The Best Ways to Learn English at Home - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

The Best Ways to Learn English at Home - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

The Best Ways to Learn English at Home - By Learn English with

00:0-1 want to speak real english from your first lesson .
00:02 Sign up for your free lifetime account at english .
00:05 Class 11 dot com . Yes it is possible to
00:09 learn a language at home . But how do you
00:11 make sure you succeed on your own and make sure
00:14 you continue to challenge yourself ? We'll give you tips
00:18 for creating a study environment , immersing yourself in the
00:21 language you're studying , reviewing and more . All of
00:25 these tips will be things you can do in your
00:27 own home in this video , you'll learn some of
00:30 the best ways to learn at home . First ,
00:34 have a designated place for learning . Why do this
00:38 ? Well for many people , the home is not
00:41 thought of as a study space . Studies are done
00:43 in classrooms or workspaces . One tip is to make
00:48 a space or a corner of your home that is
00:49 dedicated only to your studies . If you have a
00:52 work from home space , you can find a time
00:54 to make that your study space . If you do
00:57 this you can create a place for yourself in your
00:59 own home that you associate with learning . It will
01:02 make it easier for you to focus on your studies
01:05 . If your brain is already thinking about language the
01:07 moment you sit down in the space , this is
01:10 part of what helps you build a good routine at
01:12 home . You don't always have to think about your
01:15 study area being in a classroom or at a library
01:18 . Sometimes the best place can be the comfort of
01:20 your own desk or even your sofa . 2nd Take
01:25 Audio and Video Lessons . Audio and video lessons are
01:29 very easy to manage from home . Just set ,
01:32 your learning level will automatically feed you lessons based on
01:35 your level . Play the audio and video lessons from
01:39 our Language learning program and follow along . In the
01:42 first minute of the lesson , you'll learn a conversation
01:45 Our teachers translate and explain every word . By the
01:48 time you complete each lesson , you'll have mastered a
01:51 full dialogue and increase your vocabulary . Each lesson takes
01:55 just 3 to 15 minutes . The lessons also give
01:58 you a dialogue track so you can review the conversation
02:01 any time . You can also read along with the
02:03 lesson notes while you listen . And as soon as
02:06 you're done , you'll automatically move on to the next
02:08 lesson . This way you're never confused about what to
02:11 study . Next third set small study sessions and don't
02:16 cram . The fastest way to lose motivation and interest
02:20 in something is to study for hours at a time
02:22 and overwhelm yourself . That's why our lessons are 3-15
02:26 minutes long when studying from home , it's important to
02:30 find ways to stay focused and not just for the
02:32 first two days . If you rush and try to
02:35 do two or three hours in those first few days
02:37 , you might burn out instead . Just do one
02:40 of our 3 to 15 minute lessons and focus all
02:43 of your attention on that . Or if you're feeling
02:46 really motivated , set a timer for 30 minutes and
02:49 devote all of that time to language study studying in
02:52 short bursts can help you stay focused on learning .
02:55 Most importantly , when you're done , walk away and
02:57 take a break forth , immerse yourself in the language
03:02 , in your downtime , download the lessons and lessen
03:05 dialog tracks , play them throughout your day when you're
03:08 going for a walk , when you're taking a break
03:10 or when you're going to work or school . For
03:12 example , you can find these dialog tracks in every
03:15 audio lesson . A few more fun things you can
03:18 do to surround yourself and your target language . Place
03:21 posted notes on items around the house with the vocabulary
03:24 you're learning , for example , place the word for
03:27 refrigerator on your refrigerator so you can see it and
03:30 remember it . Every time you go to get a
03:32 snack , watch tv shows and Youtube videos in the
03:36 language you're studying , listen to music and the language
03:39 are studying . Find some artists you genuinely enjoy and
03:42 listen as you go about your day . Fifth review
03:47 . You should also make time to review what you've
03:49 studied . Why ? Well exposing yourself to something just
03:53 once won't make it stick in the long run .
03:56 It's extremely important to review after you study something .
04:00 This is the idea behind spaced repetition . Learning a
04:03 short while after you study something For the first time
04:06 you come back to the information and review it .
04:09 Then you repeat the process again each time taking longer
04:12 breaks between your review sessions . Here are some ideas
04:15 for how you can study interview at home , drill
04:19 words with our space repetition flashcards re listen to the
04:22 lessons or dialog tracks . Reread the lesson notes right
04:27 out from memory what you learned words , phrases ,
04:29 grammar rules . This is called active recall and help
04:33 you strengthen your memory . In short , we want
04:36 to make it as easy as possible for you to
04:38 be able to study and learn a new language from
04:40 your own home . We've covered how important it is
04:43 to have a designated place for learning and use our
04:46 audio and video lessons to keep yourself on track .
04:48 You also need to remember to set small study sessions
04:52 . Remember not to try to cram when possible ,
04:55 immerse yourself in your target language and most importantly ,
04:59 remember to review so you don't forget what you learned
05:02 . So if you're ready to jump start your language
05:05 learning at home , check out our complete language learning
05:07 program . Sign up for your free lifetime account by
05:10 clicking on the link in the description . Get tons
05:12 of resources to have you speaking in your target language
05:15 . And if you enjoy these tips , hit the
05:17 like button , share the video with anyone who's trying
05:20 to learn a new language and subscribe to our channel
05:22 . We release new videos every week . I'll see
05:25 you next time . Bye . Want to speed up
05:28 your language learning . Take your very first lesson with
05:31 us . You'll start speaking in minutes and master real
05:33 conversations . Sign up for your free lifetime account .
05:37 Just click the link in the description .



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