Thursday - Preschool Circle Time - Letter Ww (3/25/21) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Thursday - Preschool Circle Time - Letter Ww (3/25/21) - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Thursday - Preschool Circle Time - Letter Ww (3/25/21) - By Monica J Sutton

00:02 Makes Myernick , I'm saying dance , everyone in a
00:06 circle time makes learning , I'm saying dance everyone .
00:11 Good morning , how are you ? How are you
00:17 friends ? My name is Miss Monica . What's your
00:20 name ? Cool , well thank you for coming to
00:24 circle time . Today . You have to listen ,
00:29 listen . Good on you . With me is guy
00:34 here morning trying . Good morning Train is coming .
00:42 How are you ? Shoot ? Shoot . Good morning
00:45 Train is coming . How are you ? Shoot ?
00:47 Shoot ? Good morning Train is coming . Good morning
00:51 Train is coming . Good morning Train is coming .
00:54 How are you ? Shoot ? Shoot . And we'll
00:56 say hello friends wearing red choo choo . Hello friends
01:02 . And we'll say hello to our friends wearing her
01:05 choo choo . Hello friends . And we'll say three
01:10 . All of our friends wearing yellow shoes , shoes
01:13 , hello friends . And we'll say hello to our
01:16 friends wearing white . Hello . And we'll say hello
01:20 to our friends wearing blue . Shoot , shoot hello
01:24 friends . And we'll say hello to our friends wearing
01:27 black . Shoot , shoot hello friends . And we'll
01:31 say hello to our friends . All of our friends
01:34 wearing orange . Shoot shoot hello friends . And we'll
01:38 say hello to our friends wearing pink . Hello .
01:42 And we'll say hello to our friends wearing gray shoe
01:46 shoe . Hello friends . And we'll say hello to
01:49 our friends wearing brown . True , true . Hello
01:53 friends . And we'll say hello to our friends .
01:56 All of our friends wearing green shoe shoe . Hello
02:00 friends . And we'll say two . Everyone has come
02:06 to circle choo choo friends . Hello everyone and welcome
02:15 to circle time . I am so happy you're here
02:18 today . We have so much to do . Oh
02:21 my friends . I need to find my right my
02:26 pointer , my circle time pointer so we can review
02:30 a circle time board . If you have a pointer
02:32 , you can take it out or you can even
02:34 use your pointer finger so you can help me .
02:37 Are you ready ? Great my friends . Let's start
02:42 by finding out what day it is today , what
02:45 day it is today ? Will you help me see
02:48 the days of the week ? Wonderful . Remember when
02:52 we sing days of the week ? You can clap
02:54 your hands , you can snap your fingers or you
02:59 can just sing whatever you choose . Get ready .
03:03 Get ready . Here we go . Here we go
03:10 . There's sunday and this monday Tuesday and this Wednesday
03:17 thursday and friday . And then saturday days of the
03:21 week . Days of the week . Days of the
03:26 week , Days of the week , Days of the
03:28 week , one more time . This sunday and this
03:36 monday Tuesday and this Wednesday thursday and friday . And
03:41 then saturday days of the week . Days of the
03:46 week . Days of the week . Days of the
03:49 week . Days of the week . Now let's find
03:54 out what day it is today . Let's go back
03:57 to our board . Yesterday was Wednesday . Let's go
04:03 over to the next day . You do do do
04:05 do . Today is thursday thursday ? Can you say
04:11 thursday , thursday today is thursday . Today is thursday
04:20 . Today is thursday all day long . Yesterday is
04:26 thursday . Today is thursday today is thursday all day
04:33 long . Yes , yes , my friends today is
04:37 thursday . Let's put it on the board . Oh
04:41 and we have the perfect place . Today is thursday
04:46 . Let's read this together , everyone . Will you
04:50 help me ? Okay , here we go . Today
04:53 is thursday . Let's read it one more time .
04:57 Here we go . Today is thursday . It sure
05:01 is , it's thursday . Oh my friends , thursday
05:07 is a very special day here in the circle time
05:11 classroom . What do we do on thursday ? Who
05:14 remembers ? I'm listening ? Ooh it's a dance party
05:20 , thursday , that's right , we're going to have
05:24 a dance party but not until we finish the entire
05:28 circle time board circle time board , we have to
05:33 finish everything and then we can have our dance party
05:36 so get ready to move your bodies now , my
05:39 friends , let's go back to the board . Here
05:42 we go . Oh look at this . We need
05:46 to find out what's the weather ? What's the weather
05:52 ? What's the weather out today ? Is it sunny
05:56 ? Is it cloudy ? Is it raining out today
06:00 ? Oh , what's the weather where you live ?
