . It
19:13 was nancy tailor shop dot com before we wanted this
19:16 name change because we want to represent the inspiration and
19:20 the joy that teachers bring to the lives of those
19:22 they educate that they teach . And we wanted our
19:25 brand name to represent that . So we chose ,
19:28 Hey , Sunshine Shop . So go check it out
19:30 . We appreciate your support . Thank you for listening
19:33 to this video . Check out the videos that are
19:34 recommended here at the end and I'll catch you in
19:37 next week's video . Much love . Okay . Yeah
19:42 . Mhm . Uh huh . Hey , Okay .
19:48 Yeah . Mhm , mm hmm . Yeah . Okay
19:55 . Yeah , you can take it . Mhm .



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