Top 3 Problem Solving Strategies - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Top 3 Problem Solving Strategies - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Top 3 Problem Solving Strategies - By Anywhere Math

00:0-1 Have you ever felt that you're just not good at
00:02 word problems or when you read a word problem ,
00:04 you think I have absolutely no idea how to get
00:09 started . If you answered yes to either of those
00:12 questions then this video is for you . Welcome anywhere
00:33 . Math . I'm Jeff , Jacobson . And today
00:35 we're going to go over my top three problem solving
00:38 strategies to help you solve word problems . Let's get
00:42 started . Alright . We're gonna start with the number
00:44 three best strategy in my opinion for solving word problems
00:48 and that is solved a simpler problem . This strategy
00:52 works really , really well In two situations . 1
00:56 if the problem you're trying to solve has really difficult
00:59 numbers , what that means is maybe they are really
01:02 large numbers or fractions or decimals or mixed numbers .
01:05 Numbers that are hard to work with . The other
01:07 situation would be if you have just variables or kind
01:11 of a lot of vague information , Either one of
01:13 those , this strategy can work really well . So
01:15 the first part is you want to make it simpler
01:18 and to do that , cut out any extra information
01:21 that you don't need . Once you've done that .
01:24 Then if you have difficult numbers like fractions or decimals
01:27 or mixed numbers , just make them easier , make
01:30 them whole numbers . If you have a lot of
01:32 variables and or it's a very vague problem , you
01:35 want to substitute , choose some values for those variables
01:39 and then once you've done that , solve the problem
01:42 , hopefully at that point it's much easier to solve
01:45 . Once you do that , you think , oh
01:48 I got it , I understand what to do now
01:50 and you figure out the steps , you need to
01:52 solve that problem . Once you've got those steps ,
01:55 go back and do it for the original problem ,
01:58 the original numbers or original variables . Let's go to
02:01 example when you read a question like that and you
02:13 don't know where to get started . Think of these
02:15 strategies now this problem is difficult because it's got a
02:20 whole bunch of fractions . That's tough . We're working
02:23 with difficult numbers so we're gonna make it much simpler
02:27 . But first we're gonna cut out information . We
02:29 don't need no notice . I'm just making it much
02:32 shorter and much simpler . Now . Again , I
02:35 haven't changed the numbers yet so two thirds and 1/5
02:38 . That's hard . I'm still confused . I don't
02:39 know what to do . So in this situation I'm
02:42 going to change the numbers . If I just think
02:44 of we're talking about money race , let's just pick
02:46 an actual whole number and the amount of money two
02:49 thirds is created than 1/5 . So I'm gonna make
02:50 sure the numbers I choose represent that . Let's just
02:54 say the money raised from the website is $20 let's
02:57 say instead of 1/5 . Let's just say $5 .
03:00 If I think of the problem with those numbers ,
03:03 how many times more was raised from the website then
03:07 in person ? How many times more ? Well if
03:10 I did 20 Divided by 5 4 times more .
03:16 That's what I did to solve it with The numbers
03:19 I made up . But now that I know that
03:21 that's the process , I'm going to go back to
03:23 my original numbers so instead of 20 divided by five
03:27 I'm going to do two thirds divided by one fit
03:32 and it's three and a third times more . So
03:37 that's how we use the strategy of solve a simpler
03:40 problem when we have fractions or decimals or mixed numbers
03:43 are really large numbers . We want to make it
03:45 simpler . Alright next my number two strategy guests check
03:49 and revise this strategy sounds super simple . You basically
03:53 do exactly what it says in the name but there's
03:55 little tips that I think will help you be even
03:58 more effective using this strategy . So first this strategy
04:01 , guest check . Revise works really well when you
04:04 need to meet multiple conditions and what that means is
04:07 a problem that says well you have to do this
04:10 and you also have to do this . Maybe it'll
04:12 make more sense when you see the example . The
04:14 first step in guest check advice is to guess and
04:17 you guess an answer that meets one of those conditions
04:21 . Don't think too hard A lot of times people
04:24 when they look at these word problems into thinking what
04:26 should I guess be wishing I guess . Uh And
04:29 they're stressing out , don't just make a guess .
04:32 Obviously after you make that first guess , then we
04:34 are going to check and to check , we check
04:38 it against the other condition . We already know our
04:40 first guest met one condition . Now we check to
04:43 see if it meets the other . Once you check
04:45 if it meets the second edition . Great , you're
04:47 done . You saw this . If it doesn't then
04:50 we revise our guests . And what that means is
04:53 we're using information that we just gathered from looking at
04:58 her from checking our first guest to make a better
05:01 guess , adjust your guests based on the information you
05:05 just got from when you checked it and then you
05:07 go through the whole process again . All right .
