Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Health Care in the U.S. - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12 | Lumos Learning

Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Health Care in the U.S. - Free Educational videos for Students in K-12

Advanced Conversation with Jennifer on Health Care in the U.S. - By JenniferESL

00:00 Hi I'm jennifer from english with jennifer and I'm ready
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00:29 I'm going to share vocabulary and information related to health
00:32 care in the US . I'll do my best to
00:35 give a balanced presentation . It's not my goal to
00:38 promote a political agenda . As an english language teacher
00:43 , I'm here to offer the language support that learners
00:46 will need to follow and participate in discussions about health
00:50 care . So are you ready ? Let's get started
01:00 . Mhm . Health care refers to the services you
01:06 get to prevent and treat medical problems . When we
01:10 talk about our health were referring to our physical and
01:13 mental well being in the U . S . We
01:18 have many medical professionals and in general health care professionals
01:22 who provide services for our physical and mental health .
01:28 A health care provider isn't necessarily a doctor or a
01:32 nurse . Healthcare providers include therapists , counselors and various
01:37 technicians . Note that health care can be written as
01:43 one word or two , just be consistent in your
01:46 own writing . The health care system in the U
01:51 . S . Can be confusing . There are different
01:54 ways you can get medical treatment and basically any visit
01:58 to any medical center involves paperwork and some form of
02:02 payment by someone . Hospitals , clinics and private practices
02:08 need to get paid . Even after you get treatment
02:12 , you may have to worry about completing more paperwork
02:15 and making additional payments . Let's start with a fundamental
02:21 question is healthcare a basic human right or a privilege
02:26 ? A human right is something everyone should have .
02:29 A privilege is a benefit , something good and useful
02:34 , but not everyone receives it . If we talk
02:38 about getting a basic education , for example , every
02:42 child in the us has access to public schools ,
02:45 it's their right to get an education from Kindergarten through
02:48 12th grade . Our public schools are paid for with
02:53 tax dollars . If you are a U . S
02:55 . Citizen or resident you pay local state and federal
03:00 taxes . Whether you have school aged Children or not
03:04 , tax money funds , the public school system ,
03:07 families don't pay tuition at public schools . Now ,
03:13 with healthcare , we don't really have a free healthcare
03:15 system for everyone . You'll hear terms like national health
03:20 care system or universal healthcare . We don't have that
03:24 kind of program where services are free for everyone .
03:30 However , tax dollars are used to pay for federal
03:34 and state medical programs that some people participate in .
03:38 I'll explain more a bit later . Yeah . Yeah
03:55 . Mhm . I'd say the majority of americans have
04:01 health insurance and most often it's employer based insurance .
04:06 That means that people have health insurance policies through their
04:10 employers . The policy is the agreement in terms health
04:16 insurance is a benefit , employers can give employers pay
04:21 most of the cost of the policy and then the
04:24 remaining money is deducted or taken out of your paycheck
04:30 . A health insurance policy for one employee can cover
04:34 that individual or an entire family . For example ,
04:38 my husband has a full time job with a company
04:42 . Health insurance is one of his benefits . He's
04:45 the policy holder as his spouse . I'm insured and
04:50 our Children are eligible , dependants eligible means they meet
04:55 all the requirements to be considered dependence , so they're
04:59 insured too . We can talk about being insured or
05:04 covered . It's the same thing . Our family has
05:08 insurance , we have coverage . Those are the new
05:12 ones , Even as a benefit . Health insurance is
05:18 expensive . I read that the average company contributes 70-80
05:23 towards health insurance . The employee pays the rest if
05:29 you have a family plan more is deducted from your
05:33 paycheck . Even after those deductions , you still have
05:37 copays and deductibles . Getting confused by all the terminology
05:44 . We can get confused too . Sometimes the premium
05:48 is the total cost . It's the amount you pay
05:51 in order to have a health insurance policy . When
05:55 you hear people talk about high premiums or premiums going
05:59 up there , talking about high costs or costs going
06:03 up . As I said , the employer usually covers
06:07 most of the premium . The rest you have to
06:10 contribute as the employee . It's taken out of your
06:13 paycheck copay is short for co payment . This is
06:20 the amount of money that you have to pay when
06:22 you visit a health care provider and receive some kind
06:26 of service . A copay is in addition to your
06:31 premium , for example , it maybe 10 to $25
06:36 when you visit your regular doctor , who we call
06:39 your primary care physician or your primary care provider .
