10 Passive income Ideas for online teachers - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

10 Passive income Ideas for online teachers - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

10 Passive income Ideas for online teachers - By Nancy Taylor

00:0-1 Hello everyone . It is nancy taylor here from Hey
00:01 nancy taylor dot com . And on this channel you
00:04 will see videos about teaching online , growing your brand
00:06 and becoming the best version of you and we talk
00:09 a lot about your teacher business and today I'm going
00:12 to be going over 10 different sources of passive income
00:16 for online teachers . You can grab the guide for
00:18 this passive income streams , but with no further ado
00:21 , let's get into all of them . What is
00:22 passive income first of all , passive income is when
00:24 you are making money , when you aren't currently like
00:27 on the clock . I'm not live training someone maybe
00:30 teaching someone . I wake up from nice slumber and
00:34 I see that there's $20 my Paypal account , $100.1000
00:38 dollars . Whatever it may be , passive income is
00:41 money that's coming in from a system you've set up
00:43 or that you've already created . You've done the work
00:45 ahead of time and then it comes in as you're
00:48 not actively working . Okay . I separated these in
00:51 the category . So the first one is for online
00:54 teaching . So number one , the first form of
00:56 passive income would be to recruit for an online company
01:00 . Now if you're saying wait , I still have
01:02 to coach them . I have to walk in through
01:03 the application process . Yes , But you could also
01:06 make this an automated recruiting system . It could be
01:10 automated and passive . So imagine this . I have
01:13 a free blog or I have a Youtube video .
01:16 I'll teach you my Youtube channel that I use .
01:17 I have a Youtube video from the Youtube video .
01:20 They see that I have a free guide where they
01:22 can get hired for a specific company . They get
01:24 the free guide there now on my email list .
01:26 Now they're on my email list . I send an
01:28 automated email that says , do you have a coach
01:31 ? If not , here's my referral code . Once
01:33 you use this , then we will send you our
01:35 resources . Now . Either you or your team member
01:38 would send them a link to a website that has
01:40 all the trainings in order . It's like a mini
01:42 course that walks them through teaching online and for that
01:45 specific company now you could offer life coaching , you
01:47 could set yourself apart from the others that are recruiting
01:51 for that company by doing something above and beyond .
01:53 Just know that automatically someone is using your referral code
01:56 , you'll see people go through the entire system .
01:59 Like I never talked to them , they use my
02:01 referral code and grab my freebie and use all my
02:03 resources . And they may be did not need your
02:06 help , like specific help because you gave it to
02:08 them in your website , in your system . Now
02:10 , that doesn't mean that that model works for everyone
02:13 , but you could most definitely make passive income recruiting
02:16 for an online company . Number two would be to
02:18 create a flex class on out school . So if
02:21 you are an out school teacher , these flex classes
02:23 allow you to instruct the students that cannot show up
02:25 for your lifetime . So basically it's like you have
02:28 a digital course for your students on out school .
02:30 Now , why is it nice to do on a
02:32 platform ? Because it's a marketplace , there's already students
02:35 there . Maybe you already have an established niche or
02:37 an established student base . So you most definitely could
02:39 offer a flex class which is passive income . You
02:42 put the work in your record , you create the
02:44 materials and the training and then your students show up
02:47 on their time . Category . Number two is digital
02:49 products . Number three . Source of passive income would
02:52 be to sell a digital product . So you can
02:54 sell this on T . P . T . Teachers
02:56 pay teachers , you could sell it on Etsy ,
02:59 you can sell a digital product on your own platform
03:02 . So those are both marketplaces . You can sell
03:03 on your own platforms such as Shopify . Or maybe
03:06 you have a website where you sell digital products .