06:03 You may have to go look out your window and
06:05 then come back and tell me what you see .
06:07 I'll give you some time . Hello , are you
06:25 back ? Great . What did you see ? What's
06:29 the weather where you live ? Mm , mm wow
06:35 , Well thank you for sharing . Now it's my
06:38 turn and I'll need your help . Let's find out
06:40 what the weather is here , where the circle time
06:43 classroom is . Oh and maybe bear Bear can help
06:45 us as well . Now yesterday was Wednesday and it
06:49 was a partly cloudy day bear . Bear needs to
06:52 move over to what day thursday ? Come on baby
06:57 , let's go , do do do do do do
07:00 do do do do do do do do tap tap
07:04 thursday . Okay , beer , I think we're ready
07:07 now . Let's use our imaginations and head over to
07:12 our imaginary window . Are you ready ? Come on
07:18 , let's go . Everyone . Here we go .
07:21 Okay , so now that we have to imagine every
07:23 window Who made it over here 1st . What do
07:27 you see ? Hello there , bare , what's the
07:33 weather ? What do you see barrier friends ? Is
07:37 it a snowy day out today ? Not a snowy
07:42 day . Oh is it a sunny day out today
07:46 ? A sunny day . Oh , let's try again
07:52 . Is it a partly cloudy day out today ?
07:56 It's partly cloudy . Thanks Bear bear , thank you
08:02 friends . Now we have to find a picture that
08:05 represents a partly cloudy day . Will you help ?
08:10 Here we go . Come on . Alright my friends
08:13 now we need to find out partly cloudy day .
08:15 Picture . How about this one ? Oh no this
08:21 is a rainy day . Try again . Okay I'll
08:25 try again . How about this one clouds ? I
08:32 see the sun , It's a partly cloudy day .
08:36 Oh thank you friends , let's put it on the
08:39 board . Here we are . Our partly cloudy day
08:45 . Oh and now we need to get bear bear
08:47 ready for this partly cloudy day and it's still a
08:50 little warm although it's partly cloudy , it's still a
08:52 little warm that sun is peeking out and shining .
08:56 Let's see what we can help . Bear with .
08:58 Oh let's start with shoes do do do do what's
09:03 that beer ? Hold on everyone . What ? Blue
09:09 . Okay Bear Bear blue shoes . It is my
09:14 friends . Can you point to the blue shoes please
09:16 ? Blue do do do do do blue . If
09:23 you pointed to this one , you're correct blue shoes
09:27 first . Okay let's keep going . Blue shoes .
09:30 And how about blue pants or jeans ? Okay ,
09:35 here we are baby . Your blue shoes , your
09:38 blue jeans . Oh my friends , let's see doo
09:41 doo doo doo doo doo . And a blue T
09:44 shirt too . A blue shirt as well blew and
09:49 blew and blew . Here you are bare bare blue
09:54 shirt . Okay and do do do do do oh
09:58 look at this Friends . Bear still wants to wear
10:01 a hat . A cap to be exact . Look
10:05 at these new caps that Bear Bear has . Oh
10:09 Bear Bear , which cap would you like to wear
10:12 ? Wait wait wait let me listen . Oh oh
10:18 blue . How did I guess Blue Friends at home
10:23 ? Can you point to the blue cap ? It's
10:25 actually blue and white . Can you point do you
10:30 do to to to to blue ? This cap is
10:33 blue and white . Thank you for helping . Oh
10:37 it's a blue day . Bear is wearing lots of
10:40 blue today . We need 01 more thing if bear
10:45 goes outside and you need to take books and toys
10:48 , Guess what ? He can take a backpack .
10:52 Who he has a new backpack . A Red one
10:56 and now he has his blue . Which one ?
11:00 Blue ? Okay point to the blue backpack . Do
11:06 do do do do blue . We'll give bear the
11:10 blue backpack since everything else is blue . Oh bear
11:15 I think you are ready for this partly cloudy day
11:19 . I think bears ready have a good day .
11:21 Bear by say by the bear bear we'll see you
11:25 tomorrow . Thank you french is such a great help
11:29 . Birth . Now let's keep on going . We
11:32 have more to do on our board . Do do
11:34 do do do do do do . What's this letter
11:38 of the week ? Who remembers ? Who remembers what
11:43 the letter of the week is , what the letter
11:46 of the week is . Who remembers who remembers what
11:52 the letter of the week is . Letter of the
11:55 week . Do you remember ? You can shout it
11:58 out if you know . Oh , I'll give you
12:01 a cool the letter of the week and makes this
12:03 sound it's so silent you almost can't hear it .
12:09 Yeah . Four born in make that town with me
12:16 four . Well , I think that's out with me
12:20 again . four Walrus . That's right . The letter
12:26 of the week is do do do do do do
12:31 W letter W . You got it up for case
12:37 W nowhere case W every letter makes the sound .