06:47 But your copay to see a specialist will be even
06:50 higher , maybe $30 or $50 . And if you
06:55 have to go to the emergency room , your copay
06:58 maybe as much as 12 or even $300 . Some
07:05 argue that copay served at least one purpose and that's
07:08 to reduce the use of services . If you know
07:11 you have a copay then you're not so quick to
07:14 seek medical attention for every little problem . We also
07:21 have copays for medicine at the pharmacy . Your health
07:24 insurance policy will usually cover a larger percentage of the
07:28 cost . Some of my co pays are as low
07:31 as $7 . Others $70 . Then there are things
07:38 that you need but they're not covered by insurance like
07:41 a back brace or vitamins you have to pay out
07:46 of pocket . These things are an out of pocket
07:49 expense . For example there's a little bottle of vitamins
07:53 that I need . It lasts for about three months
07:56 . Each bottle is over $100 that's not covered by
08:00 my insurance deductibles are not to be confused with premiums
08:08 . The premium is the total cost of your plan
08:11 . A deductible is the amount you have to pay
08:14 before your insurance will start covering your medical expenses .
08:21 Maybe you have a $500 deductible . That means you
08:24 have to spend $500 before the insurance company starts covering
08:29 expenses . You might have a high premium with a
08:35 low deductible or a low premium with a high deductible
08:39 . In short health insurance companies are running a business
08:43 and they have to make money . Yeah . Yeah
08:50 . Mhm . Yeah . Yeah . Yeah . With
09:03 premiums deductibles co pays and out of pocket expenses .
09:07 You don't want to get sick . It's expensive .
09:11 Well the good news is that many preventive health care
09:14 services are covered under a plan . For example ,
09:18 we don't have copays when we get our flu shot
09:20 and we don't pay extra when we go for our
09:24 yearly eye exam or when we go for dental cleanings
09:28 twice a year . Keeping people healthy , avoids bigger
09:32 costs right ? But everyone gets sick now and then
09:37 injuries happen . Health problems arise especially as you get
09:41 older . What do you do if you don't have
09:45 private health insurance ? We have one federal program called
09:51 Medicare . It's mainly for the elderly . So if
09:54 you're over 65 you're entitled to Medicare . And if
09:59 you have some kind of disability you can get coverage
10:02 from Medicare . Those over 65 likely contributed earlier when
10:09 they were younger and paid taxes . So coverage and
10:14 retirement makes sense . Most everyone agrees . Even on
10:19 Medicare you'll have premiums deductibles and co pays at least
10:24 that's what I understand . If you can't afford there's
10:28 additional expenses . Then there's Medicaid . Medicaid is another
10:33 government program . It's a federal and state program that
10:37 offers financial assistance to low income patients . Yeah .
10:49 Yeah mm . Mhm . In the U . S
10:59 . We have a law that allows everyone to get
11:02 medical treatment in an emergency situation regardless of their ability
11:07 to pay mm . Tala stands for Emergency Medical Treatment
11:13 and Labour Act . It's a law that says you
11:16 have to give a patient any patient access to emergency
11:21 services . So here's how I understand the law .