03:09 Maybe you have it connected to a Wordpress website ,
03:11 however you have it set up . Either its marketplace
03:14 bring customers and help me out here or my own
03:17 . I bring all my own traffic . You can
03:19 sell a digital product . Keep in mind if it's
03:22 on a marketplace usually they take a percentage . But
03:24 also if you do not have a large audience or
03:26 can't generate the traffic to your own platform , that
03:29 could be a really good place to start . I
03:31 have a lot of students that will do both an
03:32 Etsy shop and a Shopify and build both of them
03:35 and then maybe just only go into the Shopify once
03:38 they built that traffic , usually with a Youtube channel
03:41 to that platform number four is you could sell a
03:44 workshop or a training . Now the first time you
03:47 do your workshop , maybe you have 20 people you
03:49 want , that's the cap that can sign up for
03:51 this workshop . It teaches a specific skill to a
03:54 specific audience and you might do it live first ,
03:57 it might be on zoom and they just sign up
03:59 for it . They purchase it for whatever you choose
04:01 the price to be maybe a beta price at the
04:04 beginning 5 $10 and then it's 20 plus for them
04:07 to show up for this group workshop and for your
04:09 workshop you can record that training and then sell that
04:13 training . You could record that training and have it
04:15 be like an entry level product . So that's a
04:17 digital training . So let's say that I teach Youtubers
04:20 how to find their niche . That could be a
04:22 specific digital training , like a workshop that you can
04:25 purchase and watch on your own time . So it's
04:27 already been recorded the resources that have already been made
04:30 and it gets you a result for a specific audience
04:32 seeking a specific solution to a specific problem . I've
04:36 had many students that have launched their own workshops and
04:39 I've loved love the results , they're making $500 a
04:43 day doing a workshop versus if they were to teach
04:46 for that amount of time with just one student of
04:49 their own , that could be $8 . So just
04:51 think of what are the possibilities of this passive income
04:55 that can happen if I have an established brand of
04:58 my own number five with their digital products is to
05:02 sell a digital course . Now you can start on
05:05 a platform , you can start with the mini course
05:07 , let's say that you have an audience , you
05:09 have a specific niche , you have a specific problem
05:11 to solve for your audience that you can sell in
05:13 a mini course . Or maybe you want to go
05:15 for a big signature course . Now with your course
05:17 you can start on a platform , kind of like
05:19 the e commerce or not , e commerce , the
05:22 digital products where we talked about the marketplace , you
05:24 could start on a platform that helps you to market
05:27 your digital course . So this could be teachable ,
05:30 it could be you , to me , it could
05:31 be skill share these all help to generate traffic for
05:34 your course . Now the platform that we use in
05:37 our business is caja b that's where we drive all
05:39 the traffic there . I love this platform and it
05:43 works really well because it's my websites , my email
05:45 us , it's all of it , but it's really
05:46 good at being a digital course platform . There's also
05:49 think if IQ that's another platform podia I've also heard
05:53 of memorable , but I love asking others what platform
05:56 do you use for your course ? How do you
05:58 like it ? What's the budget like ? Because all
06:00 of us are a different levels in our journey .
06:02 In building passive income . Maybe were the beginning of
06:04 building a brand ? Maybe we're more established and are
06:07 able to invest in a platform where we can generate
06:09 our own traffic . It's all part of the journey
06:11 , but don't think that you have to have made
06:13 it or have so many people following you to be
06:15 able to launch a digital course . Now , if
06:17 you're wondering how many people do I need to make
06:20 this worth my time to crank this ? I would
06:21 first start with an email list And work for 500
06:25 to 1000 people on that email us to launch a
06:28 real solid digital course . And that doesn't mean you
06:30 can't launch a mini course or something a little bit
06:33 smaller , more affordable or a smaller price tag to
06:36 it . You couldn't launch that to a smaller audience
06:38 or with no email list and you're really active in
06:40 your facebook page or you're really active on your instagram
06:42 , you can still sell a product before you feel
06:45 ready . That's how you learn . I thought you
06:47 learn what your audience needs , You just go for
06:50 it , go for it . Number six is you
06:52 could sell a membership . So this is recurring payment
06:55 from your clients or customers or students . So what
06:59 can I offer this membership is a huge amount of
07:01 pressure . No , you just need to discover who
07:04 you serve and what their specific need is . So
07:08 for example in my business we sell a digital course
07:11 that teaches teachers how to build a brand with Youtube
07:14 and then we offer a membership to only the students
07:18 because they have the foundation . They have our exact
07:21 formula and our exact system that we teach and we
07:24 added coaching for a membership price . They can join
07:27 the membership and get group coaching . They can also
07:29 set up for one on one coaching . It's just
07:31 a really great tool for them to get access to
07:34 coaching for an affordable price after they have done the
07:37 course . Now you can set yours up as only
07:40 a membership . You join the membership and they get
07:42 access to training materials . Maybe you do weekly group
07:45 coaching or weekly Q . And A . Maybe you
07:47 have a weekly resource that you drop . It depends
07:49 on your specific niche and what they need and how
07:52 do you figure that out ? You spend time with
07:54 them ? You go and ask them . You go
07:55 into groups and forums and read their questions and see
07:58 what do they need ? What is this one thing
08:00 I don't need to offer more stuff and make them
08:02 have more things to do , consume more content .
08:05 No , your membership is to cut down time .
08:07 Give them resources that allow them to get where they
08:10 want to go , quicker to have less stress to
08:12 have the results be so excited and so happy about
08:15 the results because you gave them a tool to help
08:18 them not to give them more things to do .
08:20 Category number three . And our final category on passive
08:24 income is affiliate marketing . One of my favorites because
08:28 it's really nice when you pick one or two platforms
08:30 companies courses that you love and you promote them and
08:33 share them with your audience . You are able to
08:36 share something that you're already passionate about and then also
08:39 make a commission off of it . So you're already
08:41 sharing it with people . Why not share an affiliate
08:43 link and also earn a commission and even go further
08:46 and offer coaching for them . Offer a bonus for
08:48 them , offer something that you can offer for free
08:50 because you're making a commission off of them using your
08:53 referral . Your affiliate link number seven is you could
08:56 be an affiliate for International Open Academy . Now they
08:59 have a T . Cell , a certified T .
