Absolute Value - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Absolute Value - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Absolute Value - By Anywhere Math

00:0-1 Welcome anywhere . Math . I'm Jeff Jacobson . And
00:01 today we're gonna talk about absolute value . Let's get
00:05 started . Which animal can travel farther away from sea
00:27 level . A bald eagle or a whale . Alright
00:31 , let's try to figure this out now . First
00:33 Bald Eagles have been seen gliding at heights of up
00:37 to 4500m above sea level . Now , what about
00:44 the whale ? Well , it all depends on the
00:46 type of whale . And the way we're going to
00:49 talk about today is called the Q beer beat whale
01:00 . And right there now this funny looking whale is
01:05 really , really special . I just saw that it
01:07 was able to dive 3000 m below sea level .
01:14 This mammal holds the record for the deepest dive and
01:19 the longest dive . It was underwater for over two
01:23 hours . Let's draw a quick little number line because
01:27 I'm talking about sea level . Instead of a horizontal
01:30 number line , I'm gonna draw a vertical number line
01:35 and zero is going to represent sea level . Okay
01:42 , well above sea level is obviously gonna be my
01:45 bald eagle . Below sea level is going to be
01:48 this whale 3000 m below sea level . Now below
01:54 . I'm gonna write that as negative negative 3000 .
01:59 So the question is which one is farther away from
02:03 sea level . Okay . Hopefully with the number line
02:07 you can see that . Oh definitely the bald eagle
02:09 is farther away because this distance is greater than this
02:14 distance . Now when we're talking about distances away from
02:18 zero , we're talking about absolute value . So let's
02:22 get into absolute value . And some examples , absolute
02:25 value of a number is just the distance . A
02:33 number is from zero on a number line . Okay
02:48 , It's the distance that number is from zero on
02:52 a number line . Now , distance is really important
02:55 because when you think about it , we'd never have
02:58 negative distances . Right . If someone asks you ,
03:01 how far did you run yesterday ? You're never gonna
03:04 say oh I ran negative five miles . That makes
03:06 no sense . So the same thing here , when
03:09 you take the absolute value of a number , you're
03:11 going to get something that's positive , A distance is
03:14 positive . So the way we write absolute value is
03:19 with two vertical lines . So for example . Uh
03:23 huh . Mm . Okay . This I would read
03:26 as the absolute These two lines means the absolute value
03:32 of three . Okay , the absolute value of three
03:36 is three . Right ? And you can think about
03:40 it , how far away from zero is three on
03:44 a number line ? Well it's three away . Okay
03:47 , that's why that's three . Let's get into our
03:49 first example . Okay , example , number one a
03:52 find the absolute value of seven . So we're talking
03:56 about how far away is seven from zero on a
03:59 number line . So I'm going to draw a number
04:01 line . We're here at seven . The question is
04:07 , what is this distance from 07 ? How far
04:12 away is that ? Seven from zero ? Well I
04:15 can count . Right . 1234567 . Right ? But
04:19 it's pretty obvious that it is seven . Okay ,
04:23 seven away . So that means the absolute value .
04:28 Right ? We read it like that and one quick
04:30 tip . Make sure that these vertical lines are longer
04:34 than your numbers . If not If you're not kind
04:39 of careful it can really quickly look like 171 .
04:44 Okay , so again make sure that when you write
04:47 absolute value , those numbers are those vertical lines are
04:51 longer than your numbers . So the absolute value of
04:54 seven is seven . Okay . Let's look at b
04:58 find the absolute value of negative 2.5 . Same thing
05:01 . I'm gonna draw a quick number line . So
05:04 negative two and one half would be halfway between negative
05:07 two and negative three . So it's going to be
05:09 right about there negative two and one half again .
05:15 What is the distance from ? Negative 2.5 to 0
05:19 ? So from here to hear . Okay again you
05:25 could count but hopefully you notice that that distance is
05:29 2.5 . It's 2.5 away in the absolute value of
05:33 negative 2.5 is 2.5 positive 2.5 . Right ? These
05:41 are distances . It's going to be positive . Okay
05:44 ? So hopefully you notice here something , the absolute
05:47 value of a positive number . Stay positive . It's
05:51 a positive distance . But then when we took the
05:53 absolute value of a negative number , it became positive
05:57 , right ? Because distance need to be positive .
06:00 Okay , here's some to try on your own .
06:11 Okay . example to compare to and absolute value of
06:16 -5 . Uh Well first we need to figure out
06:22 what the absolute value of negative five is . Now
06:24 we could draw a number line again and find our
06:27 distance but hopefully you're starting to get it . How
06:30 far away is negative five from zero ? Well the
06:34 absolute value of negative five is five . So my
06:38 answer is two is less than the absolute value of
06:43 -5 . Let's look at b compare the absolute value
06:49 of -4 and the absolute value of four . Well
06:54 the absolute value of negative four is going to be
06:57 four right ? Negative force four away from zero ,
07:00 that's four . uh and the absolute value of four
07:04 is also for which means The absolute value of -4
07:10 is equal to the absolute value of four . Okay
07:18 yeah here's some more to try on your own .
07:28 Alright example three order the values from least to greatest
07:32 . Uh So we have a lot of absolute values
07:35 here and we've got a couple of new things we
07:38 haven't talked about yet . So in order to order
07:41 these , I first need to know what the value
07:43 is so I need to figure out these absolute values
07:46 . So first what is the absolute value of negative
07:49 five ? Well that's going to be five right ,
07:52 it's five away from 03 is still three . The
07:57 absolute value of two , that's two away from zero
08:00 . So that is to now here notice where the
08:05 negative sign is . Okay it's not inside the absolute
08:09 value , it's on the outside . So we would
08:11 read this as the negative absolute value of three .
08:16 So first what you need to do is just find
08:18 the absolute value of three and then you add your
08:22 negative after that . So the absolute value of three
08:26 is 3 . Then we put the negative sign in
08:29 front so we get -3 . Last one here The
08:35 negative absolute value of -4 . So again ignore this
08:41 negative for a second and let's concentrate on the absolute
08:44 value . The absolute value of negative for is four
08:48 . Right ? Negative four is far away from zero
08:52 but then we put a negative in front so this
08:54 becomes negative four . Okay ? So now if we're
09:00 gonna order these obviously my negative four is the least
09:05 which means this Is the least . So the negative
09:08 absolute value of -4 . His first then they get
09:13 three here so that's Negative Absolute Value of three .
09:18 Then we've got to which was absolute value of two
09:22 . Then we've got three which is just three .
09:26 And finally the greatest is gonna be the absolute value
09:30 of negative five . So there is my order from
09:37 least to greatest . Okay , here's some more to
09:40 try on your own as always , thank you so
09:47 much for watching and if you like this video ,
09:49 please subscribe .



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