11:26 Under um tele Medicare participating hospitals with emergency services must
11:31 screen all patients coming to the emergency room . The
11:35 er then if there is an emergency condition , the
11:40 hospital must treat and stabilize the patient . So there
11:44 should be no patient dumping . But um Tala does
11:47 not necessarily require ongoing care . Once a hospital has
11:52 met its um Talal obligations , it's no longer obligated
11:56 to provide services to that patient . The challenge with
12:02 this kind of law is funding Costs and charges are
12:07 two different things . Hospital may not charge a patient
12:12 for a service , but there's still a cost to
12:15 the hospital . How much can be given for free
12:19 before hospital doesn't have enough money to cover its expenses
12:24 and pay its employees . The government has a set
12:29 amount of money for health care . How should that
12:32 money be managed ? The um tele law ties into
12:37 the issue of ethics , ethics has to do with
12:40 what is morally right and wrong . Health care is
12:45 a business in any business faces the challenge of managing
12:49 finances while still being ethical . But can a healthcare
12:54 facilities stay in business if too many services are given
12:57 for free ? Yeah . Mm . Yeah . Health
13:17 care almost always makes the news headlines . There are
13:20 often new policies , new proposals and new controversial cases
13:25 that make us question how we can improve our current
13:28 health care system . Some believe the current system has
13:33 some good aspects and it simply needs to be improved
13:36 and fixed in certain areas . Others say the current
13:41 system doesn't work . It needs to be replaced with
13:44 universal healthcare for all residents in the US . You'll
13:48 hear these people talk about the need for a complete
13:51 overhaul . That's a complete change . Many of the
13:58 2020 . US . Democratic presidential candidates have very progressive
14:02 proposals . A number of them want Medicare for all
14:06 , a government run program . This would mean no
14:11 more private insurance companies . Americans would pay taxes and
14:15 taxes would cover medical services for everyone under Medicare for
14:21 all hospitals , clinics and pharmacies would receive payment from
14:25 one pair the government . So you'll hear the term
14:29 single payer healthcare . Some candidates are proposing more moderate
14:36 versions of this reform so that americans could keep their
14:39 health insurance coverage through their employers and still work with
14:44 private insurance companies . So some are proposing Medicare for
14:50 all who want it . You'd still have the option
14:53 to work with a private insurer , you'd still have
14:55 the option to keep insurance through your employer . The
15:01 public option allows people to buy in if they want
15:04 to . At least . That's how I understand it
15:08 again . Health care is confusing so I apologize for
15:11 any inaccuracies . I'm explaining the concepts as I understand
15:16 them . We had a degree of reform under President
15:20 Obama when the Affordable Care Act was created , that
15:24 was back in 2010 and it was created to expand
15:28 coverage to those who were without any . One of
15:33 the controversial ideas has been to require or mandate that
15:37 everyone has to have insurance . If you don't buy
15:40 in , you have to pay a penalty . The
15:44 logic is that everyone has to buy in or pay
15:47 the penalty . So there should be enough money to
15:50 cover the treatment of those who need it . But
15:55 this is one point that causes arguments . The young
15:58 and healthy have less need for health insurance and medical
16:01 services in general . So they may wish to live
16:04 without insurance and avoid unnecessary costs . Is it right
16:09 to create a universal health care system and require everyone
16:13 to participate ? Mm mm . Yeah . So I've
16:33 mentioned the Medicare for All plan . It's a universal
16:36 health care system and there are at least two ways
16:39 of looking at it . On the one hand ,
16:42 everyone gets coverage , those who need medical services received
16:46 those services . On the other hand , everyone is
16:49 required to buy in to contribute tax dollars . So
16:54 essentially it also means that healthy people are paying for
16:57 others medical expenses , arguments arise over how much each
17:04 person should contribute . Should people with higher incomes pay
17:08 more ? How much more ? What's fair ? Low
17:13 income households are unable to contribute as much . Yet
17:16 households with a higher income might argue that they are
17:20 being asked to shoulder too much of the burden .
17:23 This is especially true of the middle or upper middle
17:26 class . Some politicians argue that although people would be
17:31 paying higher taxes , their health care costs would be
17:34 lower . With things balance out . In the end
17:38 , would they be better ? Would they be worse
17:43 ? Plenty of residents and citizens have come from other
17:46 countries . Countries with state run healthcare systems and there
17:50 are mixed opinions . On the one hand , countries
17:54 with universal healthcare systems don't have to deal with all
17:58 the paperwork and billing issues that we americans do because
18:02 of our private insurance companies . On the other hand
18:05 , there are stories of longer wait times at the
18:08 doctor's office or just to schedule appointments and services .
18:14 There's a question of quality care . Would a government
18:18 run healthcare system be able to pay medical professionals well
18:23 if doctors and nurses and other health care professionals aren't
18:27 paid well , will they have enough incentive to perform
18:31 well every day and with every patient I'll end here
18:38 . There's a lot to think about . I welcome
18:40 you to post opinions and the comments but I ask
18:43 that everyone expressed ideas respectfully . Let's be open to
18:47 hearing different points of view as we continue this discussion
18:53 . If you found this lesson useful then please like
18:56 this video and don't forget to subscribe . If you'd
18:59 like to talk about health care or any other topic
19:02 with me one on one , you can book a
19:04 30 minute lesson . The link is in the video
19:07 description as always . Thanks for watching and happy studies
19:13 . Follow me and gain more practice on facebook and
19:16 twitter . I also have new videos on instagram if
19:21 you haven't already subscribe to my channel so you get
19:24 notification of every new video I upload to Youtube .
19:33 Mm



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