09:00 Cell . So this works really well for online teachers
09:03 . If it's required to join an online company and
09:05 they need a T . Cell , why not have
09:07 an affiliate link , not only for the online company
09:09 but also with International Open Academy . They also have
09:12 other programs . And my big suggestion here go through
09:15 their course , see what you like . So you
09:17 can really offer coaching and feedback . You don't want
09:20 to just refer because you're going to make a chunk
09:22 of change . You're the trust of your audience .
09:25 Would you recommend it to your own mother ? Make
09:27 sure that it's something that you truly are passionate about
09:30 and that you would recommend to those that are closest
09:32 to you and that's how you share them and do
09:34 a good job with it . Number eight is you
09:36 could share an affiliate link for a course you have
09:38 taken . And if you're like , I'm not sure
09:40 if they have an affiliate programme . Have you asked
09:42 if you've taken a course to learn a specific skill
09:44 ? Maybe you're learning about Pinterest and you took this
09:46 course and you loved it And you write an email
09:48 to them and say , do you have an affiliate
09:49 program ? I want to tell everyone about this .
09:51 I have a lot of people that could really benefit
09:53 from this within this community that I serve and help
09:56 . You can ask for an affiliate link and make
09:58 sure that you promote programs that you've taken , that
10:01 you love that you're passionate about that . You have
10:03 done the research ahead of time , not just that
10:05 you make a good chunk of money , but that
10:07 also is important to make sure it's worth your time
10:09 . Number nine is you could be an affiliate for
10:12 amazon . Now . A lot of my students will
10:14 say , when should I get my amazon associates link
10:16 ? Because if you don't have so much traffic going
10:19 to those links , they can take it away .
10:20 I would say start with them . I mean why
10:22 not , why not See if it works if you
10:24 have a teacher classroom and you have products on amazon
10:27 that you recommend they use your affiliate link and you
10:29 get a percentage now . Just keep in mind with
10:31 amazon associates with being affiliate for amazon it's a pretty
10:35 small percentage . You have to have a lot of
10:36 traffic for it to generate a large source of income
10:40 . I would say that it probably brings maybe 50
10:42 to $100 a month for our company for our brand
10:45 . So it's not a huge source of income .
10:46 However , if I'm already sharing the products like a
10:49 camera I use or equipment , it's really helpful .
10:52 Now if your channel was all about equipment and you
10:54 only did reviews for products on amazon and we're able
10:57 to really become an authority and generate a lot of
10:59 traffic to that . It could be a really good
11:01 source of income but just keep that in mind that
11:03 it's a smaller percentage on commission . Number 10 is
11:06 you could be an affiliate for other links . I
11:08 have it linked in that guide specific ones . I
11:11 will put some notes below with timestamps on what these
11:15 are . I have listed commission junction share a cell
11:18 and reward style . So those are three that our
11:21 affiliate programs where you can find products and share them
11:24 and then you can earn a commission off of sharing
11:26 them . So if you're building a brand and you're
11:28 thinking how could I monetize this ? It could be
11:31 by sharing affiliate links . All right guys . The
11:33 final thing is as you are learning about these passive
11:35 income streams and understanding how to put them into practice
11:38 . Make sure that you don't try and do all
11:40 of them at once . Pick one go all in
11:43 , learn how to do it , See if it's
11:44 something that you really love and are passionate about do
11:46 your research and then dive all in , go all
11:49 in on it . But make sure that you're not
11:50 trying to do all the things you don't want to
11:53 do , all the things you dilute your progress and
11:55 also you're gonna get really frustrated because there's too much
11:58 , there's too many things that you could do and
12:00 spend your time doing . So pick one , Simplify
12:02 it and you're going to see much better results by
12:05 just picking one and focusing in on that . Thanks
12:07 for joining me for these passive income streams . Make
12:09 sure that you do grab that free guide . It
12:11 has all of them spell out . I have the
12:13 specific links to , to where you can set these
12:15 systems up for yourself in your own brand . So
12:18 again this is specific for those building a teacher brand
12:21 and if you have not yet started your teacher brand
12:24 , I teach specifically how to do that on Youtube
12:27 and I have a free training link below its 60
12:31 minutes . So like you gotta be serious about this
12:33 to dedicate 60 minutes of your time to this training
12:36 . I haven't linked in the description box as well
12:38 as I will comment below if it is a good
12:40 fit for you if you want to build this brand
12:42 and start generating a community , building traffic and building
12:47 an authority within a specific niche . If that's calling
12:50 your name , you're saying yes , I would love
12:52 to do these passive income streams . But how do
12:54 I get people to them ? How do I generate
12:56 that traffic ? This is your answer . Go ahead
12:58 and check out that free training below . All right
13:00 guys , I hope you choose to be happy and
13:02 make sure that you don't forget that you got this
13:05 . I'll see you guys later . Mhm . Yeah
00:0-1 .



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