05:10 So let's look at the example . Is this a
05:21 good strategy for using guest check revise ? Absolutely .
05:26 There are two conditions . We have to make one
05:29 . Sally has four times as many cards as Emily
05:33 and two together they have 90 guest check device is
05:37 absolutely perfect here . So first my first guest I
05:40 want to make sure it meets one of the conditions
05:43 for me . I'm just going to start with what's
05:45 first and that is Sally has four times as many
05:48 cards as Emily let's say Emily I'm just guessing right
05:53 Emily has 10 cards then Sally has 40 . Right
05:57 ? Four times as many . Okay done . I
06:00 met the first condition now it's time to check together
06:03 . They have to have 90 . Well 10 plus
06:06 40 Does not equal 90 . Do I need to
06:10 revise ? Yes I need to revise . Okay so
06:14 now let's go back again . But this time I'm
06:18 looking at this and I'm thinking what information did I
06:21 just gather ? How can I make my guests better
06:24 ? Well I know that 10 and 40 10 plus
06:27 40 is not even close to 90 . I got
06:30 to increase my guest for Emily I'm gonna say 15
06:33 . Emily is 15 . Sally four times that is
06:36 going to be 60 . Now let's check is 15
06:40 plus 60 90 and no it is not . But
06:47 We are getting closer we're in the right direction .
06:50 We just hopefully need to start fine tuning a little
06:53 bit . So do I need to revise ? Yes
06:56 I need to increase Emily a little bit more .
06:58 Not as much as before I'm gonna say 18 if
07:00 Emily is 184 times 18 is . Let's see 72-18
07:07 plus 72 that actually is equal to 90 . So
07:13 do I need to revise know once you get that
07:15 note then you're done . I know that Emily Has
07:20 18 cards and sally has 72 . So my final
07:24 answer , how many cars does sally have ? She
07:26 has 72 cards . Now let's check out the top
07:31 spot for problem solving strategies . All right . It's
07:33 time for the top spot . The number one problem
07:37 solving strategy in my humble opinion , which is draw
07:42 a picture . Yes , draw a picture . It's
07:45 the easiest strategy to actually do . But it is
07:49 the most helpful and the most widely used strategy .
07:53 I think I've I've used myself or I've seen other
07:56 people use throughout all my years studying math . Now
08:00 , drawing a picture might sound super simple of a
08:02 strategy , but there are a couple of things that
08:04 will be helpful to know if you're gonna use this
08:07 strategy even even more effectively . So first this strategy
08:11 works really well when you are solving a problem that
08:14 involves shapes . Obviously any pictures or situations that are
08:20 difficult to visualize . So what that means is ,
08:23 you know , it's talking about this problem is talking
08:26 about something some shape or some picture or some situation
08:30 and it's really hard to think of what's happening in
08:32 your head . It's hard to picture it . So
08:35 in that situation draw a picture first , make it
08:39 big . Do not draw your little pictures like this
08:44 and try to label things like this where you can't
08:47 even read it . Make sure you include any information
08:50 that could be useful to your picture . So any
08:53 labels , any distances , any units or other shapes
08:57 include those . The more you can include , the
09:00 more detailed and the better your picture is going to
09:02 be and the more it's gonna help when you're trying
09:05 to solve the problem . Now let's check out the
09:07 example . Let's draw a picture . What are we
09:20 gonna draw ? Well first it's talking about a rectangle
09:22 soap . Let's draw a rectangle . Now we also
09:25 want to include any distances or any other details that
09:28 we can to make it a better picture . So
09:31 I'm going to include this is 70 ft . This
09:35 would obviously then be 40 ft . It's getting a
09:38 little bit more detail . Now we're talking about fence
09:40 posts , Brian puts the fence post every 10 ft
09:44 . So for a fence post I don't need anything
09:45 fancy , I don't need a really fancy drawing .
09:48 I'm just gonna do a dot and I can start
09:50 wherever I'm gonna start right here in the corner .
09:52 There is my first fence posts and it's every 10
09:56 ft . So I'm just gonna count and go around
09:58 there is 10 2060 70 . That's perfect right because
10:05 this distance is 70 ft , I'm gonna keep going
10:08 30 40 Again that's 40 ft . I'm gonna be
10:12 the same 20 30 and then 40 would be on
10:17 my last one . I've got all my fence post
10:19 drawn . So the only thing I have to do
10:21 now is count 2021 22 . So my final answer
10:26 is Brian will need 22 fence post and that's how
10:32 you use draw a picture as always , thank you
10:34 so much for watching and if you like this video
10:36 , please subscribe .



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