12:42 And w says , what one you did it ?
12:47 Letter W . Great work , my friend . Now
12:51 I want you to think about the letter sound .
12:54 Excuse me . The sound that W makes . What
12:57 And maybe you can think of other things that start
13:00 with letter W . Look around your home . Even
13:05 when you go outside on a walk , look to
13:07 see if you can find other things that start with
13:10 letter W . We said water . Well , walrus
13:16 , what else can you think of ? Oh ,
13:19 when I am rushing and moving so fast , sometimes
13:22 my friends say , wait , wait , Miss Monica
13:26 weight starts with letter W . What else ? Oh
13:32 my friends . When you play in the sand or
13:35 the dirt or you make a mess on your hands
13:38 , you have to do what ? Whoa , wash
13:42 Your hands , wash , starts with letter W .
13:47 Keep on thinking of more letter W words . I'm
13:50 going to put that on the board . Okay keep
13:53 on thinking of more words that start with the letter
13:56 W . Okay , let's keep going . Do do
14:00 do do do do . Oh , shape of the
14:03 week shape of the week . Mm Oh I remember
14:08 this shape of the week . If I take my
14:11 pretend marker point your finger in the air and I
14:15 draw a straight line across on the top , straight
14:19 line down in a straight line across in a straight
14:22 line up . I just made our shape of the
14:26 week . A school where can you say square square
14:33 ? That's right . Square is the shape of the
14:36 week . Let's draw it together . All right ,
14:38 everyone get your markers up markers , markers , markers
14:41 minus orange today . Orange marker . What color is
14:45 yours ? Okay . Here we go . Start at
14:49 the top and straight line across straight line down ,
14:55 Straight line , across on the bottom two straight line
14:57 up you A square . That's right . The square
15:05 square . Let's put it on the board . How
15:08 many sides does the square have ? Who remembers how
15:13 many sides ? Let's count them together . Okay ,
15:16 you can count to point your fingers . You can
15:18 point to my square . Here we go . One
15:22 two , three , four , four sides . The
15:28 square has four sides . Can you show me four
15:30 fingers ? 41 two , three , four , four
15:37 sides . The job now , since we're already counting
15:40 , how about we go over to our number of
15:43 the week ? Our number of the week is not
15:46 four but it is the number that comes next .
15:49 We say four and then five . Number 5 .
15:56 Let's count . Get those little fingers ready , let's
15:59 count them . Are you ready ? Here we go
16:03 . 12345 . One more time . 35 Number five
16:16 . Let's put it on the board . Number five
16:21 that's our number of the week laptop . We did
16:25 it . Oh my goodness , look around . Ooh
16:29 . Ah okay . That means it's time for now
16:39 . It's time for our dance party . Today we're
16:42 doing two songs the freeze dance which you love and
16:46 we're doing the Hello song . So just follow along
16:50 and dance . Dance , everyone dance . Get ready
16:55 . Get ready . Here we go dance . Come
17:03 on dance . Ooh , drums circle time makes learning
17:11 fun circle time makes learning fun circle time makes learning
17:17 fun . Come sing and dance . Come everywhere .
17:21 Hello to you . Hello to you . Hello to
17:24 you , you and hello to you . Hello to
17:29 you . Hello to you too . Now with me
17:34 are 12 threes can learn your a veces now from
17:38 count with me . I want to this to learn
17:41 your as ses now sir make learning fun . I'm
17:47 saying dance everyone now surgical time makes my ironing using
17:53 dance everyone now . Yeah . That was so much
18:00 fun . I hope you loved it remember . Don't
18:04 worry if you don't know the words you just sing
18:05 along and now it's time for the freeze dance .
18:09 Here we go freeze dance . Yes . Yeah please
18:30 . Ooh did wreath good . Keep on , go
18:34 ahead . Yeah mm mm please . Yeah . Good
18:52 job keep on going . Mhm . And freeze .
19:09 Did you freeze ? All right ? Keep on going
19:27 . Please . Did you freeze ? Good keep on
19:34 going . Mhm . Uh huh . Good . Yeah
19:53 keep going . Yeah , please . Mhm . Good
20:10 job keep on going . Friends one here wait two
20:20 hands way . Oh freeze . Who ? I hope
20:35 you all had fun . That was so much fun
20:38 . Miss Monica is tired . It's time for a
20:41 water break but it's also time to say goodbye for
20:44 now . I'll see you again tomorrow . My friend
20:55 Circle Time makes learning fun .



Thursday - Preschool Circle Time - Letter Ww (3/25/21) is a free educational video by Monica J Sutton.

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