Top 5 Tips: For Becoming A Better Math Student - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Top 5 Tips: For Becoming A Better Math Student - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Top 5 Tips: For Becoming A Better Math Student - By Anywhere Math

00:0-1 Lebron James wasn't born in N . B . A
00:01 . All star MvP , an NBA champion and the
00:05 gold medalist . It also didn't happen by accident .
00:08 It took hard work , determination and practice to get
00:12 to where he is today . The same thing applies
00:15 to becoming a great Mass student with a little hard
00:19 work . And these five tips , you too could
00:23 become the Lebron James of Mass students welcome to anywhere
00:47 , Math , I'm just Jacobson and today we're going
00:49 to go over the top five tips to becoming a
00:54 better mass student . Now , In preparation for this
00:56 video , I talked to high school math teachers ,
00:59 middle school math teachers and elementary school teachers and ask
01:02 them what are some tips that you've given your students
01:06 to make them more successful at math . These are
01:09 the top five tips that will help you become a
01:13 better mass student tip number one be prepared . This
01:17 may sound obvious , but it's really , really important
01:20 . First things first , you got to get a
01:21 good night's sleep , you gotta have a good healthy
01:23 breakfast . If you don't do those two things ,
01:26 you're gonna fall asleep in class , you're not gonna
01:28 be able to pay attention uh and you're just not
01:31 going to be successful , right ? You've got to
01:32 start off on the right foot next , bring your
01:35 materials to class . Really , really important . You
01:39 gotta have your math notebook or some paper , you
01:41 gotta have a pencil and then finally math is a
01:45 unique subject where everything builds on the next . So
01:49 if you're not staying up to date , if you
01:51 haven't learned how to multiply fractions , it's going to
01:54 be really difficult to divide fractions , Stay up to
01:58 date with the material . If you don't understand something
02:01 , ask questions right away , don't leave it until
02:04 the end tip number to take effective notes . Taking
02:08 effective notes is really , really important . And to
02:10 make them effective , you have to be able to
02:13 read them . So part of it is being organized
02:17 , make sure you're skipping lines , make sure things
02:20 are kind of labeled of what they're representing . Whether
02:23 they're example problems or new vocabulary words . But the
02:26 point is you want your notes to look something like
02:28 this instead of like this . If you can't read
02:33 your notes , what's the point of taking next ?
02:36 Take notes on things that are important . You don't
02:39 have to write word for word . Every little thing
02:42 . Focus on the important details that you want to
02:45 remember next include keywords , new vocabulary words or any
02:50 questions you might have for the teacher . Those are
02:52 all super super important things that you want to remember
02:55 . If you had a question on something write it
02:57 down and then when you get to class ask your
03:00 teacher about it and finally if you want to take
03:03 your notes to the next level at some little hints
03:06 or reminders for yourself . All of my best students
03:09 have done this mm mhm . That's really , really
03:19 helpful for when you're studying for an assessment tip .
03:23 Number three Ask quality questions . Now notice I said
03:26 quality questions , I'm not encouraging questions like this .
03:30 Can I go see the nurse ? What time ?
03:32 This question , debt , the group project . Can
03:35 I work on that by myself ? I've seen some
03:37 word problems . Well those beyond the test to Instead
03:40 we're looking for questions that are going to help your
03:42 learning . For example , questions about why something is
03:46 the way it is , is fantastic . Teachers absolutely
03:50 love when you ask why , why do we divide
03:53 by two for the area of a triangle ? Other
03:55 important questions are clarifying any words that you don't really
03:58 understand . What does evaluate me and like Einstein said
04:02 , curiosity is always important math . So if you're
04:04 curious about something , ask about it , do we
04:07 always have to find the least common multiple ? What
04:09 about the greatest common multiple ? And finally , your
04:12 question should be specific . Something like this ? Yeah
04:16 , I don't get it . Isn't specific . Instead
04:19 form your question like this , why did you divide
04:22 both sides of the equation by two on that last
04:24 step . When you ask quality questions , teachers love
04:27 it . They know that you're engaged , you're interested
04:31 , you're paying attention and you want to improve .
04:34 And studies have shown students who asked good questions ,
04:37 experience more success in class tip number four have a
04:42 strategy . How the strategy when you're solving problems is
04:45 really important . Whether that's using the latticed method for
04:48 multiplication , using estimation to get an idea of what
04:51 your answer is going to look like , or even
04:53 in word problems highlighting those important words or important information
04:58 no matter what the type of problem is , make
05:00 sure you've got a strategy that you can use to
05:03 solve it . And if you're the type of person
05:05 that really struggles with word problems , check out this
05:07 video where I go over my top three problem solving
05:11 strategies to help you with word problems , tip number
05:14 five . Check your answers . Last but definitely not
05:18 least . You've got to check your answers . This
05:21 , in my opinion , is one of the most
05:23 important tips for becoming a good math student doing a
05:27 whole bunch of math problems without checking your answers is
05:30 like practicing free throws in the dark . It's worthless
05:35 . You need to know whether or not you're making
05:37 that shot otherwise . What's the point ? Same thing
05:40 with matt . If you don't check your answers ,
05:42 how do you know if you're doing them correctly now
05:45 there's multiple ways to check your answers . One you
05:48 can check on your own use estimation , maybe you
05:51 can use substitution to see if your solution is correct
05:54 . Also think is this answer reasonable ? If you
05:57 don't feel comfortable checking on your own check with a
06:00 friend , just make sure you're not checking on a
06:03 test that is cheating . You can also check in
06:07 the back of a textbook . Most times textbook have
06:10 the odd numbered answers in the back of the book
06:12 . That's always helpful or if your teacher has an
06:15 answer , keep use that if you would like some
06:17 more tips on how to check your answers and some
06:20 really , really helpful things . I highly recommend checking
06:24 out this video . I want to thank all the
06:26 math teachers at Korea international School who helped me prepare
06:29 for this video and a special shout out goes to
06:32 Mr Meyers and Mr Forrest . All thanks a bunch
06:35 and as always thank you so much for watching and
06:37 if you like this video , please subscribe



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