Proportions - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Proportions - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Proportions - By Anywhere Math

00:0-1 Welcome to nowhere . Math . I'm Jeff , Jacobson
00:01 . And today we're gonna talk all about proportions .
00:04 Let's get started . Mhm . Alright . Before we
00:24 get to our first example , let's talk about what
00:26 exactly a proportion is . So , first a proportion
00:30 is just an equation . Right ? We're gonna have
00:33 an equal sign an equation stating that two ratios Are
00:37 equivalent . Here's an example . Two or three .
00:41 That's a ratio 2-3 . 4/6 . That's another ratio
00:45 4-6 and they are equal to each other there in
00:49 an equation . So , this is an example of
00:53 a proportion . The way you read . This is
00:56 Basically saying that two ratios two is 2 three .
01:01 That's the first ratio as that's where you have the
01:06 equal sign as 4 to 6 . That's how you
01:09 would say that proportion out loud . And this is
01:13 how it would be written . All right , let's
01:14 get to our first example . Alright , example ,
01:16 one tell whether 6/4 and 8 12 form a proportion
01:21 . So we want to see if they are equal
01:23 to each other . If we can make an equation
01:25 with those two ratios , I'm gonna show you three
01:28 different methods on how to tell if they form a
01:32 proportion . So the first method is the simplest form
01:36 . We compare each ratio simplest form and if they
01:39 are the same than they would form a proportion .
01:42 So six force in simplest form Would be three hats
01:48 . Okay , compare that with 8 , 12 would
01:51 be 2/3 . These are not equivalent , They're not
01:56 the same . So this no does not form a
02:01 proportion . Those two fractions do not form a proportion
02:04 . I met the two . I'm just gonna call
02:06 mental math . And the way this works is if
02:09 I'm comparing 6/4 , if I'm trying to see is
02:13 that going to be equal to or equivalent to 8/12
02:18 ? Right . I got a question there because I'm
02:20 not sure if they form a proportion . I can
02:23 just use a mental math . Well to get from
02:26 4 to 12 I would multiply by three . Anything
02:30 I do to the denominator should do the to the
02:32 numerator if it was going to be equivalent . So
02:35 if I did six times three , does that give
02:38 me eight ? No , six times 3 is 18
02:42 , not eight . So again that would be no
02:46 They do not form a proportion . Okay , Method
02:49 three . We're gonna call cross products . So again
02:53 , if I write it 6/4 , I'm trying to
02:56 see if they are equal to each other . Cross
02:59 products means you take the numerator and the denominator going
03:04 across and you multiply them together . If they are
03:09 proportional . When you multiply them together , you're gonna
03:12 get the same thing on both sides . So if
03:15 I do four times eight , is that equal to
03:18 six times 12:32 ? Which is not equal to 72
03:24 . So once again no they do not form a
03:28 proportion . They're not proportional . If those were equal
03:31 to each other then yes they would be . Let's
03:33 try another example . Okay example to tell whether X
03:36 and Y are proportional . Just like the previous example
03:39 . I have three methods that I could use to
03:41 decide whether X and Y are proportional . But I
03:44 don't want to do all three for me . I'm
03:46 just gonna do simplest form . I'm gonna compare X
03:50 . And Y . If they're proportional so I need
03:51 ratios . My first one would be one half 2
03:56 3 . And if I want to compare that I
03:58 can compare it with either . I'll just compare it
04:01 with 1-6 . You got to make sure that my
04:05 numerator is here . Those are both representing the excess
04:09 . My denominators are both representing the wise . If
04:13 I had this switch it wouldn't work . Uh So
04:16 you gotta make sure numerator numerator are talking about the
04:19 same thing and same thing with denominators . So let's
04:23 compare in simplest form . The nice thing that's already
04:26 done . That's in simplest form . But here I've
04:29 got a complex fraction . 1/2 divided by three is
04:34 the same thing as one half times one third which
04:37 is 16 And what do you know ? 16 is
04:41 equal to 1/6 . So yes they do form a
04:45 proportion . They are proportional and it wouldn't matter if
04:49 I tried another 1 3/2 divided by nine 3/2 29
04:57 There's my ratio . If I put that in simplest
04:59 form that's the same thing as three halves times 1/9
05:05 . Simplify 13 and I get 16 again . And
05:12 sometimes it is a good idea to check more than
05:14 one ratio , but we got 16 again . So
05:16 yes , they are proportional . Here's some to try
05:19 on your own . All right . Here's the last
05:27 example . You swim your first four laps in 2.4
05:32 minutes , you complete 16 laps in 12 minutes is
05:36 the number of laps proportional to your time . If
05:40 we're going to find if they're proportional , we first
05:42 need our ratios , well , our ratios are gonna
05:46 be time to lapse . So if I look ,
05:49 it took me 2.4 minutes to do four laps .
05:55 If I want to compare that with this , it
05:57 took 12 minutes to do 16 laps . If I
06:02 want to compare them , we've got those three methods
06:06 , I could do simplest form , I could do
06:08 mental math or I could also do that cross products
06:11 right here . Maybe you see that mental math would
06:15 be really , really useful To get from 4 to
06:19 16 . I would just times four Times four .
06:26 Times 4 is gonna be 9.6 , Which does not
06:32 equal 12 . So that would tell us no ,
06:35 they're not proportional . But that's just one method .
06:37 Let's try another one . All right . If we
06:38 want to try another method , we could try simplest
06:40 form . Well , right here , we've got a
06:43 decimal in the fraction . So let's first get rid
06:46 of that . So , we would make this times
06:48 10 times 10 . So that would become 24/40 .
06:52 And then if we simplify our common factor looks like
06:55 eight , Divide by eight , divided by eight .
06:59 And we would get three fists . If we simplify
07:03 this common factor is going to be four , we
07:07 would get 3/4 notice . Again , they don't have
07:11 the simplest form so they are not proportional . If
07:15 we want to try another method , we could also
07:18 compare their unit rates . As long as you've got
07:21 both the denominators the same . Then you just look
07:24 at the numerator . So that would be 2.4 right
07:27 , divide by four , divide by four . So
07:30 that we get one in the denominator . 2.4 divided
07:33 by four would be 0.6 . So that means they're
07:38 going it's taking 0.6 minutes for one lap . There's
07:42 my unit rate . How about here , Divided by
07:46 16 divided by 16 . Well 12 divided by 16
07:53 would be 0.16 and 120 would go seven times .
07:58 That's 42 4 , It's 11 . You get eight
08:03 leftover . Bring down to zero 16 in the 80
08:08 would go five times 0.75 minutes to go one lap
08:16 again , comparing their unit rates . They are not
08:20 the same , which means they are not proportional .
08:23 And if you're wondering why , why is the amount
08:26 of time not proportional to your laps ? You're gonna
08:29 get tired . Here's one more to try on your
08:32 own as always . Thank you so much for watching
08:36 , and if you like this video , please subscribe
00:0-1 .



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