Stem-and-Leaf Plots - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Stem-and-Leaf Plots - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Stem-and-Leaf Plots - By Anywhere Math

00:0-1 Uh huh . Welcome anywhere . Math . I'm Jeff
00:01 Jacobson . And today we're gonna learn one way to
00:04 organize your data a little more visually . And that
00:07 is to use a stem and leaf plot . Let's
00:10 get started . Okay . Example one make a stem
00:31 and leaf part of the length of 12 cell phone
00:33 calls . And that's length in minutes . Here's our
00:36 data over here . Uh to make the stem and
00:38 leaf plot . I'm gonna show you step by step
00:40 how to do it . And the first step ,
00:43 as always when we have data , first step is
00:45 to order or the data . Okay , I've got
00:51 my data in order . I'm just gonna double check
00:53 real quick to make sure . I didn't forget any
00:55 values . 123456789 10 11 12 . There were 12
01:01 cell phone calls . So I'm good . Uh Now
01:03 step to make the stem and leaf plot and to
01:06 do that . We start off with a cross .
01:09 Yeah . Okay . Something like that . On the
01:13 left top left , you're gonna write stem . That's
01:17 where the stem goes . So naturally on the right
01:19 is where the leaf is . Okay . Now from
01:23 here , you have to decide what your stem is
01:25 gonna be . And if I look at my data
01:27 , I go all the way from 2 to 55
01:30 with that kind of range . I'm going to go
01:33 by tens for my leaf . So first , well
01:37 2356 What do they have in the tense place ?
01:41 Well it's not there , but you can put a
01:43 zero there . Right ? So that's a zero in
01:46 the tense place . Then I go all the way
01:49 up . 1234 and five . Okay . 55 was
01:56 my last , my last value . That's the highest
01:58 value . There's a five in the 10th place .
02:00 So I can stop there . There's nothing , there
02:03 were no phone calls that were 60 minutes and something
02:06 uh notice I didn't skip any any numbers when you're
02:10 making your stem and leaf plot whatever you decide for
02:12 your stems , you cannot skip Any values . Okay
02:16 so I can't go 123 And then 456 even .
02:21 It doesn't matter if there's any values on that stem
02:25 . It doesn't matter . You can't skip anything .
02:27 You got to go directly in order until you're finished
02:30 wherever you need to stop at the end . Okay
02:32 so that's my stem . Yeah , This represents the
02:36 10th place here . The leaf is representing my one's
02:40 place . So look at your values . Well for
02:44 the values that have a zero in the 10th place
02:46 , I have a 235 and six . So we
02:50 put those in order here . 23 56 Okay .
02:56 Just like that next . Well what values have a
02:59 one in the 10th place ? Well I've got the
03:01 10 , 14 and the 18 . So now I'm
03:04 writing the ones value here for the leaf . So
03:07 I've got 04 and eight 048 . And we keep
03:13 doing that . Well I've got to 23 so that
03:16 would be 3330 . Is there's a 30 , so
03:22 I'm gonna put a zero there that represents 30 .
03:26 I also have a 36 . So I put a
03:28 six Notice there is no numbers in the 40s .
03:34 Okay . So do I put a zero there or
03:37 leave it blank ? Well , if you said leave
03:40 it blank , you're right . If I put a
03:42 zero there , that would mean a phone call of
03:46 40 minutes . Just like this zero here represented 30
03:50 minute phone call . But I don't have any phone
03:52 calls in the forties . So I leave it blank
03:55 . Go to the last 15 So I'm gonna put
03:58 a five there . So this is my stem and
04:01 leaf plot . We're almost done now . Step three
04:05 . Really really important not to forget . This is
04:09 to make a key . Okay . And the key
04:14 is really really important basically all you do is you
04:17 pick any example here for any value . I'm gonna
04:22 put the key over here . Hopefully you can see
04:25 that . Okay . Yeah so the key . Let's
04:28 say I'm gonna do this . Two . Yeah three
04:33 Like that . So a stem of two and a
04:35 leaf of three . That means 23 . Okay I
04:42 guess I should put minutes to I don't really have
04:44 room but 23 minutes . Okay so that's my key
04:48 . You can box and if you want or you
04:49 don't need to . But the whole point is give
04:52 an example from your data . Okay so that we
04:55 know exactly what the stem represents . Uh and the
04:59 leaf as well . Okay Good . Here's 1 to
05:02 shine your own . Okay . Example to we've got
05:12 three different questions notice we already have the stem and
05:15 leaf plot over here . Um So instead of making
05:18 it now , we're interpreting a stem and leaf plot
05:22 . So let's just look over this real quick .
05:24 Uh The data is about test scores and points .
05:27 How many points they got a test score notice are
05:30 key here . Uh nine for our stem and two
05:34 for our leaf means that represents a 92 for 92
05:38 points uh on the test . So let's look here
05:42 . First one . How many students scored ? Less
05:44 than 80 points ? Well , all of these here
05:48 are in the 80 point range less than that ?
05:51 Well , that would be a 78 77 75 70
05:56 66 . So we have 123455 students scored Less than
06:02 80 points . Next one B How many students scored
06:07 at least 90 points , At least . That means
06:10 90 points or greater . So let's see this zero
06:15 here . That's 90 . Exactly . So there's 123
06:19 and 11 person got 100 points . So that's four
06:23 , Four students got at least 90 points . And
06:28 the last one . How are the data distributed ?
06:30 So that just means uh what's kind of the shape
06:33 or how is it spread out ? Um So if
06:36 you notice we have kind of a few , just
06:39 kind of one student was pretty low , one student
06:42 was really high . Everybody else is kind of in
06:45 the middle , right ? So let's say that ,
06:48 how are the data distributed ? Yeah . Most students
06:56 , we're in the middle . Mhm . Mhm .
07:01 And we can say around , Yeah . Ah we
07:06 could stay around 80 , Probably the exact middle .
07:09 Maybe around 80 84 points . Mhm . Oops .
07:15 Oh Around 84 points . Okay . Now 11 last
07:20 thing you'll notice with the stem and leaf plot .
07:22 When I did the example before I put commas ,
07:25 you don't need to do that . I probably shouldn't
07:26 have done that . Uh notice here . All you
07:29 need to really do is just list the numbers for
07:31 the for the leaf so don't worry about doing commas
07:34 . And also if you're wondering , well can we
07:37 use this for decimals ? Like what if my data
07:40 is decimals and yes you can and what it's gonna
07:44 look like . Let's say you've got 6.79.2 and so
07:50 on . Well you can make it where this line
07:54 represents the decimal point . So I could do something
07:57 like 6789 here I put a seven there A two
08:05 here and then your key would be like people Right
08:09 , six that line seven equals 6.7 . Okay .
08:15 That's why the key is so important so that we
08:17 know exactly what is representing . Okay , here's one
08:22 more to try on your own . Thank you so
08:30 much for watching , and if you like this video
08:32 , please subscribe .



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